25 Repositories
PHP teste-dos-cara-la-pay Libraries
MOKA Opencart 2.3 Payment Gateway
Moka - Opencart Payment Gateway Requirements PHP 5.6.0 and later. Dependencies The bindings require the following extensions in order to work properly
LendCash is a cash lending service that lets you take loans against your stocks portfolio value and pay back on a prorated basis.
LendCash is a cash lending service that lets you take loans against your stocks portfolio value and pay back on a prorated basis.
A Magento 2 module that allows for creating discrete PDP (Product Detail Pages) page layouts for customers landing on the site from a PPC (Pay Per Click) link/ad by allowing routing to the same pages using a `/ppc/` prefix in the URL path.
A Magento 2 module that allows for creating discrete PDP (Product Detail Pages) page layouts for customers landing on the site from a PPC (Pay Per Click) link/ad by allowing routing to the same pages using a `/ppc/` prefix in the URL path.
Neo Integrator adalah alat bantu untuk import data ke Neo Feeder dengan cara copy paste saja. bersifat free dan opensource. Semoga Bermanfaat.
Neo-Integrator Penerus dari SimpleFeeder, yang berubah jadi Excel2Feeder dan bertransformasi menjadi Neo-integrator Last Update : 16-05-2022 Capture :
Laravel pay tr ödeme entegrasyonu nasıl yapılır sorusunun cevabı burada
Adım OdemeController.php - web.php - api.php dosyalarını örnekteki gibi oluşturuyoruz. Adım Kullanıcının bilgilerini ve ödenecek miktar bilgisini alac
Este Repositório guarda arquivos dos meus primeiros passos utilizando o Framework Laravel. Curso: Matheus Battisti.
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
RageFrame 2.0 重量级全栖框架,为二次开发而生 前言 这是一款现代化、快速、高效、便捷、灵活、方便扩展的应用开发骨架。 RageFrame 创建于 2016 年 4 月 16 日,一个基于 Yii2 高级框架的快速开发引擎,目前正在成长中,目的是为了集成更多的基础功能,不再为相同的基础功
Biblioteca para obter dados dos calendários acadêmicos da UFFS de forma automatizada
uffs-ca-scraping Um pacote PHP para raspagem dos calendários acadêmicos da Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul. A ideia desse pacote é permitir que
Dedicated laravel package for Behpadakht Mellat bank payment service.
Iranian Mellat bank full online payment service Dedicated laravel package for Behpadakht Mellat bank payment service. Features Event calls Log on chan
Loja virtual fictícia para compra de produtos e estilização dos mesmos. Desenvolvido com as tecnologias: HTML, CSS, PHP, CODEIGNITER, JavaScript, Bootstrap e Mysql.
StampGeek Loja virtual fictícia para compra de produtos e estilização dos mesmos. Desenvolvido com as tecnologias: HTML, CSS, PHP, CODEIGNITER, JavaSc
A Ping++ driver for the Omnipay PHP payment processing library
Omnipay: Pingpp Introduction Ping++ driver for the Omnipay PHP payment processing library Ping++ is a Chinese leading payment integration service prov
可能是我用过的最优雅的 Alipay 和 WeChat 的支付 SDK 扩展包了
前言 v3 版与 v2 版在底层有很大的不同,基础架构做了重新的设计,更易扩展,使用起来更方便。 开发了多次支付宝与微信支付后,很自然产生一种反感,惰性又来了,想在网上找相关的轮子,可是一直没有找到一款自己觉得逞心如意的,要么使用起来太难理解,要么文件结构太杂乱,只有自己撸起袖子干了。 欢迎 Sta
Gateway-pay-bot - Telegram robot for donating or paying + authentication
gateway-pay-bot این ربات جهت دونیت شدن یا پرداخت های شخصی نوشته شده است دارای قابلیت احراز هویت است درگاه های متصل به ربات : زرین پال نکست پی ایدی پی
Patches that prevent malicious Minecraft plugins from saturating host internet resources for DDoS.
Minecraft Host DoS Botnet Patches Patches that prevent malicious Minecraft plugins from saturating host internet resources for DDoS. In recent events,
🦅 Um site (completo) feito em Laravel (o famoso "framework dos artesãos da web)
WebSite feito em Laravel "o framework dos artesãos da web" Pacotes usados Jetstream Livewire Funcionalidades Baseado no projeto dessa playlist: Curso
Desafio prático para desenvolvedores fullstack que desejam entrar para nosso time.
Instruções para realizar os exercícios Essa avaliação é composta por três partes, que visam servir de base para análise das competências dos candidato
Crud en Laravel 8 con dos tablas relacionadas
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Teste realizado para Laravel e manuseio de APIs
Aplicação simples para consumir o Web Service ViaCEP e funcionar também como uma API. Projeto As funcionalidades do projeto desenvolvidas são: Utiliza
WHMCS USDT Payment Gateway.
WHMCS USDT Payment Gateway 支持 TRC-20 USDT 转账交易,系统可完成自动化分配地址,入账等操作,配置简单,无需第三方支付平台中转,所有交易直达您的私人账户。 Requirements PHP 7.2 or greater. WHMCS 8.1 or greater
Berikut Adalah cara untuk melakukan CRUD di FrameWork Laravel, Silahkan Disimak
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Binance Smart Chain - BNB Payment Gateway
BSC Pay (Simple BNB Payment Gateway) I like to use Binance Smart Chain, do you? You can use my simple payment gateway if you need to get paid with BSC
Payment 的目的是简化大家在对接主流第三方时需要频繁去阅读第三方文档,还经常遇到各种问题。Payment 将所有第三方的接口进行了合理的建模分类,对大家提供统一的接入入口,大家只需要关注自身业务并且支付系统设计上。
可能是基于 hyperf 的最优雅的支付宝、微信支付 SDK 了
当前组件整体处于 beta 阶段 运行环境 php = 7.3 composer hyperf = 2.1 安装 composer require yansongda/hyperf-pay:~1.0.0 说明 发布配置文件 php bin/hyperf.php vendor:publish ya
Teste dos mano do pay lá ft. Lumen Framework
Teste dos caras lá pay Avisos antes de começar Crie um repositório no seu GitHub sem citar nada relacionado a empresa dos cara lá. (CHECK) Faça seus c
AstraPay allows Algerian Stores to pay in CryptoCurrency or in Algerian Currency AstraToken
Accept payments in Bitcoin, AstraTokens, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Ethereum, Monero and IOTA directly to your crypto wallet, without any sign-ups or lengthy processes. All you need is to provide your crypto address.