Laravel Forum


No taking care of this package anymore.

Socieboy Forum

Package for Laravel 5.2

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  • Create conversations.
  • Reply existing conversations.
  • Support for gravatar and custom avatars.
  • Fire email to the conversation owner when some user left a reply.
  • Broadcast notifications to the conversation owner when someone left a reply.
  • Include LESS files.


1.- Add to composer.json file the package

"socieboy/forum" : "2.0.*"

2.- After installing this package, you have to set the service provider on your config/app.php file


3.- Publish the forum config file on your config folder and publish the default template to your resources/assets/less/ folder, hit the follow command.

php artisan vendor:publish

4.- Create migrations for the forum, make sure you have a migration already created for users. (Before to do this step, you may want to add a prefix to your forum database tables, see the config file)

php artisan forum:migrate

This command will create the migration files, for conversations, replies, and like_replies. Then just execute your migration:

php artisan migrate



The forum provides a simple custom template, this is published on the resources/assets directory, feel free to edit.

On the config/forum.php file, set the right information of your app.


This is the master template view of your project:

'template'  => 'app',

The key content is the name of your yield tag on your master template file where you would like to display the forum:

'content'   => 'content',

With those values the forum can be adapted to your project really easily and match your application design.


Define the array of topics for your forum. Now you can define the key for the topic, give a name and the representative icon for the topic, you can use any font class of your preference here. Also you can set the representative color for this topic in the las parameter (color is optional).

'topics' => [
    'general' => [
        'name' => 'General',
        'icon' => 'fa fa-tags',
        'color' => 'rgb(78, 137, 218)'


Customize your own prefix for the forum database tables.

'database' => [
    'prefix' => 'forum'

User settings

The user configuration with the forum includes.

The model key, set the namespace + class name of your users model. By default is App\User as Laravel uses.

'model' => \App\User::class,

The username key is the field on your users table that would be used to display the name of the user who post a conversation/reply. You can set any field like email, username, full_name, name, etc, (Must be a field on your users table).

'username' => 'name',

Do you have avatars for the users on your project? (Set the key avatar to true if you want to use avatars).

'avatar' => true,

If you prefer to use gravatar for your avatars set the key gravatar to true.

'gravatar' => true,

If you want to use your own avatars, then define the field on your users table where the url to the image (avatar) is stored.

'user-avatar' => 'avatar',

Include link to profile users.

'profile' => true,

By default the forum include a simple user profile. If you want to implement your own just set the route name on this key, the route should receive one parameter as slug.

'profile-route' => 'forum.user.profile'

Specify the column of the users table that will be used as slug, by default the forum use the user id.

'profile-slug' => 'id',

Now if the user is not log in, the button for start a conversation will redirect the user to your login page, just set the url of your login page in this key.

'auth' => [
    'login-url' => 'auth/login'

If you want you can change the icons to do like and choose the best answer on replies.

'icons' => [
    'tags'              => 'glyphicon glyphicon-tags',
    'like'              => 'glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-up',
    'correct-answer'    => 'glyphicon glyphicon-ok',
    'edit'              => 'glyphicon glyphicon-pencil',
    'delete'            => 'glyphicon glyphicon-trash'
    'home'              => 'glyphicon glyphicon-home',


On the array emails are 4 different values.

The key fire is set by the default false, no email would be fired when someone left a reply. Change to true if you want to implement fire emails to the conversation owner when some user left a reply.

'fire' => false,

The from key is the email of the admin of your app or whatever account that would be used to send the emails.

'from' => '',

The from-name key is the real name of the administrator of the forum or who is going to send the emails.

'from-name' => '',

Finally just set the subject for the emails fired.

'subject' => 'My app Forum - you have a new reply on your post',


When some user left a reply on the conversation, starts a new conversation or marks a reply as the best answer, an event will fire and broadcast depending on your settings..

The key fire is set by the default true. As long as it is true, an event will be fired for new replies, new conversations and choosing a best answer.

'fire' => true,

Set the key broadcast to true on the forum config file and also add your Pusher keys to the broadcasting config file of Laravel. Once set to true, the events will also send out broadcasts that you can pick up.

'broadcast' => false,

Also on the bottom of you app or where your scripts section is located add this code.


Now that's it, easy and you are ready to go!


  • English
  • Spanish
  • Danish
  • French
  • Arabic

If you want to contribute in this package with your native language copy the folder src/Lang/en/ translate all keys to your language and send a pull request.

  • undefined method during vendor publish

    undefined method during vendor publish

    Hey, am receiving this error when trying to publish the package

    Call to undefined method Illuminate\Foundation\Application::bindShared()

    I think it changes to app->singleton or something like that. How can we make this work?

    opened by z1haze 19
  • Some updates

    Some updates

    Before I start, I want to make it clear, I will be willing to add these and do a PR, but want to make sure you're on board first.

    • new events
      • trigger events on conversation start and on best answer selection
    • allow editing of existing posts/replies
    • order comments from oldest to newest.

    Also, not sure why the text for conversations and replies are links that dont actually point to an anchor tag. Same is true for the reply textarea. So it keeps forcing the page to the top for no reason.

    opened by stygiansabyss 16
  • Start Conversation

    Start Conversation

    I'am getting error when I run queue:listen after creation of new conversation.

    [InvalidArgumentException] No handler registered for command [Socieboy\Forum\Jobs\Conversations\StartConversation]

    opened by sugunak 3
  • Import Illuminate Controller instead of App namespaced Controller

    Import Illuminate Controller instead of App namespaced Controller

    This is my first time making a pull request, so sorry if I’m not doing it right or on the right branch.

    You’re importing \App\Http\Controllers\Controller, which won’t work if the user has their application namespace set to something else like I do. Importing the Illuminate base controller fixes this.

    opened by kylewardnz 3
  • Feat db prefix

    Feat db prefix

    First of all: I really appreciate you putting this package out here in the open source world. So big thumbs up.

    Now, I've might have gone a little overboard with this PR. Basicly I wanted to add the ability to use a prefix for database table names. Instead of having replies floating around in your database, you will now have the ability to prefix it from the configuration file with fx. "forum", so it will be named forum_replies.

    I started adding the functionality and sort of cleaned up some of the code. There was some inconsistency in terms of indentation etc, so I ended up cleaning all of the code. Some changes might be because of my OCD. Sorry.

    I thought I would create this PR so you could give me a response. Changes of this size would maybe be better just to create my own package, but since I'm still using 99% of your work, yeah ..

    Changes made:

    • Syntastic sugar (PSR-2 and stuff)
    • Added a BaseModel to add the database table prefix to the $table property. The entities will extend upon the BaseModel instead of the Model from Eloquent.
    • Edited files where the table name where hardcoded to instead read from config (forum.database.prefix)
    opened by ThomasBS 3
  • PostReply issue

    PostReply issue

    FatalErrorException in PostReply.php line 14: Class 'Socieboy\Forum\Jobs\Replies\Job' not found

    I use this class: // use Illuminate \ Queue \ Jobs \ Job; but also still it has problems..

    opened by gealberto 3
  • Replies


    Hi, firstly, this looks amazing, and just what I need to drop into the Laravel site I'm working on. Only a minor request, I wonder if str_plural could be used on the "replies" count, for the correct "reply" if a post has one reply.

    opened by lethality 2
  • Issue


    Hello, already upgrade to laravel 5.1, but I have the following error when I try to show the forum

    ErrorException in FileViewFinder.php line 137: View [app] not found. (View: C:\xampp\htdocs\foro\vendor\socieboy\forum\src\Views\index.blade.php)

    in FileViewFinder.php line 137 at CompilerEngine->handleViewException(object(InvalidArgumentException), '1') in PhpEngine.php line 42 at PhpEngine->evaluatePath('C:\xampp\htdocs\foro\storage\framework\views/1e19bd29b00ae667849c827162a76c57', array('__env' => object(Factory), 'app' => object(Application), 'template' => 'app', 'content' => 'content', 'errors' => object(ViewErrorBag), 'conversations' => object(LengthAwarePaginator))) in CompilerEngine.php line 58 at CompilerEngine->get('C:\xampp\htdocs\foro\vendor\socieboy\forum\src\Providers/../Views/index.blade.php', array('__env' => object(Factory), 'app' => object(Application), 'template' => 'app', 'content' => 'content', 'errors' => object(ViewErrorBag), 'conversations' => object(LengthAwarePaginator))) in View.php line 137 at View->getContents() in View.php line 106 at View->renderContents() in View.php line 80

    opened by gealberto 2
  • Edit Reply not working

    Edit Reply not working

    Hey guys... i'm new to laravel...When you try to edit a reply, in the edit modal it shows you the message of the first reply in that conversation and when you try to edit actually posts but update doesn't go to the intended This happens for every reply in a particular conversation.You can try to edit any reply and it will only view and edit the first reply on the thread. i tried to use but the same problem is also there

    Please help out

    opened by theInscriber 1
  • Login and Styles not working

    Login and Styles not working

    I am using custom package to handle laravel authentication for users by intrip, how can i make this work with this package? Also the styles are not working

    opened by gamingumar 1
  • More events?

    More events?

    Is it possible to add an event when a conversation is created and one for when a reply is marked as the correct answer? I would like to plug some listeners into these events to send an update to slack. Thanks!

    opened by stygiansabyss 1
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