Payum offers everything you need to work with payments. From simplest use cases to very advanced ones.


Supporting Payum

Payum is an MIT-licensed open source project with its ongoing development made possible entirely by the support of community and our customers. If you'd like to join them, please consider:

Payum Laravel Bundle

Join the chat at

The extension integrates payum into laravel framework. It already supports +35 gateways. Provide nice configuration layer, secured capture controller, storages and lots of other features.


Developed by Forma-Pro

Forma-Pro is a full stack development company which interests also spread to open source development. Being a team of strong professionals we have an aim an ability to help community by developing cutting edge solutions in the areas of e-commerce, docker & microservice oriented architecture where we have accumulated a huge many-years experience. Our main specialization is Symfony framework based solution, but we are always looking to the technologies that allow us to do our job the best way. We are committed to creating solutions that revolutionize the way how things are developed in aspects of architecture & scalability.

If you have any questions and inquires about our open source development, this product particularly or any other matter feel free to contact at


PayumLaravelPackage is released under the MIT License.

  • Trait 'Payum\Core\GatewayAwareTrait' not found

    Trait 'Payum\Core\GatewayAwareTrait' not found

    I have followed the docs and installed this library in laravel 5.2 (latest version). But i am getting this error. I also came across this on stackoverflow, and have added the guzzle library. However i am still getting this error.

    FatalErrorException in PurchaseAction.php line 26:
    Trait 'Payum\Core\GatewayAwareTrait' not found
    opened by omerfarooX 13
  • Call to undefined method [package] on Laravel 5

    Call to undefined method [package] on Laravel 5

    its seem newest Laravel 5 delete the method Package?

    or its juts i am doing some thing wrong?

    I am getting this udefined method error when i try to use Payum as payment system on Laravel 5

    opened by SharkIng 13
  • ReflectionException in Container.php line 737: Class payum does not exist

    ReflectionException in Container.php line 737: Class payum does not exist

    using "payum/paypal-express-checkout-nvp":"0.15.*" laravel version 5.1

    got this error.

    ReflectionException in Container.php line 737: Class payum does not exist

    in Container.php line 737
    at ReflectionClass->__construct('payum') in Container.php line 737
    at Container->build('payum', array()) in Container.php line 627
    at Container->make('payum', array()) in Application.php line 674
    at Application->make('payum') in Facade.php line 216
    at Facade::__callStatic('make', array('payum')) in PaypalController.php line 22
    at App::make('payum') in PaypalController.php line 22
    at PaypalController->prepareExpressCheckout()
    at call_user_func_array(array(object(PaypalController), 'prepareExpressCheckout'), array()) in Controller.php line 256
    at Controller->callAction('prepareExpressCheckout', array()) in ControllerDispatcher.php line 164
    at ControllerDispatcher->call(object(PaypalController), object(Route), 'prepareExpressCheckout') in ControllerDispatcher.php line 112
    at ControllerDispatcher->Illuminate\Routing\{closure}(object(Request))
    at call_user_func(object(Closure), object(Request)) in Pipeline.php line 139
    at Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}(object(Request))
    at call_user_func(object(Closure), object(Request)) in Pipeline.php line 103
    at Pipeline->then(object(Closure)) in ControllerDispatcher.php line 114
    at ControllerDispatcher->callWithinStack(object(PaypalController), object(Route), object(Request), 'prepareExpressCheckout') in ControllerDispatcher.php line 69
    at ControllerDispatcher->dispatch(object(Route), object(Request), 'App\Http\Controllers\PaypalController', 'prepareExpressCheckout') in Route.php line 203
    at Route->runWithCustomDispatcher(object(Request)) in Route.php line 134
    at Route->run(object(Request)) in Router.php line 712
    at Router->Illuminate\Routing\{closure}(object(Request))
    at call_user_func(object(Closure), object(Request)) in Pipeline.php line 139
    at Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}(object(Request))
    at call_user_func(object(Closure), object(Request)) in Pipeline.php line 103
    at Pipeline->then(object(Closure)) in Router.php line 714
    at Router->runRouteWithinStack(object(Route), object(Request)) in Router.php line 679
    at Router->dispatchToRoute(object(Request)) in Router.php line 639
    at Router->dispatch(object(Request)) in Kernel.php line 236
    at Kernel->Illuminate\Foundation\Http\{closure}(object(Request))
    at call_user_func(object(Closure), object(Request)) in Pipeline.php line 139
    at Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}(object(Request)) in ShareErrorsFromSession.php line 49
    at ShareErrorsFromSession->handle(object(Request), object(Closure))
    at call_user_func_array(array(object(ShareErrorsFromSession), 'handle'), array(object(Request), object(Closure))) in Pipeline.php line 124
    at Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}(object(Request)) in StartSession.php line 62
    at StartSession->handle(object(Request), object(Closure))
    at call_user_func_array(array(object(StartSession), 'handle'), array(object(Request), object(Closure))) in Pipeline.php line 124
    at Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}(object(Request)) in AddQueuedCookiesToResponse.php line 37
    at AddQueuedCookiesToResponse->handle(object(Request), object(Closure))
    at call_user_func_array(array(object(AddQueuedCookiesToResponse), 'handle'), array(object(Request), object(Closure))) in Pipeline.php line 124
    at Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}(object(Request)) in EncryptCookies.php line 59
    at EncryptCookies->handle(object(Request), object(Closure))
    at call_user_func_array(array(object(EncryptCookies), 'handle'), array(object(Request), object(Closure))) in Pipeline.php line 124
    at Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}(object(Request)) in CheckForMaintenanceMode.php line 42
    at CheckForMaintenanceMode->handle(object(Request), object(Closure))
    at call_user_func_array(array(object(CheckForMaintenanceMode), 'handle'), array(object(Request), object(Closure))) in Pipeline.php line 124
    at Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure}(object(Request))
    at call_user_func(object(Closure), object(Request)) in Pipeline.php line 103
    at Pipeline->then(object(Closure)) in Kernel.php line 122
    at Kernel->sendRequestThroughRouter(object(Request)) in Kernel.php line 87
    at Kernel->handle(object(Request)) in index.php line 54
    at require_once('C:\xampp\htdocs\dailylunch\public\index.php') in index.php line 21
    opened by cspreston 12
  • Interface Doctrine\Common\Persistence\Proxy does not exist

    Interface Doctrine\Common\Persistence\Proxy does not exist

    Hello, I am a beginner of laravel and payum. I followed the example, but cannot go through the code in sandbox. ReflectionException Interface Doctrine\Common\Persistence\Proxy does not exist The error is in the file: ..\vendor\payum\core\Payum\Core\Registry\AbstractRegistry.php The error code is: $class = is_object($class) ? get_class($class) : $class;

        // TODO: this is a quick fix. I have to find a better\clean solution.
        if (class_exists($class)) {            
            $rc = new \ReflectionClass($class);
            if ($rc->implementsInterface('Doctrine\Common\Persistence\Proxy')) {
                $class = $rc->getParentClass()->getName();
    I really don't know how to deal with it.
    opened by frankgu1208 10
  • Tag request

    Tag request

    Would it be possible to tag this repository as 0.11.2 and to push the 0.12.0 tag on Payum/Core.

    Currently when I try to use "payum/payum-laravel-package": "dev-master#e519568712e0e79e1085c0ea8f3c71f68fa5054c", I get:

    $ composer update
    Loading composer repositories with package information
    Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
    Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.
      Problem 1
        - Installation request for payum/payum-laravel-package dev-master#e519568712e0e79e1085c0ea8f3c71f68fa5054c -> satisfiable by payum/payum-laravel-package[dev-master].
        - payum/payum-laravel-package dev-master requires payum/core 0.12.*@dev -> no matching package found.
    Potential causes:
     - A typo in the package name
     - The package is not available in a stable-enough version according to your minimum-stability setting
       see <> for more details.
    opened by m14t 9
  • Getting 0 as hash for the targetUrl

    Getting 0 as hash for the targetUrl

    Trying to get the eloquent storage to work for payum in laravel 5.2.

    I get the error:

    Argument 1 passed to iterator_to_array() must implement interface Traversable, instance of Payum\LaravelPackage\Model\Payment given

    Thrown by 'details' => iterator_to_array($status->getFirstModel()) in the method that handles the callback of payment_done

    In my AppServiceProvider.php i have

    $this->app->resolving('payum.builder', function(\Payum\Core\PayumBuilder $payumBuilder) {
                // this method registers filesystem storages, consider to change them to something more
                // sophisticated, like eloquent storage
                ->addStorage(Payment::class, new EloquentStorage(Payment::class))
                ->setTokenStorage(new EloquentStorage(Token::class))
                ->addGateway('paypal_ec', [
                    'factory' => 'paypal_express_checkout',
                    'username' => 'EDIT ME',
                    'password' => 'EDIT ME',
                    'signature' => 'EDIT ME',
                    'sandbox' => true

    My routes: Route::get('/payment', 'PaypalController@prepareExpressCheckout'); Route::get('/payment/done/{payum_token}', ['as' => 'payment_done', 'uses' => 'PaypalController@done']);


    namespace App\Http\Controllers;
    // app/controllers/PaypalController.php
    use Payum\Core\Request\GetHumanStatus;
    use Payum\LaravelPackage\Controller\PayumController;
    use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
    class PaypalController extends PayumController
        public function prepareExpressCheckout()
            //$storage = $this->getPayum()->getStorage('Payum\Core\Model\ArrayObject');
            $storage = $this->getPayum()->getStorage('Payum\LaravelPackage\Model\Payment');
            $details = $storage->create();
            $details['PAYMENTREQUEST_0_CURRENCYCODE'] = 'EUR';
            $details['PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT'] = 1.23;
            $payment = $storage->create();
             $payment->setTotalAmount(1.23); // 1.23 EUR
             $payment->setDescription('A description');
               // put here any fields in a gateway format.
               // for example if you use Paypal ExpressCheckout you can define a description of the first item:
               'L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_DESC' => 'A desc',
               'L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT' => 1.23
            $captureToken = $this->getPayum()->getTokenFactory()->createCaptureToken('paypal_ec', $payment, 'payment_done');
            echo $captureToken->getTargetUrl();
            return \Redirect::to($captureToken->getTargetUrl());
        public function done($payum_token)
            /** @var Request $request */
            $request = \App::make('request');
            $request->attributes->set('payum_token', $payum_token);
            $token = $this->getPayum()->getHttpRequestVerifier()->verify($request);
            $gateway = $this->getPayum()->getGateway($token->getGatewayName());
            $gateway->execute($status = new GetHumanStatus($token));
            return \Response::json(array(
                'status' => $status->getValue(),
                'details' => iterator_to_array($status->getFirstModel())

    I've been at it for two evenings and getting nowhere. The package looks promising, so i hope somebody can help me. If i get it working i promise i will write detailed documentation for laravel 5.2 users!

    opened by perryborst 7
  • A namespace error on PayumController.php is generating FatalErrorExcepti...

    A namespace error on PayumController.php is generating FatalErrorExcepti...

    A namespace error on PayumController.php is generating FatalErrorException: Class 'Illuminate\Routing\Controllers\Controller' not found when calling capture url

    i.e.: Calling http://localhost:8000/payment/capture/Yo9Ww5-IfcNlc-vcuX876DJhHcd5Tr9ZBQdKy5mrnYs

    opened by ateixeira 7
  • GetHumanStatus{model: ArrayObject} is not supported

    GetHumanStatus{model: ArrayObject} is not supported

    I want to use the PayumLaravelPackage with Payum/Payex , I followed the documentation here and tried to do a purchase, every thing done well, But when I am redirected to:

    , an error is triggered:

    Request GetHumanStatus{model: ArrayObject} is not supported. Make sure the gateway supports the requests and there is an action which supports this request (The method returns true). There may be a bug, so look for a related issue on the issue tracker.

    ,, my AppServiceProvider is:

    public function register()
            $this->app->resolving('payum.builder', function(\Payum\Core\PayumBuilder $payumBuilder) {
                    // this method registers filesystem storages, consider to change them to something more
                    // sophisticated, like eloquent storage
                    ->addGateway('payex', [
                        'factory' => 'payex',
                        'account_number' => 'my account number',
                        'encryption_key' => 'my key',
                        'sandbox' => true

    and my Payment Controller :

    namespace App\Http\Controllers;
    use Illuminate\Http\Request;
    use Payum\Core\Request\GetHumanStatus;
    use Payum\LaravelPackage\Controller\PayumController;
    class PaymentController extends PayumController
        public function done($payum_token, Request $request)
            $request->attributes->set('payum_token', $payum_token);
            $token = $this->getPayum()->getHttpRequestVerifier()->verify($request);
            $gateway = $this->getPayum()->getGateway($token->getGatewayName());
            $gateway->execute($status = new GetHumanStatus($token));
            return response([
                'status' => $status->getValue(),
                'details' => iterator_to_array($status->getFirstModel())
        public function captureDoneAction(Request $request)
            $token = $this->get('payum')->getHttpRequestVerifier()->verify($request);
            $identity = $token->getDetails();
            $model = $this->get('payum')->getStorage($identity->getClass())->find($identity);
            $gateway = $this->get('payum')->getGateway($token->getGatewayName());
            // you can invalidate the token. The url could not be requested any more.
            // $this->get('payum')->getHttpRequestVerifier()->invalidate($token);
            // Once you have token you can get the model from the storage directly.
            //$identity = $token->getDetails();
            //$details = $payum->getStorage($identity->getClass())->find($identity);
            // or Payum can fetch the model for you while executing a request (Preferred).
            $gateway->execute($status = new GetHumanStatus($token));
            $details = $status->getFirstModel();
            // you have order and payment status
            // so you can do whatever you want for example you can just print status and payment details.
            return new JsonResponse(array(
                'status' => $status->getValue(),
                'details' => iterator_to_array($details),

    and that is my Payex Controller:

    namespace App\Http\Controllers;
    use App\Http\Requests;
    use Illuminate\Http\Request;
    use Payum\Payex\Api\OrderApi;
    use Payum\LaravelPackage\Controller\PayumController;
    use App\Http\Controllers\OrdersController as OrdersCart;
    class PayexController extends PayumController
        public $cart;
        public function __construct(OrdersCart $ordersCart)
            $this->cart = $ordersCart;
        public function preparePayex( Request $request)
            $storage = $this->getPayum()->getStorage('Payum\Core\Model\ArrayObject');
            $details = $storage->create();
            $details['price'] = $this->cart->updateCartTotalPrice($this->cart->currentCart);
            $details['priceArgList'] = '';
            $details['vat'] = 0;
            $details['currency'] = 'SEK';
            $details['orderId'] = $this->cart->currentCart;
            $details['productNumber'] = $this->cart->currentCart;
            $details['purchaseOperation'] = OrderApi::PURCHASEOPERATION_AUTHORIZATION;
            $details['view'] = OrderApi::VIEW_CREDITCARD;
            $details['description'] = '';
            $details['clientIPAddress'] = $request->getClientIp();
            $details['clientIdentifier'] = '';
            $details['additionalValues'] = '';
            $details['agreementRef'] = '';
            $details['clientLanguage'] = 'en-US';
            $captureToken = $this->getPayum()->getTokenFactory()->createCaptureToken('payex', $details, 'payment_done');
            $details['returnurl'] = $captureToken->getTargetUrl();
            $details['cancelurl'] = $captureToken->getTargetUrl();
            return redirect($captureToken->getTargetUrl());

    and i use laravel 5.2 This error is caused me a lot of boredom, so please some one help.

    opened by krinkel 6
  • Request GetHumanStatus{model: ArrayObject} is not supported on payment done controller

    Request GetHumanStatus{model: ArrayObject} is not supported on payment done controller


    I'm working with the new 0.11.1 package (thanks for the corrections), and facing the above error on:

    $status = new GetHumanStatus($token);

    i.e.: I'm redirected from PaypalController on

    return $captureToken->getTargetUrl(); 

    to http://localhost:8000/csi/payment_done?payum_token=_lLGI4Mxk-UKX4FNUiyq0j94IrY_iLjRoMZfWc8Bdg0

    I can see on my storage the files payum-model-_lLGI4Mxk-UKX4FNUiyq0j94IrY_iLjRoMZfWc8Bdg0 and payum-model-5417d0934a306

    The $token resultant from

    $request = \App::make('request');
    $request->attributes->set('payum_token', $payum_token);
    $token = $this->getHttpRequestVerifier()->verify($request);

    Gives me the result:

    $token->getDetails() = Payum\Core\Model\ArrayObject#5417d0934a306
    $token->getHash() = _lLGI4Mxk-UKX4FNUiyq0j94IrY_iLjRoMZfWc8Bdg0
    $token->getPaymentName() = paypal-pro

    If I try to reach payment_done controller with an invalid payum_token, it gives the error: A token with hash _lLGI4Mxk-UKX4FNUiyq0j94IrY_iLjRoMZfWc8Bdg1 could not be found. and if I try it with a valid token the Request GetHumanStatus{model: ArrayObject} is not supported. As I can see on storage a token with equivalent $token details arrayobject ID, I guess my $payments is not properly constructed on config.php.

    Can you guys give me a hint on how to validate it?


    opened by ateixeira 6
  • getStorage


    I encounter this error A storage for model Scribe\Models\Frontend\AgreementDetails was not registered. There are storages for next models: Payum\Core\Model\ArrayObject.

    opened by karlimlengco 6
  • does this package support laravel 5

    does this package support laravel 5

    hello, I am trying to install it on Laravel 5, but unable to, keep getting this error:

    Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.
      Problem 1
        - Installation request for payum/payum-laravel-package 0.13.* -> satisfiable
     by payum/payum-laravel-package[0.13.0].
        - Can only install one of: payum/core[0.14.0, 0.13.0].
        - payum/stripe 0.14.0 requires payum/core 0.14.* -> satisfiable by payum/cor
        - payum/payum-laravel-package 0.13.0 requires payum/core 0.13.* -> satisfiab
    le by payum/core[0.13.0].
        - Installation request for payum/stripe 0.14.* -> satisfiable by payum/strip
    Installation failed, reverting ./composer.json to its original content.

    also asked this question on StackOverFlow:

    opened by AminMkh 5
  • Not installing, Laravel Container issue

    Not installing, Laravel Container issue

    Im trying to install this package with a fresh install of the latest Laravel and i keep getting a error in the console

    Problem 1 - payum/payum-laravel-package dev-master requires illuminate/container ^4|^5.1|^6.0|^7.0|^8.0 -> found illuminate/container[v4.0.0-BETA2, ..., 4.2.x-dev, v5.1.1, ..., 5.8.x-dev, v6.0.0, ..., 6.x-dev, v7.0.0, ..., 7.x-dev, v8.0.0, ..., 8.x-dev] but these were not loaded, likely because it conflicts with another require. Really like to use this package as a solution for a new billing portal im building for a friend. Thanks for the help.

    opened by Chrisx84 1
  • Configuration from a database?

    Configuration from a database?


    I am trying to call the configuration of the gateways which are already in a given database, in a format other than that of the payum documentation, because they already exist.

    I tried to call the config from the ServiceProvider but I do not have access to the DB from a ServiceProvider.

    And is it possible to call the configuration of the gateways which are in the DB, for example, via a Helpers just before using Payum in order to generate the necessary config on the fly?

    Too bad this part does not seem very flexible to use.

    opened by VConsulting 0
  • Notify Controller doUnsafeAction doesn't resolve gateway name parameter

    Notify Controller doUnsafeAction doesn't resolve gateway name parameter

    As route payum_notify_do_unsafe describe, this controller should recieve a gateway_name parameter, to retrive the right gateway from payum. Instead this method receive a Request object and cannot get the right parameter.

    The test can be done easily, call route('payum_notify_do_unsafe', ['gateway_name' => 'gateway-test']) via HTTP, throws a InvalidArgumentException with messagge Gateway "" does not exist. instead of Gateway "gateway-test" does not exist.

    The PR #54 fix the issue.

    opened by ilCleme 0
  • Fix doUnsafeAction of Notify Controller, could not resolve gateway_name parameter defined on route

    Fix doUnsafeAction of Notify Controller, could not resolve gateway_name parameter defined on route

    This PR fix an error with doUnsafeAction of Notify Controller. This controller not resolve the gateway name parameter define in the related route, and cannot permit to use the notifications come from payment processor like Stripe. It received the Request object as method parameter but not resolve the route parameter in the right way.

    I've changed the firm of method, from public function doUnsafeAction(Request $request) to public function doUnsafeAction($gateway_name) as relative route "payum_notify_do_unsafe" describe in service provider.

    This PR is tested over PHP 7.3 and PHP 7.4, from Laravel 5.8 up to Laravel 8, using Github Actions. It can be used on Laravel 5.1 as well, but is not actually tested from this PR. (I've test manually over a fresh L5.1 local installation)

    To avoid a BC due to method firms change, i can be convert the fix try to resolve the gateway_name parameter through Request object.

    opened by ilCleme 0
  • Subscription defined by a start and end date.

    Subscription defined by a start and end date.

    I am working with Laravel Cashier and I have found out that you can't define a custom start / end date for subscriptions. It is inconvenient in our case because we are offering to our users an option where they can book website access for a predefined start / end date. Does this package provide such an option?

    opened by ronlinet 0
  • Request Refund{model: ArrayObject} is not supported. Make sure the gateway supports the requests and there is an action which supports this request (The method returns true). There may be a bug, so look for a related issue on the issue tracker.

    Request Refund{model: ArrayObject} is not supported. Make sure the gateway supports the requests and there is an action which supports this request (The method returns true). There may be a bug, so look for a related issue on the issue tracker.

    I have this:

      private function refund($payum_token) {
            $request = \App::make('request');
            $request->attributes->set('payum_token', $payum_token);
            $token = $this->getPayum()->getHttpRequestVerifier()->verify($request);
            $gateway = $this->getPayum()->getGateway($token->getGatewayName());
            try {
                $gateway->execute(new Refund($token));
            } catch (ReplyInterface $reply) {
                return $this->convertReply($reply);
                return \Redirect::to($token->getAfterUrl());
            return \Response::make(null, 204);        

    So now what ?

    opened by LimaAlpha 1
PHP 7+ Payment processing library. It offers everything you need to work with payments: Credit card & offsite purchasing, subscriptions, payouts etc.
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Food theme for Commerce ################################ WORK IN PROGRESS - NOT READY FOR USE ################################ This theme for Commerce

modmore | More for MODX 5 Feb 15, 2022
Sitepackage for TYPO3 CMS that adheres to the recommended standards, maps all conceivable functional areas and contains examples for common use cases.

TYPO3 CMS Sitepackage This sitepackage sticks as closely as possible to the recommended standard and maps all conceivable functional areas. There are

Eric Bode 3 Dec 18, 2022
A very slight PHP framework, very easy to use and integrate.

A very slight PHP framework, very easy to use and integrate.

Jerry 95 Oct 26, 2022
Very easy to use a current limiting component, the code is very simple, based on the webman framework.

Very easy to use a current limiting component, the code is very simple, based on the webman framework.

nsp-team 13 Dec 29, 2022
Allows reflection of object attributes, including inherited and non-public ones

sebastian/object-reflector Allows reflection of object attributes, including inherited and non-public ones. Installation You can add this library as a

Sebastian Bergmann 6k Jan 4, 2023
Custom torn signatures, like cheds ones, but with your own graphics.

torn-custom-signatures Basic Live signature creation script for Torn. Prerequesites: A file containing the apikeys in an array named as FACTION_ID-api

Dimitris Valilis 4 Nov 23, 2022