620 Repositories
PHP cake-plugin Libraries
Wordpress advance plugin with multi purposes features like live chat, custom post type, custom forms, word count etc
What is this? This is wordpress plugin which is created for the multi purpose uses. How to use? Simply install the plugin. Go to the plugin settigs pa
Rafa Cake and Bakery is a web-based application project that aims to introduce Rafa Cake and Bakery, introduce what products are sold and can also order them via Whatsapp.
Rafa-cake-and-bakery Rafa Cake and Bakery is a web-based application project that aims to introduce Rafa Cake and Bakery, introduce what products are
Pocketmine BadWord Blocker Plugin. (API 4)
BadWord Pocketmine BadWord Blocker Plugin. (API 4) Usage Go to plugin_data/BadWord/data.yml You can set bad words from inside the data.yml file Badwor
WordPress plugin working (almost) like a child theme.
Step child Description TL;DR: WordPress plugin working (almost) like a child theme. Sometimes the project you're thrown into doesn't have a child them
Victor The Cleaner for Composer - This tool removes unnecessary files and directories from Composer vendor directory.
Victor The Cleaner for Composer This tool removes unnecessary files and directories from Composer vendor directory. The Cleaner leaves only directorie
This plugin help us to remove the unused file or directories in vendor
Composer Ignore Plugin This plugin help us to remove the unused file or directories in vendor. Installation Both global or local install can work well
A media picker plugin for Filament Admin.
Filament Curator A media picker plugin for Filament Admin. ‼️ This package is still in development ‼️ This package does not work with Spatie Media Lib
A PocketMine-MP plugin that allows you to mute players permanently and for a specific time.
BetterMute - v1.1.1 A PocketMine-MP plugin that allows you to mute players permanently and for a specific time. Features easy mute players permanent o
Most advanced Anti-VPN plugin for PocketMine-MP
VPNProtect Are banned players joining back on different IPs each time and you have no idea how to stop them? Have you been tired of constantly needing
Given When Then (GWT) Plugin for Pest
Given When Then (GWT) Plugin for Pest A simple API allows you to structure your tests focused on the behaviour. Given-When-Then separation makes the t
Pocketmine-MP plugin in 4.0.0
NukePlugin Pocketmine-MP plugin in 4.0.0 the plugin was created inspired by the nuke of call of duty, this is perfect for Kitpvp servers or factions!
A Pocketmine 4.0 Plugin which makes your server query = Current players + 1 Total Slots
The Better-Query Plugin This Plugin implements Better Query System **(i.e. 0/1 as player count)** the server total slots increases by 1 after a player
sGallery Plugin for attaching Images and Video clips (YouTube) to a resource in the Evolution CMS admin panel.
sGallery for Evolution CMS 3 sGallery Plugin for attaching Images and Video clips (YouTube) to a resource in the Evolution CMS admin panel. Features U
This plugin was created to help you migrate your existing gallery from your old site.
WP Migrate Gallery 1. Steps to Import Gallery 1.1. Install ACF PRO 1.2. Create CPT Gallery 1.3. Create Gallery Taxomy 1.4. Copy Gallery media files to
A simple pocketmine plugin to chat by worlds on your server!
WorldChat Fix Per World Chat plugin for PocketMine-MP API 4.0 Category PocketMine-MP plugins | Php 8 Requirements PocketMine-MP API 4.0.0 and PHP 8 or
Simple WordPress plugin to learn how to understand WordPress Crons and the Action Scheduler library.
Simple WordPress plugin to learn how to understand WordPress Crons and the Action Scheduler library. Import Jamendo playlists with tracks in WordPress posts.
A plugin for PocketMine-MP improves items.
AdvancedItem ✨ A plugin for PocketMine-MP that improves items. Featured Change name of item Edit lore in line like MyItem Spigot Duplicate the item on
Wordpress/Elementor Plugin to list files from any folder
File List - Wordpress/Elementor Plugin Elementor plugin to generate a file list from an existing folder and rendering .index.html files as headers. Ge
LDFx is the ultimate essentials plugin for PM4!
LDFx LDFx is the ultimate essentials plugin for PM4! Does it work? As it everything on the todo & implemented list is work Todo & Implemented NickName
A PocketMine-MP plugin that counts the played time of players.
PlayedTime - v0.0.1 BETA VERSION! This is a test/beta version of PlayedTime. It can contain bugs and not fully tested things. A plugins that allows yo
🦭 Kirby, but headless only – KQL with bearer token, Express-esque middlewares & more
Kirby Headless Starter ℹ️ Send a Bearer test authorization header with a request to the live playground to test this headless starter. This starter ki
PocketMine-MP plugin that adds new blocks to the server!
CustomBlockLoader PocketMine-MP plugin that adds new blocks to the server! Reference This plugin is experimental. We are not responsible for any probl
Powerful land plugin, based on PMMP.
iLand Powerful land plugin, based on PMMP Features Land management with Form UI The border of the selected land Custom land settings Customize the per
Adds support for quickly adding a "snow day" banner at the top of a website.
❄️ Snow Day Plugin 🚨 Requires OctoberCMS 2.0 ✨ What does this plugin do? Provides the ability to quickly add a cross-site banner using a component. ❓
cve-2021-38314 - Unauthenticated Sensitive Information Disclosure
cve-2021-38314 - Unauthenticated Sensitive Information Disclosure The Gutenberg Template Library & Redux Framework plugin = 4.2.11 for WordPress regi
High performance mine reset plugin for PocketMine-MP 4.0.0
MineReset38 High performance mine reset plugin for PocketMine-MP 4.0.0 Unlike other plugins, this plugin is not threaded but asynchronous. When a mine
Extends the Debug Bar plugin for the Sophi.io Site Automation service.
Debug Bar for Sophi Extends the Debug Bar plugin for the Sophi.io Site Automation service. Requirements PHP 7.4+ WordPress 5.6+ Sophi 1.1.0+ Debug Bar
BetterMobs is a plugin Remixed, by MadoxMC, the original plugin is maked by tgwaste.
BetterMobs is a plugin Remixed, by MadoxMC, the original plugin is maked by tgwaste. MadoxMC Just Edited This plugin to Make 3 Compatible Plugins to add Mobs on your Overworld Worlds, NetherWorlds & EndWorlds, MadoxMC Idea.
Simple WordPress plugin starter framework.
WordPress Plugin Starter This is the official WordPress plugin starter framework for Highfivery. The purpose behind it is to improve the quality of th
This plugin can be embedded in PHP application to give the web application specific routes/href
Routes Plugin PHP This plugin can be embedded in PHP application to give the web application specific routes/href location and for entering specific/l
Webman plugin workbunny/webman-nacos
webman-nacos webman的nacos-client插件包 简介 目前这套代码在我司生产环境运行,我会做及时的维护; 整体代码与Tinywan/nacos差不多,但实现思路不一样,主要体现在配置的同步处理上; nacos的配置监听项采用了服务端长轮询,有点类似于stream_select
Nagios/Icinga plugin for checking SATEON field network device status
check_sateon Nagios/Icinga plugin for checking SATEON field network device status Max.Fischer dev@monologic.ru Tested on CentOS GNU/Linux 6.5 with Ici
Instantly connects the Subtext text messaging service with Paid Memberships Pro.
Google Analytics 4 (GA4) AMP support WordPress plugin
Google Analytics 4 (GA4) AMP support WordPress plugin. Download from WordPress About Google Analytics 4 (GA4) AMP support WordPress plugin. Contributi
Keyword Generator Tool helps you discover keyword opportunities related to your query input.
This plugin simply helps you discover keyword opportunities related to your query input. Installation Download the zip file of the repository or clone
BetterMobs - a plugin Remixed, by MadoxMC, the original plugin is maked by tgwaste
BetterMobsOverworld BetterMobs is a plugin Remixed, by MadoxMC, the original plugin is maked by tgwaste. MadoxMC Just Edited This plugin to Make 3 Compatible Plugins to add Mobs on your Overworld Worlds, NetherWorlds & EndWorlds, MadoxMC Idea.
This WordPress Plugin Boilerplate is meant for you to develop your own plugin on.
WordPress Plugin Boilerplate This plugin boilerplate is meant for you to develop your own plugin on. Support & collaboration Features OOP plugin core
A Laravel 9, Vite, Svelte SPA, Tailwind CSS (w/ Forms Plugin & Aspect Ratio Plugin), Axios & TypeScript starter template.
Laravel 9 + Vite + Svelte + Tailwind CSS This starter template includes: Laravel 9 Vite Svelte Tailwind CSS (w/ @tailwindcss/forms and @tailwindcss/as
Extends the Debug Bar plugin for the Sophi.io service
Debug Bar for Sophi.io Extends the Debug Bar plugin for the Sophi.io service Requirements PHP 7.4+ WordPress 5.6+ Sophi.io 1.1.0+ Debug Bar 1.0+ Insta
WordPress Notification plugin
Notification This is the public repository for Notification - the WordPress plugin. This plugin allow you to send custom notifications about various e
DropItem3D - PocketMine-MP plugin to be able to see drop items realistic.
DropItem3D - PocketMine-MP plugin to be able to see drop items realistic.
Type and shape system for arrays. Help write clearer code when implementing configs for your PocketMine-MP plugin or composer project.
ConfigStruct Type and shape system for arrays. Help write clearer code when implementing configs for your PocketMine-MP plugin or composer project. It
Download this Plugin and you will have Hive MC server in your own!
Your-Own-Hive Version: v1.9.0 Murder Mystery Update Next Update: Survival Games This Plugin has all the essentials with HiveMC! Updates Every Day! Pla
Warp iMagick – WordPress Plugin: Compress, Sharpen, Optimize Image, Convert WebP, Resize on Upload
Warp-iMagick – WordPress Plugin: Compress & Optimize Images. On-Site, No-Cloud, No-Optimizaton-Service & Signup. Convert WebP On-Upload, On-Regenerate, On Demand (soon). Set JPEG Quality and Sharpness. Set Big Image Threshold and Resize on Upload.
Create custom WordPress routes and redirects, restrict access by roles and/or capabilities. Routes made simple
Create custom WordPress routes and redirects, restrict access by roles and/or capabilities. Routes made simple
WP Local Analytics plugin. - run user analytics within your system and track user data inside your database.
WP Local Analytics plugin. - run user analytics within your system and track user data inside your database.
Yet another asynchronous permission management plugin for PocketMine-MP.
GroupsAPI Yet another asynchronous permission management plugin for PocketMine-MP. Features Developer-friendly API Temporary rank/group support Multip
A good plugin to play a sound when the player hits the enemy's head
HeadshotSound A good plugin to play a sound when the player hits the enemy's head. How to use Hit the player with a snowball, egg and bow in the head
WordPress Feature Project: Plugin Dependencies
WordPress Feature Project: Plugin Dependencies Contributors: afragen, costdev Description: Parses 'Requires Plugins' header, add plugin install depend
JSON Web Token (JWT) for webman plugin
JSON Web Token (JWT) for webman plugin Json web token (JWT), 是为了在网络应用环境间传递声明而执行的一种基于JSON的开放标准((RFC 7519).该token被设计为紧凑且安全的,特别适用于分布式站点的单点登录(SSO)场景。
A skywar minegames plugin for PocketMine API 4.0
A skywar minegames plugin for PocketMine API 4.0
An ultimate troll plugin for PocketMine-MP
LMAO An ultimate troll plugin for PocketMine-MP Feature Feature Description Alone Hides every player, let them feed alone Burn Burn the player FakeOp
BedrockEssentials is plugin for PMMP4.
BedrockEssentials BedrockEssentials is plugin for PMMP4. [Work in progress] Features Commands: /sethome /delhome /home /homes /tpa /tpaccept /tpall ..
Plugin allowing to integrate marketing automation made by ActiveCampaign in Sylius.
The SyliusActiveCampaignPlugin takes care of creating and updating contacts, connections, orders, and abandoned carts on ActiveCampaign.
Chargily ePay Gateway (WooCommerce Plugin)
Chargily ePay Gateway Donate link: https://epay.chargily.com/ chargily, payment, paiement, epay, cib, cibweb, edahabia, algerie, poste, satim, gie, mo
Magento2 Plugin for Conversion Pixel/API of Tiktok
Tiktok Conversion Pixel Analytics Plugin Magento2 Table of Contents About Getting Started About Tiktok Pixel is the Plugin used to track events, which
Kirby 3 Plugin to use free and paid API of Seobility.net
Kirby 3 Seobility Kirby 3 Plugin to use free and paid API of Seobility.net Commercial Usage Support open source! This plugin is free but if you use it
Helper plugin to install SilverStripe recipes
SilverStripe recipe-plugin Introduction This plugin enhances composer and allows for the installation of "silverstripe-recipe" packages. These recipes
Purpose of plugin
Overview Purpose of plugin The magento/composer-root-update-plugin Composer plugin resolves changes that need to be made to the root project composer.
CoreShop - Pimcore eCommerce
CoreShop - Pimcore eCommerce CoreShop is a eCommerce Platform for Pimcore. Requirements Pimcore ^10.3 Installation Allow dev version to be installed:
A plugin simplify 1v1 mode for Pocketmine-MP!
A plugin simplify 1v1 mode for Pocketmine-MP!
Prevent none-test output in your Pest tests.
Pest Plugin Silence Often, when writing tests, we echo and dump test code to debug and check everything is working correctly. It can be easy to forget
This plugin integrates OAuth2 functionality into Guzzle Bundle
Guzzle Bundle OAuth2 Plugin This plugin integrates OAuth2 functionality into Guzzle Bundle, a bundle for building RESTful web service clients. Prerequ
A PocketMine-MP plugin which allows the users to edit no permission message of commands
CommandPermissionMessage A PocketMine-MP plugin which allows the users to edit no permission message of commands Have you ever got bored by the red me
A PocketMine-MP plugin for logging Exceptions to a Sentry server
Sentry A PocketMine-MP plugin for logging Exceptions to a Sentry server. Asynchronous logging If you want to log exceptions in a thread-safe way, you
A ChatClear Plugin for PocketMine-MP
A ChatClear Plugin for PocketMine-MP
Enables full-text search capabilities in Winter.
Search Plugin Adds full-text searching capabilities to Winter, built on the foundations of Laravel Scout. The plugin acts primarily as a wrapper for L
Maintenance alerts free and open source WordPress plugin.
This plugin shows the website maintenance scheduled information to the visitors on the top of the website. WordPress site administrator can create a top bar alert with the scheduled maintenance date and time and enable to show the alert on the top of the site.
QR Tips is a Wordpress plugin that generates a QR code for sending a tip via MultiSafepay
QR Tips is a Wordpress plugin that generates a QR code for sending a tip via MultiSafepay
Divi Migration Tools - A simple plugin to assist in the conversion of Divi to WordPress.
Divi Migration Tools Different criteria to migrate the Divi shortcodes. Migrate the following Divi shortcodes to Gutenberg blocks 🙌 [et_pb_video] It
Simply removes the applcation's front-end and redirects it to the admin area.
Simply removes the application's front-end and redirects it to the admin area.
Provides the ability to notify developers of error logs via email or SMS.
🔔 Dev Notify Plugin 🚨 Requires OctoberCMS 2.0 ✨ What does this plugin do? Provides the ability to notify developers of error logs via email or SMS.
plugin de criação de PDF através do HTML fácil
pluginmpdf plugin de criação de PDF através do HTML Para inciar nosso pluginmpdf devemos instalar a lib abaixo. mPDF is a PHP library which generates
NoFly is a PocketMine-MP plugin that doesn't allow the player to fly
NoFly is a PocketMine-MP plugin that doesn't allow the player to fly
DepDrop widget is a Yii 2 wrapper for the dependent-dropdown jQuery plugin by Krajee.
yii2-widget-depdrop The DepDrop widget is a Yii 2 wrapper for the dependent-dropdown jQuery plugin by Krajee. This plugin allows multi level dependent
Front-end user management for October CMS
Front-end user plugin Front-end user management for October CMS. Requirements This plugin requires the Ajax Framework to be included in your layout/pa
🎨 Free custom elements for the WordPress plugin Oxygen Builder.
🎨 Custom Elements for Oxygen Builder Free custom elements for the WordPress plugin Oxygen Builder. If you find the elements useful, click on the star
A PocketMine-MP plugin that lets you teleport among offline players
OfflinePlayerTP A PocketMine-MP plugin that lets you teleport among offline players. Commands Command Description /otp player Teleport to (offline)
The plugin generates posts/pages. Useful to generate millions of records in wp_posts table
KAGG Generator The plugin generates posts/pages. Useful to generate millions of records in wp_posts table. In WordPress development, sometimes it is n
An ultimate troll plugin for PocketMine-MP
LMAO An ultimate troll plugin for PocketMine-MP Feature Feature Description Alone Hides every player, let them feed alone Burn Burn the player FakeOp
An authorization library that supports access control models like ACL, RBAC, ABAC for webman plugin
An authorization library that supports access control models like ACL, RBAC, ABAC for webman plugin
Composer Registrar Composer Plugin for Magento 2
This module add a global registration.php that replace the default glob search performed for each request to discover the components not installed from composer.
Wordpress plugin to build a book (or whatever) search front-end for LBRY blockchain
Wordpress plugin to build a book (or whatever) search front-end for LBRY blockchain!
Retry Plugin for EightPointsGuzzleBundle
GuzzleBundleRetryPlugin Requirements PHP 7.3 or above Guzzle Bundle Guzzle Retry middleware Installation Using composer: composer.json { "require"
A plugin to make Nextcloud compatible with Solid
solid-nextcloud A plugin to make Nextcloud compatible with Solid.
Enhanced Yii2 wrapper for the bootstrap timepicker plugin
yii2-widget-timepicker The TimePicker widget allows you to easily select a time for a text input using your mouse or keyboards arrow keys. The widget
Infection Static Analysis Plugin
Static analysis on top of mutation testing - prevents escaped mutants from being invalid according to static analysis
This plugin adds basic HTTP requests functionality to Pest tests, using minicli/curly
Curly Pest Plugin This plugin adds basic HTTP requests functionality to Pest tests, using minicli/curly. Installation composer require minicli/pest-pl
A TheBridge Plugin For PocketMine-MP
TheBridge A TheBridge Plugin For PocketMine-MP Command Description Permission /tb create Create new arena. thebridge.set /tb delete Delete arena. theb
New Form API plugin for PocketMine-MP +4.0.0
There are many Form API plugins available for PocketMine-MP, however
Centralized dashboard to monitor various WordPress components, stats and data, including the server.
Centralized dashboard to monitor various WordPress components, stats and data, including the server.
The image server plugin allows you to add responsive images via config without extra elements
Grav image server plugin adds picture tag with loading, responsive, high density images
ClientInfo plugin for PocketMine-MP 4!
ClientInfo ClientInfo plugin for PocketMine-MP 4! ClientInfo Commands Default command Parameter Description Default Permission /clientrequest Request
Plugin for Woocommerce that enables Visanet's Cybersource payment gateway as a payment method in your website checkout
Plugin for Woocommerce that enables Visanet's Cybersource payment gateway as a payment method in your website checkout
A WordPress plugin that displays proxied war news from the free world to Russian IP address visitors with option to block further access.
A WordPress plugin that displays proxied war news from the free world to Russian IP address visitors with option to block further access.
MineEarn - A PocketMine-MP plugin that can earn by mining
MineEarn A PocketMine-MP plugin that can earn by mining Features Custom items. Per world support with permission. Supports & as formatting codes. Ligh
A talismans plugin like hypixel
A talismans plugin like hypixel
Plugin Notify OP Or Staff Has Permission antixraype.check when someone breaks ore
General Plugin Notify OP Or Staff Has Permission antixraype.check when someone breaks ore If the message repeats many times, check if the player is us
This composer installer plugin allows for easy installation of PHP_CodeSniffer coding standards
PHP_CodeSniffer Standards Composer Installer Plugin This composer installer plugin allows for easy installation of PHP_CodeSniffer coding standards (r
WP Local Analytics plugin
WP Local Analytics plugin. run user analytics within your system and track user data inside your database. Installing Go to the plugin page from the W