A library for create network applications with PHP.



A library for create network applications with PHP.


$ composer require thenlabs/socket-server


The below code show a bare network application that accept multiple connections and forward each incoming message to the rest of the connections.

That application can be found in the tests/Functional/hub.php file. For test it you can run php tests/Functional/hub.php.

Can be seen that the SocketServer class offers the necessary events for react at the differents connection status.

Check the SocketServer API for knows all his possibilities.


require_once __DIR__.'/../../bootstrap.php';

use ThenLabs\SocketServer\Event\ConnectionEvent;
use ThenLabs\SocketServer\Event\DisconnectionEvent;
use ThenLabs\SocketServer\Event\MessageEvent;
use ThenLabs\SocketServer\SocketServer;

class HubServer extends SocketServer
    protected $connections = [];

    public function onConnection(ConnectionEvent $event): void
        foreach ($this->connections as $connection) {
            $connection->writeLine("New connection.");

        $this->connections[] = $event->getConnection();

    public function onMessage(MessageEvent $event): void
        $message = $event->getMessage();

        switch ($message) {
            case 'exit':

            case 'stop':

                foreach ($this->connections as $connection) {
                    if ($connection != $event->getConnection()) {

    public function onDisconnection(DisconnectionEvent $event): void
        foreach ($this->connections as $id => $connection) {
            if ($connection == $event->getConnection()) {

$server = new HubServer(['socket' => $argv[1] ?? 'tcp://']);

The above example works as follows:


Running the tests.

For run the tests, runs the next command:

$ ./vendor/bin/pyramidal
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