Worlds (soon to be) most advanced Anime site! Featuring Administration features and everything you need for users and yourself. The successor of aniZero.

|    _____   H33Tx & xHENAI                     __           31.01.2022|
|   /     \   ____   ___Presents:  ____   ____ |  | __ ____      v0.0.5|
|  /  \ /  \ /  _ \ /    \ /  _ \ /    \ /  _ \|  |/ // __ \           |
| /    Y    (  <_> )   |  (  <_> )   |  (  <_> )    <\  ___/           |
| \____|__  /\____/|___|  /\____/|___|  /\____/|__|_ \\___  >          |
|      by \/ $aintly2k  \/ and Fuhrer \/ Kleineick  \/    \/           |

/============== About ==================\ /========== Team ============\
| Worlds (soon to be) most advanced     | | | Auvrandil - Security     |
| Anime site! Featuring Administration  | | -- -------------- |
| features and everything you need for  | | | fragile - Security       |
| users, moderators and yourself.       | | -- -------------- |
| The successor of aniZero.             | | | $aintly2k - Programming  |
\=======================================/ | | Kleineick - Programming  |
/============== Features ===============\
| Existing and planned ones.            \==============================\
| [x] Account System                                                   |
|     [x] Signin & Signup                                              |
|     [x] Confirm Account via eMail                                    |
|     [x] Edit Account & Preferences                                   |
|     [x] Viewing Profile of other User                                |
| [x] Forum System                                                     |
|     [x] Create and Edit Forum                                        |
|     [x] Make Forum private, public, open & closed                    |
|     [x] Create new Threads and Post Replies                          |
| [ ] Anime System                                                     |
|     [x] Add and Edit Animes (WIP)                                    |
|     [ ] View Animes on seperate Page                                 |
|     [ ] See "New Episode" Button on Anime Page                       |
| [ ] Episode System                                                   |
|     [ ] Add New Episode                                              |
|     [ ] Multiple Streamhosters                                       |
|         [ ] Local Storage (Upload)                                   |
|         [ ] Animixplay                                               |
|         [x] GogoAnime                                                |
|         [ ] 9anime                                                   |
|         [x] YouTube                                                  |
|         [x] mp4upload                                                |
|         [x] StreamTape                                               |
|     [ ] Edit Episode                                                 |
| [ ] Comment System                                                   |
|     [ ] Comment on Anime page                                        |
|     [ ] Comment on Episode page                                      |
|     [ ] Report Comments                                              |
|     [ ] Manage Comments (As Mod, Admin or Comment Author)            |
| [x] Schedule System                                                  |
|     [x] Add new entry to Schedule                                    |
|     [x] Edit Schedule-entries                                        |
|     [x] View Schedule-Page and time (When release?)                  |
|                                                                      |
| More to come...                                                      |
/============================ Installation ============================\
|   ONLY DOWNLOAD @                                  |
| - General Setup ---------------------------------------------------- |
| 1. Download the latest stable Release                                |
| 2. Move all stuff to your webroot and open config.php                |
| 3. Edit the main stuff and the MySQL Database details                |
| 4. Import "mononoke.sql" to the MySQL Database                       |
| 5. Configure Sendmail (tutorial below)                               |
| 6. Create an Account, confirm eMail and set "level" in MySQL to 0    |
| - Mail Setup ------------------------------------------------------- |
| Sendmail is required -      |
| 1. Open your php.ini file (usually in /etc/ directory)               |
| 2. [Linux] Find "sendmail_path" and set it properly (by default it   |
|            it should be /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i)                    |
| 2. [Windows] Find "SMTP" and edit it to your SMTP server             |
| 3. [Windows] Find "sendmail_from" and set it to your eMail           |

|   _________    Show some love!               __                 ._.  |
|  /   _____/__ ________ ______   ____________/  |_   __ __  _____| |  |
|  \_____  \|  |  \____ \\____ \ /  _ \_  __ \   __\ |  |  \/  ___/ |  |
|  /        \  |  /  |_> >  |_> >  <_> )  | \/|  |   |  |  /\___ \ \|  |
| /_______  /____/|   __/|   __/ \____/|__|   |__|   |____//____  >__  |
|         \/      |__|   |__|                                   \/ \/  |

/============ ==========\ /============ =============\
| Twitter: @H33Tx                | | Twitter: @xHENAI                  |
| GitHub: @H33Tx                 | | GitHub: @xHENAI                   |
| @WOLFRAMEdev        | | eMail:              |
| eMail:        | |                                   |
\================================/ \===================================/

| ________                            __                               |
| \______ \   _______  ______   _____/  |_  ____   ______ To our       |
|  |    |  \_/ __ \  \/ /    \ /  _ \   __\/ __ \ /  ___/   future     |
|  |    `   \  ___/\   /   |  (  <_> )  | \  ___/ \___ \   selfs.      |
| /_______  /\___  >\_/|___|  /\____/|__|  \___  >____  >              |
|         \/     \/         \/                 \/     \/               |

/=== User-Levels ===\ /=================== Version ====================\
| 0 = Administrator | |                                                |
| 10 = Moderator    | |               Current: v0.0.5                  |
| 20 = Valid User   | |           Last Updated: 31.01.2022             |
| 30 = Invalid User | |         Notes: Complete rewrite yay!           |
| 50 = Guest        | |                                                |
\===================/ \================================================/

/====== Anime Status ======\ /============== Weekdays =================\
| 0 = Announced            | | 1 = Sunday         | 4 = Wednesday      |
| 1 = Airing               | | 2 = Monday         | 5 = Thursday       |
| 2 = Completed            | | 3 = Tuesday        | 6 = Friday         |
\==========================/ \===================== 7 = Saturday ======/

/=============================== Themes ===============================\
| bootstrap.0.css - Bootstrap Default light theme                      |
| bootstrap.1.css - Bootstrap Cerulean theme (light)                   |
| bootstrap.2.css - Bootstrap Default dark theme                       |
| bootstrap.3.css - Bootstrap Cyborg theme (dark)                      |
| bootstrap.4.css - Bootstrap Darkly theme (dark)                      |
  • Wrong page locations?

    Wrong page locations?

    I've just tried to install this and after the installer, it tries to go to which doesn't exist and then if I go to the homepage it sends to me

    Have I done anything incorrectly?

    opened by orophix 6
  • Searching for a Front-end developer (CSS)

    Searching for a Front-end developer (CSS)

    As I said, I'm searching for someone, who is willing to implement a complete style for Mononoke.

    Requirements are simple: just be really good at CSS and I will do the rest.

    If you are and are willing to sacrifice time, sweat and blood for this project, contact me on Discord :^) or eMail.

    $aintly#0394 or


    opened by saintly2k 2
  • Menu not showing text

    Menu not showing text

    after I get it installed everything works fine, but the menu isn't showing the text in it. I can move my mouse over the area and see that there are boxes there and even click them and go into the admin area. There's just no text.

    opened by scallywag 1
  • When is this site out?

    When is this site out?

    Hello, i hope this is web-app site like Zoro(.)to wich is we can install it on homescreen. And Good for Mobile phone users wich we can Watch in Landscape when we Click Fullscreen. We cannot do this at Zoro site, they don't have this Phone friendly thing. Only desktop user or laptop will benefit their site.

    opened by MrConqueror 1
  • Ideas for anything regarding the site & more (read here for info!)

    Ideas for anything regarding the site & more (read here for info!)

    If you have any ideas about the following, please make sure to let me know via the "Discussions"-Tab in GitHub, I will read everything.

    • Anime relations on the site of an Anime (when viewing it)
    • Streamhoster that haven't been implemented yet
    • More functions to be improved/added

    It would really mean a lot to me since I don't have any more ideas.

    Peace out~~

    opened by saintly2k 0
  • v0.1.7-beta(Aug 6, 2022)

    Download the source code if you want to install Mononoke! If you are a developer, check out, it is the complete source without the config.php

    .-+= CHANGELOG =+-.
    Fixed: Wrong text in settings on Website URL (thx IncarnateWill!)
    Fixed: Several bugs in kink.php
    Fixed: Not deleting update.sql on update
    Fixed: Installer showing if everything's ready to go
    Added: package which only contains changed files for updater
    Added: Fully working caching system
    Added: Fully working AJAX system for Bookmarking and YouTrack
    Removed: Temporary from A-Z, 0-9 and #
    .-+= N O T E S =+-.
    DO NOT USE AUTO-UPDATE! Download the Source here:
    unzip it and replace ALL files of Mononoke with the ones you just
    downloaded. This should do the magic.
    You need to add this to $settings in your config.php:
    "cache"     => true,            // Can improve website loading massivle on all but especially slow webservers. If you encounter errors or so, try setting to false and report them
    "cachetime" => 2628288,         // How many seconds is the cache valid? Default is a month
    If this file is not displayed properly, you can view it here:
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.1.6-beta(Jul 14, 2022)

    Download the source code if you want to install Mononoke! If you are a developer, check out, it is the complete source without the config.php

    .-+= CHANGELOG =+-.
    Fixed: Invalid characters as Anime Slug causing errors
    Fixed: Censorship not properly displayed on Anime page
    Fixed: Banned user could login or if loggedin, could use page
    Fixed: Old links in footer still displayed
    Added: hCaptcha functionality if enabled
    Added: The ability to enable caching on some sites for loading optimization
    Added: View all Studios
    Added: View Animes by Studio
    Added: SEO Tags and complete customization
    Removed: Download-system on Anime page temporary since not high priority
    Removed: Recommended Anime on Anime page because it's renamed to Related Anime and in work
    .-+= N O T E S =+-.
    You need to add this to $config in config.php:
    "credits"   => true, // Your choice to show or hide who made this. I prefer leaving it on true, but that's up to you.
    And add this below the $config, as new array, and edit it:
    $seo = [
        "color"     => "#33ccff", // The color the embed will have when displayed (such as on Discord)
        "animes"    => "Brose all our Animes and watch them for free in high quality! Come check us out :D",                    // Text displayed on Animes page embed
        "az-list"   => "Brose all our Animes from A to Z on our site with no ads and stream episodes in high quality!",         // Text displayed on A-Z List page embed
        "bookmarks" => "Keep track of your Animes and make sure you don't miss out new episodes by Bookmarking them! Create an Account and do it today!", // Text displayed on Bookmarks page embed
        "fan"       => "You want to become a fan as well? Join us by creating an account! What are you waiting for? It's free and we respect your privacy!", // Text displayed on Profile/Fan page embed
        "genre"     => "Browse all our Animes by genre! Don't hesitate to find new ones to watch with us :)", // Text displayed on Genre page embed
        "genres"    => "An overview of all genres we have. It's huuge! Don't miss out and come watch Anime with us, you won't regret it!", // Text displayed on Genres page embed
        "home"      => "Welcome to Mononoke, your place to watch Animes and keep track of new releases. Create an account for free and start tracking! We respect your privacy and store NONE of your data! What are you waiting for?", // Text displayed on Home page embed
        "random"    => "Watch a random Anime! We won't spoiler you, which one it is :)", // Text displayed on Random page embed
        "season"    => "Browse all Animes by this season! Wanna know what came out? Just wait and see :)", // Text displayed on Season page embed
        "seasons"   => "Brose all Seasons and their Animes! Wanna know what came out? Just wait and see :)", // Text displayed on Seasons page embed
        "studios"   => "View all the Studios that have Animes viewable on us! Why wait? Because... there's no excuse. Now come and browse!", // Text displayed on Studios page embed
        "studio"    => "View all the Animes the Studio has viewable on us! Why wait? Because... there's no excuse. Now come and browse!", // Text displayed on Studios page embed
        "watch"     => "Watch episodes in full length and in high-quality in top-speed on our site now! Keep track of what you watch by creating an account bookmarking them! What are you waiting for? It's free and we respect your privacy!" // Text displayed on Watch page embed
    If this is not properly display, see this file here:
    You are done :)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.1.5-betafix(Jul 1, 2022)

    Download the source code if you want to install Mononoke! If you are a developer, check out, it is the complete source without the config.php

    .-+= CHANGELOG =+-.
    Added: Simple search
    Added: Support for hCaptcha
    Added: Pagination on Animes
    Added: Bookmarking & viewing Bookmarks on page
    Added: YouTrack - track your watching status
    Fixed: Broken browsing Anime
    Fixed: Display "Your Profile" button when not logged in
    Fixed: Episode Count always shown as ?
    Fixed: Wrong Picture when viewing other Profile of fan
    Removed: Old Captcha
    Removed: YouTrack tab on menu because feature in Bookmarks page
    Removed: (Temporary) Popular tab on sidebar
    Removed: (Temporary) Schedule tab on menu
    .-+= N O T E S =+-.
    Using auto-update will do (almost) everything for you.
    However, since I now implemented hCaptcha and removed the old one,
    you need to add and edit following code to your 'core/config.php' file:
    $captcha = [
        "enabled"   => false,            // Enable hCaptcha? Recommended: true, default: false
        "sitekey"   => "your-site-key",
        "secret"    => "0x-secret-key"
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.1.5-beta(Jul 1, 2022)

    Download the source code if you want to install Mononoke! If you are a developer, check out, it is the complete source without the config.php

    .-+= CHANGELOG =+-.
    Added: Simple search
    Added: Support for hCaptcha
    Added: Pagination on Animes
    Added: Bookmarking & viewing Bookmarks on page
    Added: YouTrack - track your watching status
    Fixed: Broken browsing Anime
    Fixed: Display "Your Profile" button when not logged in
    Fixed: Episode Count always shown as ?
    Fixed: Wrong Picture when viewing other Profile of fan
    Removed: Old Captcha
    Removed: YouTrack tab on menu because feature in Bookmarks page
    Removed: (Temporary) Popular tab on sidebar
    Removed: (Temporary) Schedule tab on menu
    .-+= N O T E S =+-.
    Using auto-update will do (almost) everything for you.
    However, since I now implemented hCaptcha and removed the old one,
    you need to add and edit following code to your 'core/config.php' file:
    $captcha = [
        "enabled"   => false,            // Enable hCaptcha? Recommended: true, default: false
        "sitekey"   => "your-site-key",
        "secret"    => "0x-secret-key"
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.1.4-beta(Jul 1, 2022)

    Download the source code if you want to install Mononoke! If you are a developer, check out, it is the complete source without the config.php

    .-+= CHANGELOG =+-.
    Fixed: Improved Server stuff
    Fixed: Slow loading due to lot of Requests in Sidebar
    Fixed: Installer delete Update-Archive
    Fixed: No Release year for adding Animes
    Fixed: Wrong Episode on watching Anime
    Fixed: ' when adding Anime (as always)
    Fixed: Wrong Type shown when browsing by Genre
    Fixed: Wrong Type shown when browsing by Season
    Added: Add Episodes from JSON
    .-+= N O T E S =+-.
    Nothing, you can proceed by using auto-update :)
    *You may need to update Genre ID on Animes...
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.1.3-beta(May 30, 2022)

    Download if you want to install Mononoke! If you are a developer, check out, it is the complete source without the config.php

    .-+= CHANGELOG =+-.
    Fixed: Login & Signup errors
    Fixed: Minor JavaScript errors on Episodes
    Added: Reporting Broken Episodes
    Added: Reporting System in Admin
    Added: User-Settings
    Added: Changing Password
    Added: Viewing ones and others Profile
    Added: Import MySQL file on auto-update
    .-+= N O T E S =+-.
    Using auto-update will download 'update.sql' to your root directory.
    Download the file and import it to the MySQL Database manually, then delete the file on the webserver.
    The system for doing this automaticly comes in this very update!
    Also, paste the code below into the 'core/config.php' in the $config array:
        "email"     => "",                  // For Password-resets if user is logged in
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) KB)
  • v0.1.2-beta(May 29, 2022)

    Download if you want to install Mononoke! If you are a developer, check out, it is the complete source without the config.php

    .-+= CHANGELOG =+-.
    Fixed: Homepage
    Fixed: Various small bugs
    Fixed: Improved Installer
    Added: Auto-Update for stuff without MySQL
    Added: Watching Episodes
    Added: Adding Episodes
    Added: Editing Episodes
    Added: Episodes LayOut for AdminArea
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) KB)
  • v0.1.1-beta-fix(May 27, 2022)

    Download if you want to install Mononoke! If you are a developer, check out, it is the complete source without the config.php

    .-+= CHANGELOG =+-.
    Fixed: Security on AdminArea
    Fixed: Login pages etc.
    Fixed: Footer Links breaking everything
    Fixed: Small Adjustments to things
    Added: Importing Animes from MyAnimeList
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) KB)
  • v0.1.0-beta(Apr 14, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Rrrrr by @saintly2k in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.0.9-alpha(Mar 23, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • FIXXX!!! by @saintly2k in
    • Dev by @saintly2k in
    • Update readme.txt by @saintly2k in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.0.8-alpha(Feb 17, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Dev by @saintly2k in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.0.7-alpha(Feb 15, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Dev by @saintly2k in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.0.6-alpha(Feb 6, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Dev by @saintly2k in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.0.5-alpha(Jan 31, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • refactor: applied some object calisthenics principles by @guilhermesiani in
    • update to main by @saintly2k in
    • Some Changes by @saintly2k in
    • Dev by @saintly2k in

    New Contributors

    • @guilhermesiani made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.0.4-alpha(Jan 27, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Somewhat finished Forums + Accounts safe and sound by @saintly2k in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.0.3-alpha(Jan 27, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • anizero is no more! by @saintly2k in
    • Dev by @saintly2k in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.0.2-alpha(Jan 22, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Main by @saintly2k in
    • Account System somewhat completed by @saintly2k in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.0.1-alpha(Jan 22, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Dev by @saintly2k in
    • Dev by @saintly2k in

    New Contributors

    • @saintly2k made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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