Shippable SaaS customers can report issues and feature requests in this repository


Shippable Support

This repository tracks bugs and feature requests for Shippable's Docker based continuous delivery and devops platform. Click here to log into Shippable.

To open a new support issue, click on the Issues tab and then the New Issue button.

Before opening a new Support Issue:

Missing yml

Bad yml

Hostkey Verification

Open a new Support Issue:

  • Go to the issues list and create a new issue by filling out the New Issue Template.

  • The following is needed to expedite the resolution of your issue:

    • Describe the issue with as many details as possible.

    • If your issue is regarding a build failure, it is essential to include:

      • Link to the failed build. The URL of the failed build includes the buildID needed for troubleshooting
      • shippable.yml
      • Any scripts called from the yml
    • Indicate if the issue is impacting your business and/or is blocking

  • NOTE: the absence of the above information will delay the mitigation of the issue

Track Issue Status:

We triage all new issues in 1 business day. We will update the issue frequently with latest status, for you to be up to speed on the progress towards resolution.

NOTE: If you have an issue that is impacting your business and/or is blocking, please indicate it in your support issue. We will escalate and prioritize resolution.

Support Process:

During the triage, we tag the support issues per our Support Process flow.

Process related labels:

  • investigate/implement: The issue has gone through Shippable’s daily internal support triage and the next action towards resolution has been identified and initiated.
  • in progress: An engineer is actively working on resolving the issue.
  • need info from customer: Shippable requires additional information regarding the issue in order to continue troubleshooting the issue. The customer who opened the issue is accountable to provide this information, to make progress towards resolution.
  • resolved: The issue has been mitigated either through code changes deployed into production and/or the issue has been successfully addressed.
  • deferred: The resolution of this issue has been deferred for now and will not be actively worked on.

The issue will be closed if it meets one of the following conditions:

  • The issue has been tagged resolved. Customers are welcome to re-open the issue if they feel their issues are not resolved.
  • The issue has been tagged need info from customer and 3 business days have passed with no response from the customer.
  • The issue has been tagged duplicate and has the link to the original issue being tracked.
  • The issue has been tagged deferred.

The above process/tags are transparent, thereby enabling our customers who opened support issues to know the most current status of their issues.

Issue related labels:

  • bug: Shippable has determined that the product is not behaving the way it is intended to. It requires a code change to resolve the issue.
  • feature request: Feature currently does not exist. If implemented, it is intended to provide additional value to our customers
  • update content: Customer specifically wants to know how to use/implement a feature. Issues tagged as such, will be updated in one of our content platforms such as Documentation, Blogs, videos for customers to self-serve in the future.
  • technical issue: Customer is unable to use Shippable service per expectation & needs help to resolve the issue. Issues determined to be bugs & feature requests will not be tagged as technical issues.
  • question: All non-technical issues faced by customers. For e.g. billing questions.
  • duplicate: This exact issue is already being tracked

There are other labels, not documented here, that Shippable uses internally for classifying and assigning the support tickets.

  • Setting up postgis for pre_ci

    Setting up postgis for pre_ci


    as in

    I need a running postgis for Docker imagebuilding (and also further on in ci as well), but am unable to install the required packages. They install ok in ci.

    So, am I doing this thing right or how should I get this set up in your opinion?



    Description of your issue:

    NOTE: If you are experiencing a build failure, please include:

    • Link to the build failure
    • Scripts called from the yml (optional)
    opened by mikkopori 51
  • Trouble installing PHP

    Trouble installing PHP "intl" extension

    I am trying to install the PHP intl extension as required by our code. Inspired by #206, and after a lot of trial and error (push for every change) I now have this:

      - ...
      - sudo apt-get update
      - sudo apt-get install --yes php-pear libicu-dev
      - yes '' | pecl upgrade intl
      - echo "" >> $HOME/.phpenv/versions/$(phpenv version-name)/etc/php.ini

    However, this considerably slows down our builds since we need to 1) update the APT package index and 2) compile a PHP extension.

    Is this really the only option to install PHP extensions like intl in the Shippable build environment?

    Would you consider adding this extension to shippableimages/ubuntu1404_php?

    (Successful build: 565720a4f598e60c009ee528)

    opened by mbrodala 47
  • Frequently hanging at

    Frequently hanging at "Running a job on customer's build node"

    Frequently hanging at "Running a job on customer's build node...":

    We're running a Vanilla Ubuntu 14.04 on a Google Container Engine box. When I go check the Subscription Settings -> Nodes panel, the node shows green and 'inactive'.

    If I go to Subscription Settings -> Nodes, and reset the node, the node will work again, and our builds resume.

    bug resolved 
    opened by ryan-kimber 41
  • [Consolidated] Code coverage enhancements

    [Consolidated] Code coverage enhancements

    It would be nice if on the coverage tab it showed the source code with hits or misses, when you click on the plus for each file.

    Here is a screenshot of the area I'm referring to.

    shippable 2014-05-30 16-10-18 2014-05-30 16-11-38

    feature request 
    opened by epicserve 39
  • Intermittent Long Builds

    Intermittent Long Builds

    Our build times vary considerably. Sometimes 5 minutes, other-times 2 hours...

    Upon examination it appears it relates to the installation of node v0.12.2 -- but sometimes the installation isn't necessary as it's installation appears to have been cached.

    Why is this occasionally cached?

    opened by codeviking 37
  • AWS region change

    AWS region change

    We are currently in a process of migrating our aws resources to a different region, was unable to figure out where i can set the new region for the Shippable build process for Elastic beanstalk/Docker.

    opened by sheldon-sminq 36
  • PHP: Cannot install

    PHP: Cannot install "bz2" via Pickle

    I am unable to install the PHP extension "bz2" via Pickle during build:

    pickle install --ansi bz2
      - Installing bz2 (latest-stable)
        Downloading: ...
      Unsupported package.xml version, 2.0 or later only is supported  

    This is my shippable.yml:

    language: php
      - 5.6
        - echo "date.timezone=Europe/Berlin" >> ~/.phpenv/versions/$(phpenv version-name)/etc/php.ini
        - php -m
        - pickle install --ansi bz2

    Quoting from the PHP docs:

    Bzip2 support in PHP is not enabled by default. ...

    Please also see #2830 for more details.

    opened by mbrodala 34
  • Random failures as of late

    Random failures as of late

    The last week or so, I see a lot of failed build with the following in the log:

    ERROR:script_runner - script_runner:Command failed : ssh-agent bash -c 'ssh-add /tmp/ssh/00_sub;ssh-add /tmp/ssh/01_deploy; cd /root && /root/'
    Exception Invalid or no script tags received
    ERROR:script_runner - script_runner:Command failed : ssh-agent bash -c 'ssh-add /tmp/ssh/00_sub;ssh-add /tmp/ssh/01_deploy; cd /root && /root/'
    Exception Invalid or no script tags received

    Here is one such example:

    opened by npahucki 32
  • Maven builds stuck

    Maven builds stuck

    My maven builds are stuck

    [INFO] --- maven-javadoc-plugin:2.9.1:javadoc (default-cli) @ client ---
    Feb 22, 2018 1:51:09 AM org.apache.maven.wagon.providers.http.httpclient.impl.execchain.RetryExec execute
    INFO: I/O exception ( caught when processing request to {s}-> Connection timed out (Read failed)
    Feb 22, 2018 1:51:09 AM org.apache.maven.wagon.providers.http.httpclient.impl.execchain.RetryExec execute
    INFO: Retrying request to {s}->

    opened by phagunbaya 31
  • Cannot connect to mongodb

    Cannot connect to mongodb

    I have been stuck on this issue for a while and I do not know what I'm doing wrong. Also, I have not found any related issues. I'm trying a nodejs build and using one of your pre-build images, but mongodb does not seem to startup correctly no matter what I try. Could you please give me any pointers?

    build_image: shippableimages/ubuntu1204_nodejs


    • source ~/.nvm/ && nvm install $SHIPPABLE_NODE_VERSION
    • node --version
    • apt-get install -y memcached mongodb
    • memcached -u root &
    • mongod &


    • npm install -g npm@next --loglevel silent
    • npm install
    • npm ls
    bug resolved 
    opened by copyhawk 31
  • Shippable always compiles node

    Shippable always compiles node

    Looking at the logs,

    mv: cannot move `/home/shippable/.nvm/bin/node-v0.12.7-linux-x64' to `/home/shippable/.nvm/versions/v0.12.7': No such file or directory

    My Shippable config is here:

    language: node_js
      - 0.12.7
    # build settings
          - <removed>
        on_success: change
        on_failure: always
    cache: true
      - mysql
      postgresql: "9.3"
      - npm install -d
      - mysql -e 'create database if not exists mower_test;'
      - psql -c 'create database mower_test;' -U postgres
      - export source__uri="mysql://shippable@"
      - export destination__uri="postgres://postgres@"
    # test script to be run
      - npm test
    opened by czardoz 30
  • Network issue

    Network issue

    root@appTomcat:/opt# sudo wget --2022-12-05 09:59:20-- Resolving (,, 2a01:4f8:10a:201a::2, ... Connecting to (||:443... failed: Connection timed out. Connecting to (||:443... failed: Connection timed out. Connecting to (|2a01:4f8:10a:201a::2|:443... failed: Network is unreachable. Connecting to (|2a01:4f9:3a:2c57::2|:443... failed: Network is unreachable.

    opened by RaviPadma-star 0
  • Last transaction receipt

    Last transaction receipt

    Description of your issue:

    I would like to download the last transaction receipt (May 2021). Also, with the sunset of shippable service would the subscription expire automatically?

    opened by phagunbaya 3
  • Account Blocked

    Account Blocked

    Hi there,

    I tried to login to shippable with bitbucket account for but it was blocked. I was wondering if you would be able to approve this request?

    Thanks, Matthew

    opened by matthewklee67 1
  • Account UnBlock

    Account UnBlock

    Description of your issue:

    Hello Team,

    I am getting status as Account blocked, I see some pervious where you have unblocked the user.

    Could you please help me on this please.

    opened by nishantkavuru 1
  • Unable to use subscription deploy key for submodule, as it is already used in another repo

    Unable to use subscription deploy key for submodule, as it is already used in another repo

    I want to fetch private submodule in one of my repo. I followed this:

    The problem is Github deploy key should be different for every repo, now when I use shippable subscription deploy key in my submodule repo, Github says: Key is already in use

    What should I do now, to fetch my private submodule?

    opened by ishantsagar 1
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