Migrate historical events from Amplitude to Posthog


Aplistorical: Amplitude to Posthog migration tool

“Aplistorical” sounds like “ahistorical” because it prevents you to be lacking historical perspective or context. 😬

This tool helps you migrate your historical data from Amplitude to Posthog.

It is based on Laravel so you can use it as a normal Laravel project or inside a Docker image using sail commands.

Important notes before start

This tool is currently in beta. We have done some tests in production environments and everything was fine. But, we can’t ensure you this will happen in your particular scenario. Please, check the complete migration in a testing environment before doing it in the production one.

Ensure you have been set the same timezone in both your Amplitude and Posthog projects to avoid having discrepancies caused by timezone offsets.

Amplitude to Posthog migration process

3 steps are needed to perform a complete migration process.

  1. Download all data from Amplitude.
  2. Translate events from Amplitude format to Posthog format.
  3. Upload events to your Posthog project.

This is how you’ll do it:

1. Create a Migration Job

A Migration Job is a set of configurations related to the migration for one Amplitude project to one Posthog project. With a Migration Job you’ll define from what date to start retrieving data from Amplitude and when to stop.

Also, a Migration Job stores the API keys and other information needed to do all work.

To create a migration job:

(php or sail) artisan aplistorical:createMigrationJob

You’ll be asked for all the information needed to create the Migration Job.

You can also specify all the information using parameters and options. See bellow (or use the -h option) to a full description of this command.

2. Download all files using the Amplitude export API

By using the command (php or sail) artisan aplistorical:getFromAmplitude {jobIb} command, a backup of all your Amplitude events will be downloaded and stored in the storage/app/migrationJobs/{jobIb}/down/ folder.

Depending on your events volume and the time range, this task takes a while for downloading and unzipping all files.

Showing a progress bar is currently in the “ToDo” list but you can check the laravel.log file for debug information.

3. Process all files and send events to Posthog

Since you have all files downloaded and unzipped, you should process them to translate Amplitude events to Posthog events and send them to a Posthog server.

You can start the process by using:

(php or sail) artisan aplistorical:processFolder {jobId}

This command process all files downloaded from Amplitude, translates all events stored in them and sends the events to Posthog in batches defined by the --destination-batch=XXXX option for the aplistorical:createMigrationJobcommand.

Every single file is deleted after be processed.

Note: failed batches are stored in storage/app/migrationsJobs/{jobId}/up/failedSends.json so you can review it and resend using your own code or any tool like (Postman).

Mapped properties

Every Amplitude event is translated to a Posthog event using this properties concordance.

Amplitude JSON property Posthog JSON property
user_id distinct_id
event_time timestamp , properties.$time and properties.$timestamp
event_type event
ip_address $ip
library $lib
version_name $lib_version
device_id properties.device_id
os properties.$os_version
event_properties.language properties.locale
event_properties.* properties.*
user_properties.* properties.$set.*


We create a single $idenfity event in Posthog for every distinct user on a single file using the traits includes in the user_propertiesproperties of this user’s 1st event in this file.

You can set --user-properies-mode to root or property to put Amplitude's user_properties as Posthog event properties (at root level or under user_properties inside the event properties, respectively).

We also use $pageview as the event in Posthog when the event_typeequals Viewed Page, PageVisitedor pagevisited in Amplitude.

Artisan Commands

🖲 aplistorical:createMigrationJob

Use this command to create a Migration Job by providing date from, date to and all the information to connect with both source and destination.

You will receive a Migration Job ID that should be used for downloading and processing events.


aplistorical:createMigrationJob [options] [--] [<dateFrom> [<dateTo> [<jobName> [<sourceDriver> [<destinationDriver>]]]]]


Argument Description
dateFrom Start date in format YYYYMMDD”T”HH (Ex. 20211018T00) A complete day is between T00 and T23
dateTo End date in format YYYYMMDDTHH (Ex. 20211018”T”23) A complete day is between T00 and T23
jobName Job name … [default: “UntitledMigration”]
sourceDriver Defines the data source driver. Currently only Amplitude is supported [default: “amplitude”]
destinationDriver Defines the destination driver. Currently only Posthog is supported [default: “posthog”]


Option Description
--aak[=AAK] Amplitude API Key.
--ask[=ASK] Amplitude Secret Key
--preserve-sources Do not delete downloaded files after processing it
--ppk[=PPK] Posthog Project API Key
--piu[=PIU] Posthog Instance Url
--preserve-translations Store translated events into a backup file
--do-not-parallelize Disable parallel translation jobs. Note: parallelizing is currently not supported.
--destination-batch[=DESTINATION-BATCH] How many events should be sent per destination API call. Default: 1000
--sleep-interval[=SLEEP-INTERVAL] Sleeping time in milliseconds between destination batches. Default is 1000
--ignore=eventName Do not migrate this specific event name. You can include as many as you want.
--rename=sourceEventName::destEventName Rename events during migration. Use the format sourceEventName::DestEventName. Ex. completeRegistration::RegistrationCompleted. You can include as many as you want.
--event-properties-mode=mode Put Amplitude's user_properties as event properties at root level (root) or under user_properties (property)
--ssl-strict Do not ignore SSL certificate issues when connecting with both source and destination.
-h, --help Display help for the given command. When no command is given display help for the list command
-q, --quiet Do not output any message
-V, --version Display this application version

🖲 aplistorical:getFromAmplitude

Connects with Amplitude and downloads all data for a specified Migration Job.


aplistorical:getFromAmplitude <jobId>


Argument Description
jobId Job id to download files from Amplitude


Option Description
-h, --help Display help for the given command. When no command is given display help for the list command
-q, --quiet Do not output any message
-V, --version Display this application version

🖲 aplistorical:processFolder

Takes, translates and uploads all downloaded files for a specified Migration Job


aplistorical:processFolder <jobId>


Argument Description
jobId JobId to identify source folder and update project status


Option Description
--limit=X Limit the number of files processed in this execution.
-h, --help Display help for the given command. When no command is given display help for the list command
-q, --quiet Do not output any message
-V, --version Display this application version

Useful Links

What is Posthog? 👉 PostHog - Open-Source Product Analytics

Learn how to deply a clean Laravel Sail installation 👉 Installation - Laravel - The PHP Framework For Web Artisans

Laravel Sail Docs 👉 Laravel Sail - Laravel - The PHP Framework For Web Artisans

What is Metricool? 👉 Metricool


Any feedback, help, or contribution will be welcome.

I’m not a professional programmer, so it will be easy to find mistakes and not optimized code. Your contributions will become my learning. Thanks!

You can find the critical code in these files:

  • app/Aplistorical/SdAmplitude.php Code for downloading files from Amplitude.
  • app/Aplistorical/Amplitude2Posthog.php Code for translations and uploading events to Posthog.
  • app/Console/Commands/ Console artisan commands (createMigrationJob, getFromAmplitude, processFolder).
  • app/Models/MigrationJobs.php Model for MigrationJobs.
  • database/migrations/ Migrations for creating de database table.

Note: Aplistorical stores the migration jobs into a SQLite file placed in storage/aplistorical/db/database.sqlite . Please, make sure this file exists or create it by this command.

touch storage/aplistorical/db/database.sqlite
(sail or php) artisan migrate:fresh


This tool is created and maintained by Víctor Campuzano, Head of Growth at Metricool .

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