PHP Secure Headers


Secure Headers

Financial Contributors on Open Collective Actions Status Latest Stable Version Total Downloads License

Add security related headers to HTTP response. The package includes Service Providers for easy Laravel integration.



Supported Laravel Version

5.1 ~ 9.x


Non Laravel Project

Install using composer

composer require bepsvpt/secure-headers

Copy config file to your project directory

cp vendor/bepsvpt/secure-headers/config/secure-headers.php path/to/your/project/directory

Set up config file


Laravel Project

Install using composer

composer require bepsvpt/secure-headers

Add service provider in config/app.php ( laravel version < 5.5 )


Publish config file

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Bepsvpt\SecureHeaders\SecureHeadersServiceProvider"

Add global middleware in app/Http/Kernel.php


Set up config file config/secure-headers.php


Lumen Project

Install using composer

composer require bepsvpt/secure-headers

Add service provider in bootstrap/app.php


Copy config file to project directory

mkdir config
cp vendor/bepsvpt/secure-headers/config/secure-headers.php config/secure-headers.php

Add global middleware in bootstrap/app.php


Set up config file config/secure-headers.php


Usage(Non Laravel Project)

Do not forget to import namespace.


use \Bepsvpt\SecureHeaders\SecureHeaders;



// instantiate the class by fromFile static method
$secureHeaders = SecureHeaders::fromFile('/path/to/secure-headers.php');

// or instantiate the class directly
$config = require '/path/to/secure-headers.php';

$config['key'] = 'value'; // modify config value if needed

$secureHeaders = new SecureHeaders($config);


// Get headers

// Send headers to HTTP response

Document and Notice

Please see DOCS for details.


Please see CHANGELOG for details.


Please see UPGRADE for details.


Financial Contributors

Become a financial contributor and help us sustain our community. [Contribute]



Support this project with your organization. Your logo will show up here with a link to your website. [Contribute]


Secure Headers is licensed under The MIT License (MIT).

  • I need use url  logo in footers website

    I need use url logo in footers website

    Hi I need use url logo in footers website :

    it is not show What am i doing wrong? Thanks

    opened by msadeqi 10
  • Content Security Policy: The page’s settings blocked the loading of a resource at inline (“script-src”).

    Content Security Policy: The page’s settings blocked the loading of a resource at inline (“script-src”).

    I am continually getting below error

    Content Security Policy: The page’s settings blocked the loading of a resource at inline (“script-src”).

    Below is my file

    return [
         * Server
         * Reference:
         * Note: when server is empty string, it will not add to response header
        'server' => 'Unknown',
         * X-Content-Type-Options
         * Reference:
         * Available Value: 'nosniff'
        'x-content-type-options' => 'nosniff',
         * X-Download-Options
         * Reference:
         * Available Value: 'noopen'
        'x-download-options' => 'noopen',
         * X-Frame-Options
         * Reference:
         * Available Value: 'deny', 'sameorigin', 'allow-from <uri>'
        'x-frame-options' => 'sameorigin',
         * X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies
         * Reference:
         * Available Value: 'all', 'none', 'master-only', 'by-content-type', 'by-ftp-filename'
        'x-permitted-cross-domain-policies' => 'none',
         * X-Power-By
         * Note: it will not add to response header if the value is empty string.
        'x-power-by' => '',
         * X-XSS-Protection
         * Reference:
         * Available Value: '1', '0', '1; mode=block'
        'x-xss-protection' => '1; mode=block',
         * Referrer-Policy
         * Reference:
         * Available Value: 'no-referrer', 'no-referrer-when-downgrade', 'origin', 'origin-when-cross-origin',
         *                  'same-origin', 'strict-origin', 'strict-origin-when-cross-origin', 'unsafe-url'
        'referrer-policy' => 'no-referrer',
         * Clear-Site-Data
         * Reference:
        'clear-site-data' => [
            'enable' => false,
            'all' => false,
            'cache' => true,
            'cookies' => true,
            'storage' => true,
            'executionContexts' => true,
         * HTTP Strict Transport Security
         * Reference:
         * Please ensure your website had set up ssl/tls before enable hsts.
        'hsts' => [
            'enable' => true,
            'max-age' => 15552000,
            'include-sub-domains' => true,
            'preload' => false,
         * Expect-CT
         * Reference:
        'expect-ct' => [
            'enable' => false,
            'max-age' => 2147483648,
            'enforce' => false,
            'report-uri' => null,
         * Public Key Pinning
         * Reference:
         * hpkp will be ignored if hashes is empty.
        'hpkp' => [
            'hashes' => [
            // 'sha256-hash-value',
            'include-sub-domains' => false,
            'max-age' => 15552000,
            'report-only' => false,
            'report-uri' => null,
         * Feature Policy
         * Reference:
        'feature-policy' => [
            'enable' => true,
             * Each directive details can be found on:
             * 'none', '*' and 'self allow' are mutually exclusive,
             * the priority is 'none' > '*' > 'self allow'.
            'accelerometer' => [
                'none' => false,
                '*' => false,
                'self' => true,
                'src' => false,
                'allow' => [
                // 'url',
            'ambient-light-sensor' => [
                'none' => false,
                '*' => false,
                'self' => true,
                'src' => false,
                'allow' => [
                // 'url',
            'autoplay' => [
                'none' => false,
                '*' => false,
                'self' => true,
                'src' => false,
                'allow' => [
                // 'url',
            'camera' => [
                'none' => false,
                '*' => false,
                'self' => true,
                'src' => false,
                'allow' => [
                // 'url',
            'display-capture' => [
                'none' => false,
                '*' => false,
                'self' => true,
                'src' => false,
                'allow' => [
                // 'url',
            'document-domain' => [
                'none' => false,
                '*' => true,
                'self' => false,
                'src' => false,
                'allow' => [
                // 'url',
            'encrypted-media' => [
                'none' => false,
                '*' => false,
                'self' => true,
                'src' => false,
                'allow' => [
                // 'url',
            'fullscreen' => [
                'none' => false,
                '*' => false,
                'self' => true,
                'src' => false,
                'allow' => [
                // 'url',
            'geolocation' => [
                'none' => false,
                '*' => false,
                'self' => true,
                'src' => false,
                'allow' => [
                // 'url',
            'gyroscope' => [
                'none' => false,
                '*' => false,
                'self' => true,
                'src' => false,
                'allow' => [
                // 'url',
            'magnetometer' => [
                'none' => false,
                '*' => false,
                'self' => true,
                'src' => false,
                'allow' => [
                // 'url',
            'microphone' => [
                'none' => false,
                '*' => false,
                'self' => true,
                'src' => false,
                'allow' => [
                // 'url',
            'midi' => [
                'none' => false,
                '*' => false,
                'self' => true,
                'src' => false,
                'allow' => [
                // 'url',
            'payment' => [
                'none' => false,
                '*' => false,
                'self' => true,
                'src' => false,
                'allow' => [
                // 'url',
            'picture-in-picture' => [
                'none' => false,
                '*' => true,
                'self' => false,
                'src' => false,
                'allow' => [
                // 'url',
            'speaker' => [
                'none' => false,
                '*' => false,
                'self' => true,
                'src' => false,
                'allow' => [
                // 'url',
            'sync-xhr' => [
                'none' => false,
                '*' => true,
                'self' => false,
                'src' => false,
                'allow' => [
                // 'url',
            'usb' => [
                'none' => false,
                '*' => false,
                'self' => true,
                'src' => false,
                'allow' => [
                // 'url',
            'vr' => [
                'none' => false,
                '*' => false,
                'self' => true,
                'src' => false,
                'allow' => [
                // 'url',
         * Content Security Policy
         * Reference:
         * csp will be ignored if custom-csp is not null. To disable csp, set custom-csp to empty string.
         * Note: custom-csp does not support report-only.
        'custom-csp' => null,
        'csp' => [
            'report-only' => false,
            'report-uri' => null,
            'block-all-mixed-content' => false,
            'upgrade-insecure-requests' => true,
             * Please references script-src directive for available values, only `script-src` and `style-src`
             * supports `add-generated-nonce`.
             * Note: when directive value is empty, it will use `none` for that directive.
            'script-src' => [
                'allow' => [
                'hashes' => [
                // 'sha256' => [
                //     'hash-value',
                // ],
                'nonces' => [
                // 'base64-encoded',
                'schemes' => [
                'self' => true,
                'unsafe-inline' => true,
                'unsafe-eval' => true,
                'strict-dynamic' => false,
                'unsafe-hashed-attributes' => false,
                // 'report-sample' => true,
                'add-generated-nonce' => true,
            'style-src' => [
                'allow' => [
                'hashes' => [
                // 'sha256' => [
                //     'hash-value',
                // ],
                'nonces' => [
                'schemes' => [
                // 'https:',
                'self' => true,
                'unsafe-inline' => true,
                // 'report-sample' => true,
                'add-generated-nonce' => false,
            'img-src' => [
                'allow' => [
                'schemes' => [
                'self' => true,
                'data' => true,
            'default-src' => [
            'base-uri' => [
            'connect-src' => [
                'allow' => [
                    'https://' . parse_url(env('APP_URL'), PHP_URL_HOST) . ':8443/',
                    'wss://' . parse_url(env('APP_URL'), PHP_URL_HOST) . ':8443/',
                'self' => true,
            'font-src' => [
                'schemes' => [
                'self' => true,
                'data' => true,
            'form-action' => [
                'self' => true,
            'frame-ancestors' => [
            'frame-src' => [
                'schemes' => [
                'self' => true,
            'media-src' => [
                'allow' => [
                'self' => true,
            'object-src' => [
            'worker-src' => [
            'plugin-types' => [
            // 'application/x-shockwave-flash',
            'require-sri-for' => '',
            'sandbox' => '',
    opened by urfusion 9
  • Rename Feature-Policy header to Permissions-Policy

    Rename Feature-Policy header to Permissions-Policy

    According to the following link, the Feature-Policy header is now renamed to the Permissions-Policy.

    Since yesterday (July 20 2020) started to get errors in Console in the Chrome: "Error with Feature-Policy header: Unrecognized feature: 'display-capture'."

    opened by yosifeldman 8
  • The right way to config

    The right way to config

    Hi I'm new in Laravel and I have some questions about your package. I added \Bepsvpt\SecureHeaders\SecureHeadersMiddleware::class, to $middlewarePriority in Kernel.php Is that right? And what should I write in secure-headers.php? And how can I be sure that I configured it in the right way? I'm using Laravel 5.8. Thanks in advanced.

    opened by Masoud180 8
  • Get  Error parsing header in Chrome Console

    Get Error parsing header in Chrome Console

    Error parsing header X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block, 1; mode=block: expected semicolon at character position 13. The default protections will be applied.

    opened by Kokil 7
  • still show Big red F still show Big red F

    Hello All,

    1.I have configured as per laravel project and security headers comes in first request of website but all other request like loading js and css that does not have configred security headers.

    2.Also still show Big red F for my website ( Can anyone help me ?

    opened by arshadanjum167 6
  • After setup for laravel, Content-Security-Policy header is not generated

    After setup for laravel, Content-Security-Policy header is not generated

    I see csp is enabled in config file secure-headers.php

         * Content Security Policy
         * Reference:
        'csp' => [
            'enable' => true,

    But in header of my site Content-Security-Policy header is not generated

    Results from

    Missing Headers

    Content Security Policy is an effective measure to protect your site from XSS attacks. By whitelisting sources of approved content, you can prevent the browser from loading malicious assets.

    How do I enable this header?

    opened by hyquoccuong 6
  • Laravel duplicates X-Content-Type-Options header

    Laravel duplicates X-Content-Type-Options header

    I am using secure-headers in a Laravel project and get an A when scanning the site using I do get the followign two warnings:

    X-Frame-Options There was a duplicate X-Frame-Options header. X-Content-Type-Options There was a duplicate X-Content-Type-Options header.

    Laravel is adding the duplicates from Illuminate\Http\Middleware\FrameGuard.php. Is there a way to prevent this occurring? Thanks

    opened by johnboc 6
  • img issues

    img issues

    Hello and thanks for the great package. Maybe I'm doing this wrong but imgs I have whitelisted are not showing up.

    [Error] Refused to load because it does not appear in the img-src directive of the Content Security Policy.
    [Error] Refused to load because it does not appear in the img-src directive of the Content Security Policy.
    [Error] Refused to load because it does not appear in the img-src directive of the Content Security Policy.
    [Error] Refused to load because it does not appear in the img-src directive of the Content Security Policy.
    [Error] Refused to load because it does not appear in the img-src directive of the Content Security Policy.
    [Error] Refused to load because it does not appear in the img-src directive of the Content Security Policy.
    [Error] Refused to load because it does not appear in the img-src directive of the Content Security Policy.
    [Error] Refused to load because it does not appear in the img-src directive of the Content Security Policy.
    [Error] Refused to load because it does not appear in the img-src directive of the Content Security Policy.
    [Error] Refused to load because it does not appear in the img-src directive of the Content Security Policy.
    [Error] Refused to load because it does not appear in the img-src directive of the Content Security Policy.
    [Error] Refused to load because it does not appear in the img-src directive of the Content Security Policy.

    This is my CSP config

    return [
         * X-Content-Type-Options
         * Reference:
         * Available Value: 'nosniff'
        'x-content-type-options' => 'nosniff',
         * X-Download-Options
         * Reference:
         * Available Value: 'noopen'
        'x-download-options' => 'noopen',
         * X-Frame-Options
         * Reference:
         * Available Value: 'deny', 'sameorigin', 'allow-from <uri>'
        'x-frame-options' => 'sameorigin',
         * X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies
         * Reference:
         * Available Value: 'all', 'none', 'master-only', 'by-content-type', 'by-ftp-filename'
        'x-permitted-cross-domain-policies' => 'none',
         * X-XSS-Protection
         * Reference:
         * Available Value: '1', '0', '1; mode=block'
        'x-xss-protection' => '1; mode=block',
         * Referrer-Policy
         * Reference:
         * Available Value: 'no-referrer', 'no-referrer-when-downgrade', 'origin', 'origin-when-cross-origin',
         *                  'same-origin', 'strict-origin', 'strict-origin-when-cross-origin', 'unsafe-url'
        'referrer-policy' => 'strict-origin-when-cross-origin',
         * HTTP Strict Transport Security
         * Reference:
         * Please ensure your website had set up ssl/tls before enable hsts.
        'hsts' => [
            'enable' => true,
            'max-age' => 15552000,
            'include-sub-domains' => false,
         * Public Key Pinning
         * Reference:
         * hpkp will be ignored if hashes is empty.
        'hpkp' => [
            'hashes' => [
                // [
                //     'algo' => 'sha256',
                //     'hash' => 'hash-value',
                // ],
            'include-sub-domains' => false,
            'max-age' => 15552000,
            'report-only' => false,
            'report-uri' => null,
         * Content Security Policy
         * Reference:
         * csp will be ignored if custom-csp is not null. To disable csp, set custom-csp to empty string.
         * Note: custom-csp does not support report-only.
        'custom-csp' => null,
        'csp' => [
            'report-only' => false,
            'report-uri' => null,
            'upgrade-insecure-requests' => false,
            'base-uri' => [
            'default-src' => [
                'self' => true,
            'child-src' => [
            'script-src' => [
                'allow' => [
                'hashes' => [
                    // ['sha256' => 'hash-value'],
                'nonces' => [
                'self' => true,
                'unsafe-inline' => true,
                'unsafe-eval' => false,
            'style-src' => [
                'allow' => [
                'self' => true,
                'unsafe-inline' => true,
            'img-src' => [
                'allow' => [
                'types' => [
                'self' => true,
                'data' => true,
             * The following directives are all use 'allow' and 'self' flag.
             * Note: default value of 'self' flag is false.
            'font-src' => [
                'allow' => [
                'self' => true,
            'connect-src' => [
                'allow' => [
                'self' => true,
            'form-action' => [
                'self' => true,
            'frame-ancestors' => [
                'self' => true,
            'media-src' => [
                'self' => true,
            'object-src' => [
                'self' => true,
             * plugin-types only support 'allow'.
            'plugin-types' => [
    opened by HDVinnie 6
  • Add Nonce on Javascript Navigation

    Add Nonce on Javascript Navigation

    opened by PanjiNamjaElf 5
  • Image data: Question

    Image data: Question

    Im getting a lot of the following.


    My Config is so:

            'img-src' => [
                'schemes' => [
                'self' => true,
                'data' => true,

    How can I allow all these?

    opened by HDVinnie 5
  • Support for Reporting API and NEL header

    Support for Reporting API and NEL header

    You already support the report-to attribute at CSP. However, this attribute accepts key from Report-To header like shown in this site in examples:

    What do you think about adding the possibility to set the Report-To standalone header as well? It can report more issues with your site, see

    And maybe add NEL Header too? This is not really security header but can help with debugging bad HTTPS certificate etc

    What do you think about those headers? At least Report-To header could be useful, otherwise, the report-to attribute at CSP is useless.

    opened by arxeiss 2
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