A static analysis engine

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A static analysis engine...


bin/tuli analyze file1 file2 path


Install it as a composer dependency!!!

$ composer require ircmaxell/tuli dev-master

Then simply execute vendor/bin/tuli as normal

Or check it out into its own project. Then composer install the dependencies:

$ composer install

Then simply bin/tuli to execute.




$a = 1.0;
$b = 2;

$c = foo($a, $b);

$d = foo($b, $c);

function foo(int $a, int $b): int {
    if ($a > $b) {
        return $a + $b + 0.5;

Then, in shell:

$ bin/tuli analyze code.php
Analyzing code.php
Determining Variable Types
Round 1 (15 unresolved variables out of 20)
Detecting Type Conversion Issues
Type mismatch on foo() argument 0, found float expecting int code.php:6
Type mismatch on foo() return value, found float expecting int code.php:12
Default return found for non-null type int code.php:10

The three errors it found are:

  • Type mismatch on foo() argument 0, found float expecting int code.php:6

    Meaning that at code.php on line 6, you're passing a float to the first argument when it declared an integer

  • Type mismatch on foo() return value, found float expecting int code.php:12

    The value that's being returned on line 12 is a float, but it was declared as an integer in the function signature.

  • Default return found for non-null type int code.php:10

    There's a default return statement (not supplied) for a typed function

That's it!

Currently Supported Rules:

  • Function Argument Types

    It will check all typed function arguments and determine if all calls to that function match the type.

  • Function Return Types

    If the function's return value is typed, it will determine if the function actually returns that type.

  • Method Argument Types

    It will check all calls to a method for every valid typehint permutation to determine if there's a possible mismatch.


  • A lot

Another example:


class A {
    public function foo(int $a) : int {
        return $a;

class B extends A {
    public function foo(float $a) : float {
        return $a;

class C extends B {
    public function foo(int $a) : int {
        return $a;

function foo(A $a) : int {
    return $a->foo(1.0);


$ bin/tuli analyze code.php
Analyzing code.php

Determining Variable Types
Round 1 (5 unresolved variables out of 7)

Round 2 (3 unresolved variables out of 7)

Detecting Type Conversion Issues
Detecting Function Argument Errors
Detecting Function Return Errors
Type mismatch on foo() return value, found float expecting int code.php:22
Detecting Method Argument Errors
Type mismatch on A->foo() argument 0, found float expecting int code.php:22
Type mismatch on C->foo() argument 0, found float expecting int code.php:22

Again, it found 3 errors:

  • Type mismatch on foo() return value, found float expecting int code.php:22

    It looked at all possible A::foo() method definitions (A::foo, B::foo, C::foo), and it detmermined that the general return type is float (since type widening allows int to be passed to float, but not the other way around). Therefore, returning ->foo() directly can result in a type error.

  • Type mismatch on A->foo() argument 0, found float expecting int code.php:22

  • Type mismatch on C->foo() argument 0, found float expecting int code.php:22

    We know that if you use type A or C, you're trying to pass a float to something that declares an integer.

  • Composer should not raise warnings.

    Composer should not raise warnings.

    MacBook-Pro-van-Tim:iRail-work tim$ sudo composer require ircmaxell/tuli dev-master ./composer.json has been updated Loading composer repositories with package information Updating dependencies (including require-dev) Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.

    Problem 1 - The requested package ircmaxell/tuli could not be found in any version, there may be a typo in the package name.

    Potential causes:

    • A typo in the package name
    • The package is not available in a stable-enough version according to your minimum-stability setting see https://groups.google.com/d/topic/composer-dev/_g3ASeIFlrc/discussion for more details.

    Read https://getcomposer.org/doc/articles/troubleshooting.md for further common problems.

    Installation failed, reverting ./composer.json to its original content. MacBook-Pro-van-Tim:iRail-work tim$

    opened by Tjoosten 5
  • Look for autoload.php further up in the tree.

    Look for autoload.php further up in the tree.

    In an application that uses Tuli as a dependency the bin file would be located at /my-app/vendor/ircmaxell/tuli/bin/tuli, and by only going two steps up in the tree it would stop looking for the autoloader at /my-app/vendor/ircmaxell/vendor/autoload.php.

    opened by jyggen 3
  • Error involving PHPTypes

    Error involving PHPTypes

    I was just trying out Tuli, and as it was analyzing, it stopped with this error message: PHP Catchable fatal error: Argument 2 passed to PHPTypes\State::findTypedBlock() must be an instance of PHPCfg\Block, null given, called inircmaxell/php-types/lib/PHPTypes/State.php on line 207and defined in ircmaxell/php-types/lib/PHPTypes/State.php on line 212

    Any idea why $block would be null in that call?

    opened by garrettw 0
  • Tuli doesn't work with php 7.1

    Tuli doesn't work with php 7.1

    Tuli doesn't work with php 7.1

    It does not recognise that CONTs can be now public/private Syntax error, unexpected T_CONST, expecting T_FUNCTION on line 19

    or not recognzse '?' null returns eg: private function getContactField(int $id, int $type, string $field): ?string give us error: Syntax error, unexpected '?' on line 434

    opened by nospor 0
  • logic exception should never happen

    logic exception should never happen

    I cloned this git repo. Ran composer install for the dependencies. Then I ran bin/tuli analyze /path/to/project and this happened:

    Could not find parent league\event\event
    Could not find parent exception
    Determining Variable Types
    PHP Notice:  Trying to get property of non-object in /root/Tuli/vendor/ircmaxell/php-types/lib/PHPTypes/TypeReconstructor.php on line 31
      Should never happen
    analyze [-x|--exclude EXCLUDE] [--] <files> (<files>)...
    opened by geeknik 0
  • Unknown type declaration found: *

    Unknown type declaration found: *

    Analyzing ../api/lib/Colourbox/Search/SearchRequestParameterMappings/RequestParameterMapper.php
      Unknown type declaration found: *
    Exception trace:
     () at /var/www/cbx/Tuli/vendor/ircmaxell/php-cfg/lib/PHPCfg/AstVisitor/NameResolver.php:85
     PHPCfg\AstVisitor\NameResolver->parseTypeDecl() at /var/www/cbx/Tuli/vendor/ircmaxell/php-cfg/lib/PHPCfg/AstVisitor/NameResolver.php:53
     PHPCfg\AstVisitor\NameResolver->PHPCfg\AstVisitor\{closure}() at n/a:n/a
     preg_replace_callback() at /var/www/cbx/Tuli/vendor/ircmaxell/php-cfg/lib/PHPCfg/AstVisitor/NameResolver.php:56
     PHPCfg\AstVisitor\NameResolver->enterNode() at /var/www/cbx/Tuli/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/NodeTraverser.php:120
     PhpParser\NodeTraverser->traverseArray() at /var/www/cbx/Tuli/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/NodeTraverser.php:84
     PhpParser\NodeTraverser->traverseNode() at /var/www/cbx/Tuli/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/NodeTraverser.php:129
     PhpParser\NodeTraverser->traverseArray() at /var/www/cbx/Tuli/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/NodeTraverser.php:84
     PhpParser\NodeTraverser->traverseNode() at /var/www/cbx/Tuli/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/NodeTraverser.php:129
     PhpParser\NodeTraverser->traverseArray() at /var/www/cbx/Tuli/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/NodeTraverser.php:64
     PhpParser\NodeTraverser->traverse() at /var/www/cbx/Tuli/vendor/ircmaxell/php-cfg/lib/PHPCfg/Parser.php:60
     PHPCfg\Parser->parse() at /var/www/cbx/Tuli/lib/Tuli/Command.php:107
     Tuli\Command->getGraphsFromFiles() at /var/www/cbx/Tuli/lib/Tuli/Command.php:59
     Tuli\Command->execute() at /var/www/cbx/Tuli/lib/Tuli/Command/Analyze.php:32
     Tuli\Command\Analyze->execute() at /var/www/cbx/Tuli/vendor/symfony/console/Command/Command.php:259
     Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command->run() at /var/www/cbx/Tuli/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php:878
     Symfony\Component\Console\Application->doRunCommand() at /var/www/cbx/Tuli/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php:195
     Symfony\Component\Console\Application->doRun() at /var/www/cbx/Tuli/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php:126
     Symfony\Component\Console\Application->run() at /var/www/cbx/Tuli/vendor/cilex/cilex/src/Cilex/Application.php:66
     Cilex\Application->run() at /var/www/cbx/Tuli/bin/tuli:26
    analyze [-x|--exclude EXCLUDE] [--] <files> (<files>)...
    opened by moffe42 0
  • Fatal error related to assignment by reference

    Fatal error related to assignment by reference

    $ ./vendor/bin/tuli analyze classes/Utils/ArrayUtil.php
    Analyzing classes/Utils/ArrayUtil.php
    PHP Catchable fatal error:  Argument 1 passed to PHPCfg\Parser::parseExpr_AssignRef() must be an instance of PhpParser\Node\Expr\Assign, instance of PhpParser\Node\Expr\AssignRef given, called in /home/andreas/dev/php/autarky-framework/vendor/ircmaxell/php-cfg/lib/PHPCfg/Parser.php on line 656 and defined in /home/andreas/dev/php/autarky-framework/vendor/ircmaxell/php-cfg/lib/PHPCfg/Parser.php on line 707
    PHP Stack trace:
    PHP   1. {main}() /home/andreas/dev/php/autarky-framework/vendor/ircmaxell/tuli/bin/tuli:0
    PHP   2. Cilex\Application->run() /home/andreas/dev/php/autarky-framework/vendor/ircmaxell/tuli/bin/tuli:26
    PHP   3. Symfony\Component\Console\Application->run() /home/andreas/dev/php/autarky-framework/vendor/cilex/cilex/src/Cilex/Application.php:66
    PHP   4. Symfony\Component\Console\Application->doRun() /home/andreas/dev/php/autarky-framework/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php:123
    PHP   5. Symfony\Component\Console\Application->doRunCommand() /home/andreas/dev/php/autarky-framework/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php:192
    PHP   6. Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command->run() /home/andreas/dev/php/autarky-framework/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php:841
    PHP   7. Tuli\Command\Analyze->execute() /home/andreas/dev/php/autarky-framework/vendor/symfony/console/Command/Command.php:259
    PHP   8. Tuli\Command->execute() /home/andreas/dev/php/autarky-framework/vendor/ircmaxell/tuli/lib/Tuli/Command/Analyze.php:32
    PHP   9. Tuli\Command->getGraphsFromFiles() /home/andreas/dev/php/autarky-framework/vendor/ircmaxell/tuli/lib/Tuli/Command.php:59
    PHP  10. PHPCfg\Parser->parse() /home/andreas/dev/php/autarky-framework/vendor/ircmaxell/tuli/lib/Tuli/Command.php:107
    PHP  11. PHPCfg\Parser->parseNodes() /home/andreas/dev/php/autarky-framework/vendor/ircmaxell/php-cfg/lib/PHPCfg/Parser.php:62
    PHP  12. PHPCfg\Parser->parseNode() /home/andreas/dev/php/autarky-framework/vendor/ircmaxell/php-cfg/lib/PHPCfg/Parser.php:86
    PHP  13. PHPCfg\Parser->parseStmt_Namespace() /home/andreas/dev/php/autarky-framework/vendor/ircmaxell/php-cfg/lib/PHPCfg/Parser.php:100
    PHP  14. PHPCfg\Parser->parseNodes() /home/andreas/dev/php/autarky-framework/vendor/ircmaxell/php-cfg/lib/PHPCfg/Parser.php:382
    PHP  15. PHPCfg\Parser->parseNode() /home/andreas/dev/php/autarky-framework/vendor/ircmaxell/php-cfg/lib/PHPCfg/Parser.php:86
    PHP  16. PHPCfg\Parser->parseStmt_Class() /home/andreas/dev/php/autarky-framework/vendor/ircmaxell/php-cfg/lib/PHPCfg/Parser.php:100
    PHP  17. PHPCfg\Parser->parseNodes() /home/andreas/dev/php/autarky-framework/vendor/ircmaxell/php-cfg/lib/PHPCfg/Parser.php:115
    PHP  18. PHPCfg\Parser->parseNode() /home/andreas/dev/php/autarky-framework/vendor/ircmaxell/php-cfg/lib/PHPCfg/Parser.php:86
    PHP  19. PHPCfg\Parser->parseStmt_ClassMethod() /home/andreas/dev/php/autarky-framework/vendor/ircmaxell/php-cfg/lib/PHPCfg/Parser.php:100
    PHP  20. PHPCfg\Parser->parseNodes() /home/andreas/dev/php/autarky-framework/vendor/ircmaxell/php-cfg/lib/PHPCfg/Parser.php:144
    PHP  21. PHPCfg\Parser->parseNode() /home/andreas/dev/php/autarky-framework/vendor/ircmaxell/php-cfg/lib/PHPCfg/Parser.php:86
    PHP  22. PHPCfg\Parser->parseStmt_Foreach() /home/andreas/dev/php/autarky-framework/vendor/ircmaxell/php-cfg/lib/PHPCfg/Parser.php:100
    PHP  23. PHPCfg\Parser->parseNodes() /home/andreas/dev/php/autarky-framework/vendor/ircmaxell/php-cfg/lib/PHPCfg/Parser.php:260
    PHP  24. PHPCfg\Parser->parseNode() /home/andreas/dev/php/autarky-framework/vendor/ircmaxell/php-cfg/lib/PHPCfg/Parser.php:86
    PHP  25. PHPCfg\Parser->parseExprNode() /home/andreas/dev/php/autarky-framework/vendor/ircmaxell/php-cfg/lib/PHPCfg/Parser.php:95
    PHP  26. PHPCfg\Parser->parseExpr_AssignRef() /home/andreas/dev/php/autarky-framework/vendor/ircmaxell/php-cfg/lib/PHPCfg/Parser.php:656

    ArrayUtil.php source code

    opened by anlutro 1
  • How it work under big project?

    How it work under big project?

    Hi I have web app under symfony framework

    In this project I want to analyze my sources in src folder. And I don't want analyze any vendor files. How I can do it with tule?

    Now then I run:

    bin/tuli analyze ./src

    It show me:

     Could not find parent symfony\component\httpkernel\bundle\bundle

    And if I run it with some vendor it also fail with errors.

    opened by nonlux 0
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