Few additional testing assertions for Laravel views


Laravel View Test Assertions

Few additional assertions for testing Laravel views.


Laravel has well established and documented way of testing requests. However, this is not the case for the views. I always felt that views in Laravel are neglected when it comes to testing, however being confident that form, submit button, and input fields are present is essential.

Granted, you can use Dusk, but it is significantly slower than regular feature tests and adding Dusk as part of the test suite is not always desired.

That's why I created this package. It is my attempt/proposal for adding a bit of TDD concept to the views too. Hope you like it.


composer require --dev jcergolj/laravel-view-test-assertions


assertViewHasForm(string $method = null, string $action = null)
assertFormHasSubmitButton(string $type = 'submit', string $text = null)
assertFormHasDropdown(string $name)
assertFormHasField(string $type, string $name = null)
assertFormHasField(string $type, string $name = null)
assertElementHasChild(string $parentSelector, string $childSelector)
assertFieldHasValidationErrorMsg(string $errorMsg)



getLocale()) }}"> Laravel


The First Name must only contain letters.
// resources/welcome.blade.php


        <span class="hljs-code">Laravel</span>



The First Name must only contain letters.

Example Test

assertElementHasChild('select[name="age"]', 'option[plaintext="5 Years"]') ->assertElementHasChild('div#parent', 'div.child'); } } ">

namespace Tests\Feature;

use Tests\TestCase;

class ExampleTest extends TestCase
     * A basic test example.
     * @return void
    public function test_example()
        $response = $this->get('/');

            ->assertViewHasForm(null, '/users')
            ->assertViewHasForm('post', '/users')
            ->assertFieldHasValidationErrorMsg(trans('validation.alpha', ['attribute' => 'First Name']))
            ->assertFormHasField('text', 'first_name')
            ->assertFormHasField('select', 'age')
            ->assertElementHasChild('select[name="age"]', 'option[value="5"]')
            ->assertElementHasChild('select[name="age"]', 'option[plaintext="5 Years"]')
            ->assertElementHasChild('div#parent', 'div.child');
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  • After latest update, tests with assertFormHasTextInput fail

    After latest update, tests with assertFormHasTextInput fail

    First off, this is such a great and needed idea for laravel testing. Thanks for sharing!

    Next, I don't know if the API has changed or not? I didn't see anything different in the README.

    I updated some other libraries in the project and ran a composer update. I hadn't checked to see if the versions of laravel-view-test-assertions changed or not but I'm guessing it has since the latest version is marked 24 days old (v1.0).

    Now, the same tests, using the same forms, produces a failed test using assertFormHasTextInput:

    e.g. ->assertFormHasTextInput('name')

    Form HTML: <input wire:model="name" type="text" name="name" id="name" autofocus >

    Failed test text:

      Form does not have text field named name.
      Failed asserting that an object is not empty.
      at vendor/jcergolj/laravel-view-test-assertions/src/ViewTestAssertions.php:271
        267if ($value !== null && $type !== 'select') {
        268$filterable .='[value="'.$value.'"]';
        269▕             }
      ➜ 271▕             Assert::assertNotEmpty($form->filter($filterable), $msg);
        272273return $this;
        274▕         };
        275▕     }
          +3 vendor frames 
      4   tests/Feature/SupportingDataControllerTest.php:147

    Using: "jcergolj/laravel-view-test-assertions": "^1.0",

    Let me know if any more information would be helpful.

    opened by gluis 6
  • v2.6(Mar 9, 2022)

  • v2.3(Oct 29, 2021)

  • v2.2(Oct 29, 2021)

  • v2.1(Oct 26, 2021)

  • v2.0(Oct 26, 2021)

  • v1.0(Sep 28, 2021)

    View Assertions:

    • assertViewHasForm
    • assertFormHasCSRF
    • assertFormHasSubmitButton
    • assertFormHasTextInput
    • assertFormHasButtonInput
    • assertFormHasColorInput
    • assertFormHasDateInput
    • assertFormHasDateLocalInput
    • assertFormHasEmailInput
    • assertFormHasFileInput
    • assertFormHasHiddenInput
    • assertFormHasImageInput
    • assertFormHasMonthInput
    • assertFormHasNumberInput
    • assertFormHasPasswordInput
    • assertFormHasRangeInput
    • assertFormHasResetInput
    • assertFormHasSearchInput
    • assertFormHasTelInput
    • assertFormHasTextInput
    • assertFormHasUrlInput
    • assertFormHasWeekInput
    • assertFormHasDropdown
    • assertFormHasCheckboxInput
    • assertFormHasRadioInput
    • assertElementHasChild
    • assertFieldHasValidationErrorMsg
    • assertFormHasField
    • assertFormHasField
    • assertElementHasChild
    • assertFieldHasValidationErrorMsg
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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