PHP library to create and validate html forms



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Note: this is the documentation of FormManager 6.x

For v5.x version Click here


This package requires PHP>=7.1 and is available on Packagist:

composer require form-manager/form-manager

Create a field

FormManager is namespaced, but you only need to import a single class into your context:

use FormManager\Factory as F;

Use the imported factory to create all form elements:

'name-field']); //Add or remove attributes $name->setAttribute('title', 'This is the name input'); $name->removeAttribute('class'); $name->setAttributes([ 'required', 'readonly', 'tabindex' => 2, 'maxlength' => 50 ]); //Set the value $name->setValue('MyName'); //Use magic properties to get/set/remove attributes $name->class = 'name-field'; $name->required = false; unset($name->readonly); ">
//Create an input type="text" element
$name = F::text();

//Create the input with a label
$name = F::text('Please, introduce your name');

//Or with extra attributes
$name = F::text('Please, introduce your name', ['class' => 'name-field']);

//Add or remove attributes
$name->setAttribute('title', 'This is the name input');
    'tabindex' => 2,
    'maxlength' => 50

//Set the value

//Use magic properties to get/set/remove attributes
$name->class = 'name-field';
$name->required = false;

List of all available inputs:

All HTML5 field types are supported:

  • F::checkbox($label, $attributes)
  • F::color($label, $attributes)
  • F::date($label, $attributes)
  • F::datetimeLocal($label, $attributes)
  • F::email($label, $attributes)
  • F::file($label, $attributes)
  • F::hidden($value, $attributes)
  • F::month($label, $attributes)
  • F::number($label, $attributes)
  • F::password($label, $attributes)
  • F::radio($label, $attributes)
  • F::range($label, $attributes)
  • F::search($label, $attributes)
  • F::select($label, $options, $attributes)
  • F::submit($label, $attributes)
  • F::tel($label, $attributes)
  • F::text($label, $attributes)
  • F::textarea($label, $attributes)
  • F::time($label, $attributes)
  • F::url($label, $attributes)
  • F::week($label, $attributes)

Note that all inputs accepts the same arguments except hidden and select.


This library uses internally symfony/validation to perform basic html5 validations and error reporting. HTML5 validation attributes like required, maxlength, minlength, pattern, etc are supported, in addition to intrinsic validations assigned to each input like email, url, date, etc.

$email = F::email();


//Validate the value
if ($email->isValid()) {
    return true;

//Get errors
$error = $email->getError();

//Print the first error message
echo $error;

//Iterate through all messages
foreach ($error as $err) {
    echo $err->getMessage();

//You can also customize/translate the error messages
    'email' => 'The email is not valid',
    'required' => 'The email is required',
    'maxlength' => 'The email is too long, it must have {{ limit }} characters or less',

//And add more symfony validators
$ip = F::text();
$ip->addConstraint(new Constraints\Ip());

See all constraints supported by symfony

Render html

$name = F::text('What is your name?', ['name' => 'name']);

echo $name;
What is your name? ">
<label for="id-input-1">What is your name?label> <input id="id-input-1" type="text" name="name">

Set a custom template using {{ label }} and {{ input }} placeholders:

{{ input }}
'); echo $name; ">
$name->setTemplate('{{ label }} 
{{ input }}
); echo $name;
What is your name?
<label for="id-input-1">What is your name?label> <div class="input-content"><input id="id-input-1" type="text" name="name">div>

If you want to wrap the previous template in a custom html, use the {{ template }} placeholder:

{{ template }}
); echo $name;
What is your name?
<fieldset><label for="id-input-1">What is your name?label> <div class="input-content"><input id="id-input-1" type="text" name="name">div>fieldset>

Grouping fields

Group the fields to follow a specific data structure:


Groups allow to place a set of inputs under an specific name:

$group = F::group([
    'name' => F::text('Username'),
    'email' => F::email('Email'),
    'password' => F::password('Password'),

    'name' => 'oscar',
    'email' => '',
    'password' => 'supersecret',

Radio group

Special case for radios where all inputs share the same name with different values:

$radios = F::radioGroup([
    'red' => 'Red',
    'blue' => 'Blue',
    'green' => 'Green',


Submit group

Special case to group several submit buttons under the same name but different values:

$buttons = F::submitGroup([
    'save' => 'Save the row',
    'duplicate' => 'Save as new row',


Group collection

Is a collection of values using the same group:

$groupCollection = F::groupCollection(
        'name' => F::text('Name'),
        'genre' => F::radioGroup([
            'm' => 'Male',
            'f' => 'Female',
            'o' => 'Other',

        'name' => 'Oscar',
        'genre' => 'm'
        'name' => 'Laura',
        'genre' => 'f'

Multiple group collection

Is a collection of values using various groups, using the field type to identify which group is used by each row:

$multipleGroupCollection = F::multipleGroupCollection(
    'text' => f::group([
        'type' => F::hidden(),
        'title' => F::text('Title'),
        'text' => F::textarea('Body'),
    'image' => f::group([
        'type' => F::hidden(),
        'file' => F::file('Image file'),
        'alt' => F::text('Alt text'),
        'text' => F::textarea('Caption'),
    'link' => f::group([
        'type' => F::hidden(),
        'text' => F::text('Link text'),
        'href' => F::url('Url'),
        'target' => F::select([
            '_blank' => 'New window',
            '_self' => 'The same window',

        'type' => 'text',
        'title' => 'Welcome to my page',
        'text' => 'I hope you like it',
        'type' => 'image',
        'file' => 'avatar.jpg',
        'alt' => 'Image of mine',
        'text' => 'This is my photo',
        'type' => 'link',
        'text' => 'Go to my webpage',
        'href' => '',
        'target' => '_self',


Datalist are also allowed, just use the createDatalist() method:

$input = F::search();

$datalist = $input->createDatalist([
    'female' => 'Female',
    'male' => 'Male'

echo $input;
echo $datalist;


We need a form to put all this things together.

"; } echo $loginForm->getClosingTag(); ">
$loginForm = F::form([
    'username' => F::text('User name'),
    'password' => F::password('Password'),
    '' => F::submit('Login'),

    'action' => 'login.php',
    'method' => 'post',

//Load data from globals $_GET, $_POST, $_FILES

//Load data passing the arrays
$loginForm->loadFromArrays($_GET, $_POST, $_FILES);

//Or load from PSR-7 server request

//Get loaded data
$data = $loginForm->getValue();

//Print the form
echo $loginForm;

//Access to specific inputs:
echo $loginForm->getOpeningTag();
echo '


; echo $loginForm['username']; echo '
; echo $loginForm['password']; echo '
; echo $loginForm['']; echo $loginForm->getClosingTag(); //Iterate with all inputs echo $loginForm->getOpeningTag(); echo '


; foreach ($loginForm as $input) { echo "
; } echo $loginForm->getClosingTag();
  • 6.1.0  version break compatibility with Select optgroups handling

    6.1.0 version break compatibility with Select optgroups handling

    In version 6.0.1 if you have in form:

    				'Group1' => ['1' => 'one', '2' => 'two' ],
    				'Group2' => ['1' => 'one', '2' => 'two' ],
    				'Group3' => ['1' => 'one', '2' => 'two' ]
    			,[ 'id' => 'county', 'multiple' => 'multiple', 'class' => 'select2' ]

    you will got select with optgroups like: image

    But in version 6.1 there was no any erros, but select will look like (got only groups): image

    If such breaking chenge made intentionally there should be check and exception with hint how developer must adjust their code. But really it is is bug on my mind. There was no any deprecation in Select interface, so breaking change should not be happened in stable versions (e.g. 6.*).

    opened by Hubbitus 7
  • fix array normalizing

    fix array normalizing

    in case when Select::val($value) $value is not integer or string, eg bool : Select::applyValues(array $value) will not apply old normalize method, array_flip() will raise warning

    opened by andrdru 7
  • Examples System

    Examples System

    I've added the basis for being able to easily show example of using FormManager alongside their PHP and HTML output.

    To add an example simple create a file in the examples/example directory with a short example at the top, and the form code below.

    To really see the examples it's best to be able to run the code, I've hosted a copy of the examples here:

    which should be online for the foreseeable future. but anybody is welcome to host a new copy (or perhaps setup a git-pages).

    Feel free to suggest better ways to achieve any of these examples.

    opened by Patabugen 6
  • Field::duplicate error

    Field::duplicate error

    If I try to add a duplicate field (as per the example in the docs):

    'friends' => Field::duplicate([
        'name' => Field::text()->label('Name'),
        'email' => Field::email()->label('email'),
        'age' => Field::number()->label('Age')

    I get this error:

    PHP 3. FormManager\\Fields\\Duplicable->add() /var/www/html/fmtest2/index.php:37
    PHP 4. FormManager\\Fields\\Collection->add() /var/www/html/fmtest2/vendor/form-manager/form-manager/src/Fields/Duplicable.php:27
    PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function addDuplicate() on a non-object in /var/www/html/fmtest2/index.php on line 41
    opened by m1 6
  • Add Group without prefixing the name

    Add Group without prefixing the name


    I'd like to be able to add FormGroups but have the FormManager not put fields in those groups into arrays.

    For example:

                $fieldContainer = \FormManager\Builder::group();
                $form->add( [ $someKey => $fieldContainer ] );

    I'm trying to use groups for visual separating decoration and I'm adding a $fieldContainer->render() function to do that.

    Perhaps a fix would be to not group the field names if the keys are numeric, and not defined?

    opened by Patabugen 5
  • How to get

    How to get "name" attribute

    Before version 4.3, I could get the name attribute using $input->attr('name') because name is a tag attribute, but now returns null.

    There are a new method to get the input name?

    opened by eusonlito 4
  • Message error

    Message error


    How can I redefine an error message?

    FormManager\Inputs\Email::$error_message = "foo";

    I'm not sure that's correct...

    And, other question, can you add a CSRF token?

    opened by TonyLight 4
  • The attribute

    The attribute "name" is read only!

    How can I create a new Input and assign him a name without add function?

    Using README example I can't:

    //Create an input type="text" element
    $name = F::text();
    //Use the jQuery syntax to set/get/remove attributes:
    $name->attr('name', 'username');
    InvalidArgumentException in InputTrait.php line 107:
    The attribute "name" is read only!


    opened by eusonlito 3
  • How I can clear previous

    How I can clear previous "select" options

    I need to clear the current options with new options (differents). How can I do it?

    There are some empty method like jQuery?

    My example:

    $form['states_id']->options([1 => 'aaaa']);
    ... very long process ...
    $form['states_id']->options([2 => 'bbbb']);

    After last step, $form['status_id'] has first and second assignment, but I need to clear first options without define again or other field redefinitions. Something like:

    $form['states_id']->options([1 => 'aaaa']);
    ... very long process ...
    $form['states_id']->empty()->options([2 => 'bbbb']);

    Thanks :)

    opened by eusonlito 3
  • Default values are lost after load call

    Default values are lost after load call

    I have this definition:

    $form = new FormManager\Containers\Form;
        'action' => F::hidden()->val('edit'),
        'id' => F::hidden()

    Then, I load a default value to id:

    $form->load(['id' => 1]);

    After that, I lost action value:

    Hidden {#183 â–Ľ
      +input: Input {#184 â–Ľ
        #name: "input"
        #parent: Form {#180 â–¶}
        #close: null
        #attributes: array:2 [â–Ľ
          "type" => "hidden"
          "value" => ""
        #data: []
        #vars: []
        #html: null
        #sanitizer: null
        #validators: []
        #error: null
        #key: "action"
      #labelPosition: 0
      #render: null
      #rendering: false
    opened by eusonlito 3
  • Select input value issue

    Select input value issue

    Thanks for the great library.

    I came across an issue where I had the following options in my select

    '' => ' -- Any --',
    '0' => 'Studio',
    '1' => '1 Bedroom',
    '2' => '2 Bedrooms',

    Unfortunately because php treats '' == 0 as true, both of the top two options are treated as selected.

    I've updated the comparison to $val === $value to fix this issue.

    opened by davidrushton 3
  • FR: Please add {{id}} placeholder in template

    FR: Please add {{id}} placeholder in template

    Said I have form:

    	$filterRealtyTypeTemplate = '<li>{{ input }}{{ label }}</li>';
    	$form = F::form([
    		'filter_realty_type' => F::radioGroup(
    				'residential'	=> F::radio('Residential real estate')->setTemplate($filterRealtyTypeTemplate)
    				,'rural'	=> F::radio('Rural properties')->setTemplate($filterRealtyTypeTemplate)
    				,'commercial'	=> F::radio('Commercial real estate')->setTemplate($filterRealtyTypeTemplate)

    And I would like access values residential, rural and so on in my template like:

    $filterRealtyTypeTemplate = '<li><a href="#tab_realty_type_{{ id }}">{{ input }}{{ label }}</a></li>';

    In my case for use with jQuery tabs plugin, but I think it would be helpfull in other cases too.

    Change seams trivial like do in Input.php:

        public function __toString()
            if ($this->label) {
                return strtr($this->template, [
                    '{{ label }}' => (string) $this->label,
                    '{{ input }}' => parent::__toString(),
                    '{{ id }}' => $this->getAttribute('value') // !!!
            return parent::__toString();

    If you wish I could prepare PR.

    P.S. Is it possible to provide the template for all radio objects once at radioGroup level?

    opened by Hubbitus 3
  • Fix PHPStan Level 5 problems

    Fix PHPStan Level 5 problems

    @oscarotero This is all I could do.

    The last one on Level 5 may be a Symfony problem

     ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Line   ValidationError.php
     ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      43     Call to an undefined method Symfony\Component\Validator\ConstraintViolationListInterface::getIterator().
     ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Powered by @phpstan

    opened by szepeviktor 1
  • Use Symfony File constraints

    Use Symfony File constraints


    I tried to add a maxSize constraint from Symfony on a file input. Turns out it's not working because Symfony expect a Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\File object.

    Is there any way to make file constraints work? If not, that would probably deserves a mention in the docs.

    opened by nlemoine 2
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