SilverStripe live templates - Speed up development with SilverStripe live templates for PhpStorm and WebStorm


SilverStripe live templates

My collection of live templates for WebStorm and PhpStorm, following PSR-2, using PHPDoc, and utilizing PHP 5.4 array shorthand syntax. These templates do not attempt cover every field, variable, nor function, but are a collection of snippets that I frequently use in my daily work. Feel free to open issues to suggest additional templates.


Download and place the template files inside your IDE's templates/ folder. Where the folder is located depends on the version and type of IDE you are using. Consult this IntelliJ article on where you'll find yours if below table does not work. Restart your IDE after placing the files in the templates folder.

OS Path
Windows \. \config\templates
Linux ~\. \config\templates
OS X ~/Library/Preferences/ /templates

Direct links to specific template files:

Or you can cd to templates/ directory and run:

git clone .

Then optionally remove the unused files by doing something like rm -rf .git and rm if you don't want them in there.


When editing a PHP file you can simply type in the short code for the live template and then hit the "Choose lookup Item Replace" keymap binding (tab by default). For example, typing in aa then hitting tab, would expand aa into the following and leaving your cursor in between the single quotes:

 * @var array
private static $allowed_actions = [

List of available templates and their contents


Direct link to the live template file:

cbf (check box field)

CheckboxField::create('$NAME$', $LABEL$)$END$

ddf (drop down field)


df (date field)

DateField::create('$NAME$', $LABEL$)$END$

fg (field group)


gf (grid field)


lf (literal field)

LiteralField::create('$NAME$', $LABEL$)$END$

nf (numeric field)

NumericField::create('$NAME$', $LABEL$)$END$

tf (text field)

TextField::create('$NAME$', $LABEL$)$END$


Direct link to the live template file:

gcms (get cms fields)

 * @return FieldList
public function getCMSFields() {

    $fields = parent::getCMSFields();

    return $fields;



SS_Log::log( print_r ( $END$, true ), SS_Log::WARN );

t (translate)

_t('$STRING$', '$DEFAULT$')$END$

ucms (update cms fields)

 * @param FieldList $fields
public function updateCMSFields(FieldList $fields) 


Direct link to the live template file:

dofs (data object file start)

 * @author $AUTHOR$
 * @package $PACKAGE$
 * @subpackage $SUBPACKAGE$
class $CLASS$ extends DataObject

defs (data extension file start)

 * @author $AUTHOR$
 * @package $PACKAGE$
 * @subpackage $SUBPACKAGE$
class $CLASS$Extension extends DataExtension

efs (extension file start)

 * @author $AUTHOR$
 * @package $PACKAGE$
 * @subpackage $SUBPACKAGE$
class $CLASS$ extends Extension

pfs (page file start)

 * @author $AUTHOR$
 * @package $PACKAGE$
 * @subpackage $SUBPACKAGE$
class $CLASS$ extends Page

class $CLASS$_Controller extends Page_Controller 

Static variables

Direct link to the live template file:

aa (allowed actions)

 * @var array
private static $allowed_actions = [

bmm (belongs many-many)

 * @var array
private static $belongs_many_many = [
    '$VAR$'  => '$END$'

d (defaults)

 * @var array
private static $defaults = [

db (database)

 * @var array
private static $db = [
    '$VAR$' => '$END$'

df (default sort)

 * @var string
private static $default_sort '$END$';

hm (has many)

 * @var array
private static $has_many = [
    '$VAR$'  => '$END$'

ho (has one)

 * @var array
private static $has_one = [
    '$VAR$'  => '$END$'

mm (many many)

 * @var array
private static $many_many = [
    '$VAR$'  => '$END$'

mmef (many many extra fields)

 * @var array
private static $many_many_extraFields = [
    '$RELATION$' => [
        '$NAME$' => '$TYPE$'

sef (searchable fields)

 * @var array
private static $searchable_fields = [

suf (summary fields)

 * @var array
private static $summary_fields = [
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