Condor watches diverse statuses, and elegantly reports every drift



Gitter Build Status Code Climate Test Coverage Current Beta License

Condor watches diverse statuses, and elegantly reports every drift.

Dashboard Example Screenshot


  • Uptime: Make sure everything is up and running.
  • Domains: Anticipate to expiry dates.
  • Certificates: Keep your sites always secure.


Enjoy Condor out of the box at


Read the User Manual.


Read the INSTALLING section.


Bug Reports

You may report bugs in the issue board.

Core Development Discussion

Join the Gitter Room for development discussion.

Security Vulnerabilities

If you discover a security vulnerability within Condor, please send an e-mail to All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.


Condor is developed and maintained by Pablo E. González and Ariel Vallese.


Condor is open-sourced software licensed under the AGPL

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