This Plugin is used to install and activate multiple plugins in one go. I was facing problem uploading plugins one by one so I developed this to solve my problem. Hope you will enjoy using this plugin.

=== Bulk Plugin Installer === 
Contributors: jawadarshad
Donate link:
Tags: bulk plugin installer, import multiple plugins, upload multiple plugins, bulk plugins uploader
Requires at least: 4.3
Tested up to: 6.0.2
Stable tag: 1.0.0
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

This plugin is created to save the time of installing plugin one by one. All you have to do is Install Plugin, Drag & Drop your plugins at once and press activate.

== Description ==

This great plugin allows you to install bulk plugins at a time rather than going through a process of uploading, installing and activating bulk plugins. All you need to do it drag and drop or upload multiple plugins and press install & Activate button and all those plugins will be installed and activated for you. 

== Features ==

Upload multiple plugins and install and activate in just one click
remove plugins if any wrong file is uploaded
Auto correct plugin file name
prevent same plugin to install twice

== Screenshots ==

1. Menu Location
2. Main Plugin Dashboard
3. Upload files and press activate and install

== Installation ==

= Manual Install =
1. Upload `bulk-plugin-installer.php` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress

= WordPress Install =
1. Go to plugins/Add New
2. Click on Upload
3. Select file from your system
4. Click Install
5. Click Activate

== Changelog ==

= Version 1.0.3 =

* Fix Version 3.0 issue to activate plugin
* Default message if version is less than  3.0
* fix issue related duplicate plugins with diffrent names

= Version 1.0.2 =

* Update screenshots, banner and icon

= Version 1.0.1 =

* Fixes Update plugin issue

= Version 1.0.0 =

* Initial release

== Upgrade Notice ==

For better performance please upgrade quickly.

== Arbitrary section 1 ==
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