all geteways (SMS&Payments geteways) By (Mahmoud Ibrahim)


All gateways payments & SMS

package name: gateways

package version: v1.1

author : mahmoud ibrahim

description :provide gateways payments and SMS

GitHub forks GitHub issues GitHub stars Latest Stable Version GitHub license

to install this pacakge

composer require phpanonymous/gateways

then publish config/gateways.php file

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Phpanonymous\Gateways\GatewayProvider"

available gateways click on logo to visit usage wiki


More services are now included soon

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  • added paymob integration

    added paymob integration

    Added paymob integration pay with this methods

    // payment example
            "delivery_needed"=> "false",
            "amount_cents"=> "100",
            "currency"=> "EGP",
            // "merchant_order_id"=> 5,
            "items" => [
                    "name"=> "ASC1515",
                    "amount_cents"=> "500000",
                    "description"=> "Smart Watch",
                    "quantity"=> "1"
                    "name"=> "ERT6565",
                    "amount_cents"=> "200000",
                    "description"=> "Power Bank",
                    "quantity" => "1"
            "shipping_data" => [
                "apartment"=> "803", 
                "email"=> "", 
                "floor"=> "42", 
                "first_name"=> "Clifford", 
                "street"=> "Ethan Land", 
                "building"=> "8028", 
                "phone_number"=> "+86(8)9135210487", 
                "postal_code"=> "01898", 
                "extra_description"=> "8 Ram , 128 Giga",
                "city"=> "Jaskolskiburgh", 
                "country"=> "CR", 
                "last_name"=> "Nicolas", 
                "state"=> "Utah"
            "shipping_details" => [
                "notes" => " test",
                "number_of_packages"=> 1,
                "weight" => 1,
                "weight_unit" => "Kilogram",
                "length" => 1,
                "width" =>1,
                "height" =>1,
                "contents" => "product of some sorts"
            "billing_data" => [
                "email" => "", 
                "first_name" => "mohamed", 
                "last_name" => "ahmed", 
                "phone_number" => "+201234567890", 
                "street" => "Ethan Land", 
                "apartment" => "803", 
                "floor" => "42", 
                "building" => "8028", 
                "shipping_method" => "PKG", 
                "postal_code" => "01898", 
                "city" => "Jaskolskiburgh", 
                "country" => "CR", 
                "state" => "Utah"
        // ->redirect()

    Not compleleted yet still there is methods not implemented

    not implemented methods = ['KIOSK', 'MWALLET','CASHONDELIVERY', 'REFUND', 'CANCEL']

    Please review code and give me feedback.

    opened by skrskr 3
  • add 4jawaly to service provider + Check for required params

    add 4jawaly to service provider + Check for required params

    Usage :

    in your config/gateways.php file

    you must add your configuration from your 4jawaly panel

    'sms' => [
    	'4jawaly' => [
    		'username' => '',
    		'password' => '',
    		'sender' => '', 

    Sending sms :

    return gateway('4jawaly')
    		->message('This is a message')

    Get Balance :

    return gateway('4jawaly')
    opened by Mohamed-Eid 0
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