A set of shady Slim Framework middlewares that can solve some annoyances...

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Frameworks Shady


A set of shady Slim Framework middlewares that can solve some annoyances...

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What does it contain?

Available middlewares:

  • ApacheVirtualHostFix
  • UrlPrefix
  • UrlPostfix


Fixes the resolving of URL's when using Apache VirtualHost in combination with VirtualDocumentRoot: 'VirtualDocumentRoot /www/hosts/%0/www'


$oApp = new \Slim\Slim();
$oApp->add(new \Slim\Shady\Middleware\ApacheVirtualHostFix());
$oApp->get('/my/name/is', function () { echo "Slim Shady!"; });

Callable URL: /my/name/is


Allow to use a generic URL-prefix without having to define it every time:

Example 1: simple

$oApp = new \Slim\Slim();
$oApp->add(new \Slim\Shady\Middleware\UrlPrefix('/api'));
$oApp->get('/login', function () { echo "Slim Shady!"; });

Callable URL: /api/login

Example 2: advanced using regex-pattern

 $oApp = new \Slim\Slim();
$oRoutePrefix = new \Slim\Shady\Middleware\UrlPrefix('/api/:version');
    'version' => 'v[0-9]+'
$oApp->get('/login', function () use ($oApp) {
    echo "API-version: ".$oApp->urlprefix_params['version'];

Callable URL: /api/v2/login



Allow to use a generic URL-postfix without having to define it every time:


$oApp = new \Slim\Slim();
$oApp->add(new \Slim\Shady\Middleware\UrlPostfix('.json'));
$oApp->get('/login', function () { echo "Slim Shady!"; });

Callable URL: /api/v2/login.json

How to install?

Use Composer to install Shady and it's dependencies (Slim + PHP)


Shady is released under the MIT public license.

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