Makes WP GraphQL's authetication "just work". It does this by customizing the CORS headers.



The primary purpose of this plugin is to make the WP GraphQL plugin authentication "just work". It does this by allowing you set the CORS headers that GraphQL will accept, which means that WordPress's default authentication cookies will be accepted.

This means that if a user is logged into WordPress, they will be able to see things like draft and private pages/posts via GraphQL.


  • Allows WP-GraphQL to accept default WordPress cookies
  • Works across multiple domains (so you can have multiple frontends connected to one backend)
  • Allows you to filter out specific cookies for added security (perhaps you don't want to use this for WordPress authentication but do want to access other cookies)
  • Allows you to customize the GraphQL endpoint
  • Extends WP GraphQL to have a logout and login mutation
  • Allows you to filter out which cookies are allowed


  1. Requires WP GraphQL.
  2. Upload this plugin to WordPress.
  3. Config your GraphQL client (probably Apollo) to include credentials in requests. Generally this is a setting under httpLinkOptions and look to set credentials = "include".

Now if the browser is currently logged into WordPress, WP GraphQL will allow access to authenticated data.


If all you want to do is allow draft, private and page previews to be viewed from the frontend, setting Send site credentials. and Add Site Address to "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" header to true will do this.

You'll also need to config your GraphQL client (probably Apollo) to include credentials in requests. Generally this is a setting under httpLinkOptions and look to set credentials = "include".

Logout Mutation

If enabled in the settings, WP GraphQL will have a new mutation available to allow a user to logout. This is useful if you want to build a "logout" button on a sites frontend.

mutation {
    logout(clientMutationId = "anything unique"){

Login Mutation

If enabled in the settings, WP GraphQL will have a new mutation available to allow a user to login.

mutation {
	loginWithCookies(input: {clientMutationId: "", login: "", password: ""}) {
  • Login does not work with Chrome (cookies not set/blocked)

    Login does not work with Chrome (cookies not set/blocked)

    Hey @kidunot89 @drewbaker. The login isn't working for me on Chrome.

    Here's the error message Chrome is logging:

    Because a cookie's SameSite attribute was not set or is invalid, it defaults to SameSite=Lax, which prevents the cookie from being set in a cross-site context. This behavior protects user data from accidentally leaking to third parties and cross-site request forgery. Resolve this issue by updating the attributes of the cookie: Specify SameSite=None and Secure if the cookie is intended to be set in cross-site contexts. Note that only cookies sent over HTTPS may use the Secure attribute. Specify SameSite=Strict or SameSite=Lax if the cookie should not be set by cross-site requests


    Steps to reproduce:

    In Chrome 85, run the following query:

    mutation {
      loginWithCoookies(clientMutationId: "123" login: "mycoolusername" password: "mycoolpassword") {

    Then run a subsequent authenticated query

    query Me {
      viewer {

    Expected results:

    1. successful login
    1. WordPress logged in cookie set (and sent along with subsequent requests)
    2. authenticated queries are successful

    Actual results:

    1. login is successful
    2. cookie was not set and not part of headers on subsequent request
    3. authenticated request returns null

    Related to #16

    opened by jacobarriola 9
  • Authorized domains list not working ( next.js app )

    Authorized domains list not working ( next.js app )

    I'm developing a next.js app with WP backend locally and I have faced the following issue -

    1. after activating the plugin next.js build returns an error as expected - it cannot fetch data via GraphQl
    2. a have added http://localhost:3000/ and http://localhost to the authorized domains list -> next.js still can't fetch data - that is unexpected behaviour
    opened by vstrelianyi 8
  • Still get cors issues after using WP Graphql Cors

    Still get cors issues after using WP Graphql Cors

    Hi, We are using WP Graphql and Apollo to fetch data from WordPress in our Next.js codebase. Recently we've tried using your plugin WP Graphql Cors in order to try to get rid of some cors issues we experienced on some queries.

    However it does not seem to work even though we enter the origins we want to allow in WP admin and the "credentials": "inlcude" settings in ApolloClient. We've tried changing to run graphql queries with ApolloServer which resolves the issue, but that adds a lot of extra work and complexitiy for us in other ways that we would prefer to avoid. One of the wpgraphql mutations that fails due to cors is addToCart.

    The console error is "... has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. If an opaque response serves your needs, set the request's mode to 'no-cors' to fetch the resource with CORS disabled." We tried to use the no-cors option but that gives us further errors and is not a secure solution. We also tried adding cors settings in the htaccess file in WP codebase, but that throws us more fetch errors.

    Would kindly appreciate all the help and guidance we can get on this.

    opened by gabriel-nack 7
  • How to install

    How to install

    Hi , I dont understand how to install this plug in, it mentions to make sure WPGraphql is installed. But where do I get the plug in and where do I put it ?

    opened by ebisLab 7
  • Internal server error on login mutation

    Internal server error on login mutation


    mutation MyMutation($login: String!, $password: String!) { login(input: {clientMutationId: "", login: $login, password: $password}) { status } }


    { "errors": [ { "message": "Internal server error", "category": "internal", "locations": [ { "line": 2, "column": 3 } ], "path": [ "login" ] } ], "data": { "login": null } }

    opened by vana-dev 4
  • Unable to activate plugin : Trailing comma cause fatal error

    Unable to activate plugin : Trailing comma cause fatal error

    Installing this plugin release 2.0 cause fatal error when activated in Wordpress because of this comma : image

    In file : \wp-content\plugins\wp-graphql-cors-2.0\includes\admin\admin.php

    opened by vdilly 3
  • registerUser mutation and secure cookies

    registerUser mutation and secure cookies

    The default behaviour of the registerUser mutation from wp-graphql includes setting the current user to the one that was just successfully registered, as seen here.

    However, when using this in conjunction with wp-graphql-cors, we cannot set the response cookie because the default registerUser mutation doesn't set a secure cookie.

    Here's an example of some response headers from a registerUser mutation: image

    The yellow warning message next to each set-cookie response header reads:

    This Set-Cookie didn't specify a "SameSite" attribute and was default to "SameSite=Lax", and was blocked because it came from a cross-site response which was not the response to a top-level navigation. The Set-Cookie had to have been set with "SameSite=None" to enable cross-site usage.

    Hoping to have a discussion on what a potential solution would be, such as:

    1. Create a registerWithCookies mutation similar to loginWithCookies?
    2. Implement something on the Wordpress End?
    3. Something else?

    Note: Also an edge case, but wp-graphql-woocommerce has the ability to register users using the checkout mutation as well. This presents the same issue as the registerUser mutation.

    opened by ardiewen 3
  • Adding Access Control Allow Header custom field & logic to implement …

    Adding Access Control Allow Header custom field & logic to implement …

    This will allow a user to add it's own custom fields into headers and that way prevent any cors issues with custom fields being sent along the request


    EDIT: Reason behind this PR was that we have an apollo client that sends a custom parameter in headers when it reaches out to multiple services. In order to reduce amount of complexity on the client side we've thought it might benefit others to be able to add custom fields to headers within their projects.

    Please do point out if any of the updates don't make sense or require some more info etc.

    opened by tsvecak 3
  • 🐛 Add missing undefinded variable input

    🐛 Add missing undefinded variable input

    When running the loginWithCookies mutation, the server errors out and doesn't return an expected value. Looking at my Sentry report, it looks as though there's a missing variable.

    Specifically, the mutateAndGetPayload is missing the $input variable in its callback function. As a result, the subsequent foreach is throwing an ErrorException for an invalid argument.

    Sentry report:

    opened by jacobarriola 2
  • Login Mutation ends in internal server error

    Login Mutation ends in internal server error

    When I activate the login mutation and query like so:

    mutation LoginUser($input: LoginInput!) {
      login(input: $input) {

    I end up getting an internal server error:

      "error": {
        "errors": [
            "debugMessage": "You cannot register duplicate fields on the same Type. The field 'login' already exists on the type 'rootMutation'. Make sure to give the field a unique name.",
            "message": "Internal server error",
            "category": "internal"

    There already is a login mutation from WPGraphQL, so this is a bit confusing.

    Also when I set credentials: 'include' it works if I set the allowed Domains to my localhost, but it doesn't set any Cookies.

    opened by henrikwirth 2
  • Getting Apollo error on SSR for CORS requests

    Getting Apollo error on SSR for CORS requests

    I don't have much data for this as it's hard to debug, but when making a request to WP-GQL for data that would require a cookie, I get a server side error, but then the data does display client side.

    Screen Shot 2019-12-06 at 3 23 17 PM

    opened by drewbaker 2
  • CORS policy + apollo client

    CORS policy + apollo client

    CORS policy + GraphQL + apollo client

    I'm getting an error of CORS policy when using preflight request. The authorization headers are only being returned in preflight, but not in the standard request, causing the error.

    I've been testing and my conclusion is that:

    1. I tried to add fetchOptions: { mode: 'no-cors' } to the Apollo client, but it doesn't allow the fetchPolicy to be no-cors when making a 'POST' request, so preflight will always be sent in this case. Unavoidable.
    2. The WP GraphQL plugin checks if the headers have already been sent and since they have already been sent to preflight, they are not resent in the official request. When receiving the response from the second request, the headers are not present, causing an error.

    It happens because of "headers_sent" function that makes the "prepare_headers" function to be ignored.
    File: wp-graphql/src/Router.php::506

    My temporary solution: I had to force the two headers to be sent in the standard request. Always.

    function add_cors_http_header() {
    	$http_origin = $_SERVER['HTTP_ORIGIN'];
    	if ( $http_origin && ( $http_origin == "" || $http_origin == "" ) )
    		header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: $http_origin");
    		header( 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true' );
    add_action( 'graphql_process_http_request', 'add_cors_http_header' );
    opened by victormattosvm 4
  • Block unauthorized domains not working

    Block unauthorized domains not working

    Hi, I am trying to block unauthorized domains so only specific domain will have the option to fetch data. I tried several configurations options but none of them got me the right result - but I still succeed to fetch data via Postman. I only want to block unauthorized domains without the need of user authentication.

    What am I doing wrong? Thanks!


    opened by dandin84 2
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