Laravel Inspector, debugging and profiling tools for Web Artisans

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Laravel inspector

Laravel Inspector

At a Glance

Messages Exceptions
idd() - Dump and die on steroids idd() SQLs page
Laravel Inspector as the default Exception renderer Timers and Timeline
Redirection API/Ajax calls
Using Postman REST client app laravel_inspector=dump parameter
Available Collectors Information about
MessageCollector User's messages and dumps
ExceptionCollector Exceptions
DBCollector Queries, including execution time and parameters binding
TimersCollector Timers and time stamps
RoutesCollector Application routes
RequestCollector Current Request
ResponseCollector Current Response
SessionCollector Session variables
ServerCollector $_SERVER dump
More to come...


This package was tested under PHP 5.6, PHP 7, Laravel 5.2 and Laravel 5.3-Dev

Installing the package via composer:

composer require lsrur/inspector

Next, add InspectorServiceProvider to the providers array in config/app.php:


And this Facade in the same configuration file:

'Inspector' => Lsrur\Inspector\Facade\Inspector::class,

For usage only during development and not during production, do not edit the config/app.php and add the following to your AppServiceProvider :

public function register()
  // ...
  if ($this->app->environment() == 'development') {
  // ...


In order to use Inspector as the default exceptions renderer, add the following line in the file app/Exceptions/Handler.php of your Laravel project:

public function render($request, Exception $exception)
    \Inspector::renderException($exception);	// <= THIS LINE
    return parent::render($request, $exception);

For usage only during development:

public function render($request, Exception $exception)
    if (\App::environment() == 'development')
    return parent::render($request, $exception);


Laravel inspector can be invoked using the Facade, the provided helper functions and a Blade directive:

info(...); inspector()->warning($myVar); // "li" is an alias of "inspector" li()->error(...); li()->group('myGroup'); // "inspect" function makes an "Inspector::log($v)" for each passed argument inspect($var1, $var2, $var3, ...); // Dump and die using Laravel Inspector magic idd(); idd($var1, $var2); // Inside Blade @li(cmd,param1,param2,...) // samples @li('log', 'My comment', $myVar) @li(log, 'My comment', $myVar) //also works without command quotes @li(group,"myGroup") @li(endGroup) ">
//Using Facade

//Using the "inspector" helper function

// "li" is an alias of "inspector"

// "inspect" function makes an "Inspector::log($v)" for each passed argument
inspect($var1, $var2, $var3, ...);

// Dump and die using Laravel Inspector magic
idd($var1, $var2);

// Inside Blade

// samples
@li('log', 'My comment', $myVar)
@li(log, 'My comment', $myVar) //also works without command quotes

Laravel inspector will only be active if the config variable app.debug is true.
Anyway, you can temporarily turn Inspector off (just for the current request) with:



You can inspect objects and variables with the following methods, each of which has its own output format:

Method Description
log([string $description,] mixed $data) Outputs data with "log" format
info([string $description,] mixed $data) Outputs data with "info" format
error([string $description,] mixed $data) Outputs data with "error" format
warning([string $description,] mixed $data) Outputs data with "warning" format
success([string $description,] mixed $data) Outputs data with "success" format
table([string $description,] mixed $data) Outputs data inside a table


info($myData); li()->table("clients", $myClientsCollection); ">
li()->log("MyData", $myData);
li()->table("clients", $myClientsCollection);

Additionally, you can use the "inspect" helper function to quickly inspect objects and variables.

inspect($var1, $var2, $var3,...);

Grouping Messages

Laravel Inspector allows you to group messages into nodes and subnodes:

		li()->error('oops', $errorCode);

In addition to the ability to group information, each group and subgroup excecution time will be measured and shown. If you forget to close a group, Laravel Inspector will automatically do it at the end of the script, but the excecution time for that group can not be taken.


Method Description
time(string $timerName) Starts a timer
timeEnd(string $timerName) Ends a timer
timeStamp(string $name) Adds a single marker to the timeline


timeEnd("MyTimer"); li()->timeStamp('Elapsed time from LARAVEL_START here'); ">
// ...

li()->timeStamp('Elapsed time from LARAVEL_START here');


Laravel Inspector handles redirects smoothly; showing the collectors bag for both, the original and the target views.

Dump and die

The dd() method (or idd() helper) will dump the entire collectors bag and terminates the script:


// or simply

// adding last minute data
idd($var1, $var2,...)

As the rest of the package, this feature intelligently determines how will be the format of the output, even if the call was performed from CLI.

Another way to make an inspection, but without interrupting the flow of the request/response, is by adding the parameter laravel_inspector=dump to the URL:

Thus, Laravel Inspector wont be activated until the a terminable middleware is reached.


The function addException() will inspect our caught exceptions:

try {
} catch (Exception $e) {

Optionally, you can setup LI as the default exception renderer during development time (app.debug=true). Refer to the configuration to do so.

VIEW/AJAX/API requests, how it works

Laravel Inspector (LI) automatically detects the type of the request/response pair and determines the output format. If a View response is detected, the code needed to elegantly show the collected information in the browser console will be injected as a javascript into that view. Along with this, LI will also add a small piece of pure javascript code that serves as a generic http interceptor, which will examine subsequent AJAX calls looking for information injected by LI (this interceptor was tested under pure javascript, Angular 1.x ($http) and jQuery ($.ajax) and should work with any js framework). The interceptor also adds a header in each client AJAX call to let LI know that the interceptor is present. Then, from Laravel side, during an AJAX request or a JSON response, LI will send a script to be interpreted (and properly rendered in the browsers console) by the interceptor, OR a pure Json if that header is not present and then assuming that the request was sent from cURL, a REST client app or something else.

If you are developing, for example, an SPA and using Laravel only for the API but not to serve the web page/s, you can include the following code in your client app to take full advantage of all formatting features of Laravel Inspector.

(function(XHR) {
"use strict";

var send = XHR.prototype.send;

XHR.prototype.send = function(data) {
	var self = this;
	var oldOnReadyStateChange;
	var url = this._url;
	this.setRequestHeader('Laravel-Inspector', 'interceptor-present');
	function onReadyStateChange() {
		if(self.readyState == 4 /* complete */) {
			var response = JSON.parse(this.response);
			if (typeof response.LARAVEL_INSPECTOR !== 'undefined') {
				if(typeof response.LARAVEL_INSPECTOR === 'string')
				} else {
					console.log('LARAVEL INSPECTOR ', response);
		if(oldOnReadyStateChange) {
	if(!this.noIntercept) {            
		if(this.addEventListener) {
			this.addEventListener("readystatechange", onReadyStateChange, false);
		} else {
			oldOnReadyStateChange = this.onreadystatechange;
			this.onreadystatechange = onReadyStateChange;
	}, data);


Laravel Inspector is licensed under the MIT License.

  • Console output not working

    Console output not working


    your inspector looks very promising , but if i test it and want to use it i see the javascript code is added to my DOM. But i get a javascript error. I've tested with chrome / firefox ( telling me 'Invalid or unexpected token' , if i test in safari then i get 'unexpected end of file'

    javascript error

    opened by dietercoopman 12
  • Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token

    Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token


    Hello! I'm sorry for using google translate. The first use of the inspector, this error: Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token, referring to this code console.log('%c17: */


    console.groupCollapsed('%cLaravel Inspector%c VIEW:statistics (TIME:263.55ms, RAM:7.17MB) %c 200 ',
                'line-height:1.8em;padding:2px 8px;font-size:12px; border-radius:3px; color:white;background:#F46661',
                'background-color:white', 'font-size:11px;border-radius:3px;padding:1px 4px;color:white; background-color: #27AE60');console.groupCollapsed('SQL (COUNT:5, TIME:10.2ms)');console.groupCollapsed('select * from `users` where `u... (0.4ms) ');console.log('%cselect * from `users` where `users`.`id` = 75 limit 1','font-size:11px');console.groupCollapsed('..\app\Http\Middleware\Authenticate.php #20');console.log('%c17:     */  <- here
    18:    public function handle($request, Closure $next, $guard = null)
    19:    {
    20:        if (Auth::guard($guard)->guest()) {
    21:            if ($request->ajax() || $request->wantsJson()) {
    22:                return response(`Unauthorized.`, 401);
    23:            } else {
    ','font-size:11px;');console.groupEnd();console.groupEnd();console.groupCollapsed('select * from `company` where ... (0.51ms) ');console.log('%cselect * from `company` where `company`.`user_id` = 75 and `company`.`user_id` is not null limit 1','font-size:11px');console.groupCollapsed('..\app\Http\Controllers\HomeController.php #245');console.log('%c242:     */ <- here
    243:    public function statistics()
    244:    {

    If the controller method does nothing except return only View, helps the removal of the controller constructor. In another case, the error remains

    opened by aizhar777 10
  • Inspector catching error in request, is it wanted behavior?

    Inspector catching error in request, is it wanted behavior?

    Hi again!

    I just realized that, when using requests to make validation, if said validation fails, Inspecter catches the error rather than letting it go so the frontend can display the validation error.

    Is it intended behavior? This is what get's thrown on validation errors.

    screen shot 2016-08-05 at 11 05 24
    opened by jpmurray 4
  • Production mode and Blade

    Production mode and Blade

    Hi! :smile:

    We've come across a little bug :wink: The application is in production and debug mode is set to false, but due to a call to the logger in one of our template files we get the following error:

    production.ERROR: Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError: Call to a member function log() on null in /home/forge/project-folder/storage/framework/views/018a7947e9a28700eda1911e35edd3856a9e8db5.php:10

    The package has been installed and works correctly if debug mode is on, but it's not a production safe solution. I hope this helps.

    opened by blackfyre 3
  • Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token when querying models

    Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token when querying models


    Created a dummy laravel app (5.2.41), added a model and get this error. Tested in windows with latest php 7, latest chrome, latest firefox without extras, firefox dev edition.


    Route::get('/', function () {
        $data = \App\Models\Test::all();
        return view('welcome');

    The error in the console and the response (see attached files)

    error_1 error_2



    opened by rjsworking 3
  • Updates for 5.4?

    Updates for 5.4?

    Some methods currently used are no longer available in 5.4, specifically

    Route::getMethods() is now Route::methods() Route::getUri() is now Route::uri()

    There appear to be some other changes that need to happen too though

    opened by michaeljhopkins 2
  • [L5.3] Timer function doesn't work

    [L5.3] Timer function doesn't work


    li()->timer("Easy markdown parse timer");
    app('Parsedown')->parse('```printf("hello, world")```');
    li()->endTime("Easy markdown parse timer");


    Method timer not found in collector classes
    opened by pbelyaev 1
  • Problems with with PHPUnit

    Problems with with PHPUnit

    I was trying to run phpUnit, I've got this error after installing the package:

    1) ArtistIndexTest::testArtistList
    A request to [http://localhost/api/artist-index] failed. Received status code [500].
    Caused by
    ErrorException: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/vagrant/wga/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Util/Printer.php:134) in /home/vagrant/wga/vendor/lsrur/inspector/src/Inspector.php:217
    Stack trace:
    #0 [internal function]: Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\HandleExceptions->handleError(2, 'Cannot modify h...', '/home/vagrant/w...', 217, Array)
    opened by blackfyre 1
  • Error: Call to a member function getAction() on null

    Error: Call to a member function getAction() on null

    Hi there!

    I just ran into what I think might be a bug. I was actually getting a 500 error from Chrome, so I could hardly find what was the problem, but deactivating Inspector as default error handler now show me this stack trace.

    FatalThrowableError in RequestCollector.php line 27:
    Call to a member function getAction() on null
    in RequestCollector.php line 27
    at RequestCollector->__construct() in CollectorManager.php line 40
    at CollectorManager->Lsrur\Inspector\{closure}(array('inspector' => true, 'fullscreen' => true), 'RequestCollector')
    at array_map(object(Closure), array('ExceptionCollector' => array('inspector' => true, 'fullscreen' => true), 'MessageCollector' => array('inspector' => true, 'fullscreen' => true), 'DBCollector' => array('inspector' => true, 'fullscreen' => true), 'ServerCollector' => array('inspector' => true, 'fullscreen' => true), 'SessionCollector' => array('inspector' => true, 'fullscreen' => true), 'RequestCollector' => array('inspector' => true, 'fullscreen' => true), 'ResponseCollector' => array('inspector' => true, 'fullscreen' => true), 'RoutesCollector' => array('inspector' => false, 'fullscreen' => true), 'TimerCollector' => array('inspector' => true, 'fullscreen' => true), 'PHPInfoCollector' => array('inspector' => false, 'fullscreen' => true), 'LogsCollector' => array('inspector' => false, 'fullscreen' => true)), array('ExceptionCollector', 'MessageCollector', 'DBCollector', 'ServerCollector', 'SessionCollector', 'RequestCollector', 'ResponseCollector', 'RoutesCollector', 'TimerCollector', 'PHPInfoCollector', 'LogsCollector')) in Collection.php line 562
    at Collection->map(object(Closure)) in CollectorManager.php line 42
    at CollectorManager->__construct(object(inspector)) in Inspector.php line 22
    at inspector->__construct() in InspectorServiceProvider.php line 72
    at InspectorServiceProvider->Lsrur\Inspector\{closure}(object(Application), array()) in Container.php line 731
    at Container->build(object(Closure), array()) in Container.php line 629
    at Container->make('Inspector', array()) in Application.php line 697
    at Application->make('Inspector') in Container.php line 1178
    at Container->offsetGet('Inspector') in Facade.php line 151
    at Facade::resolveFacadeInstance('Inspector') in Facade.php line 120
    at Facade::getFacadeRoot() in Facade.php line 207
    at Facade::__callStatic('isOn', array()) in Inspector.php line 18
    at Inspector->handle(object(Request), object(Closure))
    at call_user_func_array(array(object(Inspector), 'handle'), array(object(Request), object(Closure))) in Pipeline.php line 136
    at Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}(object(Request))
    at call_user_func(object(Closure), object(Request)) in Pipeline.php line 32
    at Pipeline->Illuminate\Routing\{closure}(object(Request)) in CheckForMaintenanceMode.php line 44
    at CheckForMaintenanceMode->handle(object(Request), object(Closure))
    at call_user_func_array(array(object(CheckForMaintenanceMode), 'handle'), array(object(Request), object(Closure))) in Pipeline.php line 136
    at Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}(object(Request))
    at call_user_func(object(Closure), object(Request)) in Pipeline.php line 32
    at Pipeline->Illuminate\Routing\{closure}(object(Request))
    at call_user_func(object(Closure), object(Request)) in Pipeline.php line 102
    at Pipeline->then(object(Closure)) in Kernel.php line 132
    at Kernel->sendRequestThroughRouter(object(Request)) in Kernel.php line 99
    at Kernel->handle(object(Request)) in index.php line 53
    at require('/Users/jpmurray/projets/ckia2016/public/index.php') in server.php line 106
    opened by jpmurray 1
  • Fixes code blocks in README

    Fixes code blocks in README

    This PR fixes some code highlighting in the readme to improve readability. This can also be done by adding a lang attribute to the <code> elements that were scattered around, let me know if you want me to revert it back to using the HTML tags :smile:

    opened by svenluijten 0
  • Prevent errors caused by undefined indexes

    Prevent errors caused by undefined indexes

    I'm not entirely sure that this is the correct place to fix this. Problem:

    Sometimes, instead of showing the Inspector's error page, a blank HTTP 500 is returned. In the logs can be found:

    [2016-11-22 10:55:55] local.ERROR: Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalErrorException: Method Illuminate\View\View::__toString() must not throw an exception, caught ErrorException: Undefined index: src (View: [...]/vendor/lsrur/inspector/src/views/fs_exceptions.blade.php) (View: [...]/vendor/lsrur/inspector/src/views/fs_exceptions.blade.php) in [...]/vendor/lsrur/inspector/src/Inspector.php:0

    I suppose it has something to do with Lsrur\Inspector\Collectors\ExceptionCollector::removeSrc, but haven't had the time to look into this and why it only happens sometimes.

    opened by Naugrimm 0
  • Doesn't find Inspector class when Facade is not registered

    Doesn't find Inspector class when Facade is not registered

    I'm only using this library during development. In my AppServiceProvider ich first check if i'm in development ($this->app->environment() == 'development') and then register the service provider for the inspector.

    However, i'm not registering the facade and this error pops up:

    error inspector

    I feel, that this the inspector should also work with no facade in the base namespace. I'm preparing a PR to fix it, feel free to merge if you want to. Thanks, for the great library.


    opened by arubacao 0
  • [L5.3.x] Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token when querying models (again)

    [L5.3.x] Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token when querying models (again)


    I'm facing this error again with latest Laravel 5.3 (5,3,4) See #7 please.

    Curious thing: if I query the model in the web routes file it works ok. If the route points to a an action in a controller I get the error.

    Route::get('/', function () {
        $data = \App\Models\Test::all();
        return view('welcome', ["data" => $data]);
    Works ok.
    Route::get('/', 'IndexController@index')->name('index');
    namespace App\Http\Controllers;
    use Illuminate\Http\Request;
    class IndexController extends Controller
        public function index()
            $data = \App\Models\Test::all();
            return view('welcome', ["data" => $data]);
    Error in the console.

    The error of #7 is logged in the console. Tested in a Linode VPS with Ubuntu 16.04 and latest nginx/php and both cases are working ok.


    opened by rjsworking 0
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