ShowDoc is a tool greatly applicable for an IT team to share documents online一个非常适合IT团队的在线API文档、技术文档工具



What is ShowDoc ?

Whenever we take over a module or project which has been developed by other people, we always feel crazy watching at those codes without notes. Where is the document?! Where is the document?! Show me the doc !!

A programmer often hopes the others to write technical documents, with the hope of not writing them on his/her own. Because writing a technical document needs a lot of time to handle the format and layout, and the person who writes it has to think of all kinds of non-technical details such as which catalog to put in the newly-established word document

All kinds of the word documents are kept by different persons in a team dispersedly. The person who needs other documents gets the documents by shouting out. He/She gives a shout asking for the documents and then receives them from other people by IMs or the e-mail. This kind of communication is not bad, but the efficiency is not high.

ShowDoc is a tool greatly applicable for an IT team to share documents online. It can promote communication efficiency among members of the team.

What can it be used for?

  • API Document ( Demo

With the development of mobile Internet, BaaS (Backend as a Service) becomes more and more popular. The Server end provides API, and the APP end or Webpage frontend can invoke data conveniently. Using ShowDoc can compile exquisite API documents in a very fast and convenient way.

  • Data Dictionary ( Demo

A good Data Dictionary can easily exhibit database structure to other people, such as definition of each field and the like.

  • Explanation Document ( Demo

You can absolutely use ShowDoc to compile the explanation documents for some tools, as well as to compile some technical specifications explanation documents for the team to look up.

What functions does it have?

  • Sharing and Exporting

Responsive webpage design can share the project documents to computer or mobile devices for reading. It can also export the project into word document for browsing offline.

  • Permission Management

  • Public Project and Private Project

    Projects on ShowDoc are divided into two categories including Public Project and Private Project. Public Project can be visited by any user no matter he/she logs in or not, while inputting password for verification is needed for visiting the Private Project. The password is set by project creator.

  • Project Transfer

The project creator can transfer the project to other users of the website freely.

  • Project Members

You can easily add or delete project members in the project of ShowDoc. Members of the project can edit the project, but they can not transfer or delete the project (only creator of the project has the permission).

  • Edit Function

    • Markdown Edit

    ShowDoc adopts Markdown Editor, and it is excellent both in editing and reading experience. If you know nothing about Markdown, please search “Learning and Introduction of Markdown” on the search engine.

    • Template Insert

    On the editing page of ShowDoc, a click on the button which is on the top of the Editor can easily insert API interface template and data dictionary template. After inserting the template, altering data is the only thing that need to do and it reduces a lot of work in editing.

    • History Version

    ShowDoc provides a function of History Version on the page, and you can easily restore the page to the former version.

Deploy It to Your Own Server


ShowDoc is issued complying with Apache2 Open Source License, and it is for free use.

Copyright © star7th

E-mail: (change # into @)

All rights reserved.

  • Microsoft Edge 42.17134 编辑时回车丢失问题

    Microsoft Edge 42.17134 编辑时回车丢失问题

    Windows 10 1803 家庭中文版的 Edge 浏览器,在 Markdown 编辑器里面修改一个文档以后,保存,重新载入编辑,发现回车全部丢失,原来多行的文字挤成一行了。

    我用另外一台还没有来得及升级的 Windows 10 (1803)电脑的 Edge 浏览器做同样操作,就没有回车丢失的问题。

    opened by DigitalPlatform 61
  • showdoc迁移问题


    迁移大概步骤:由于早期的版本过低,最近更换了新的版本,直接拉了个最新的镜像,docker启动 只把里面两个数据文件迁移了showdoc.db.php Uploads ,目前数据什么的没有问题,但是有同事反映说里面的图片和附近不见了,请问这2个数据是不是存放在其它目录下?

    opened by udbihss 41
  • 成员管理,添加成员时 报错:“Class 'SQLite3' not found”

    成员管理,添加成员时 报错:“Class 'SQLite3' not found”

    问题描述: 项目设置页面,在“成员管理”的位置,点击添加成员的输入框就会弹出如下报错: Class 'SQLite3' not found 。错误位置:D:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\server\Application\Api\Controller\UserController.class.php 210 图片 环境:showdoc部署在win10机器上,通过phpstudy部署的服务。php_sqlite3,php_pdo_sqlite等扩展都已经打开。 图片 图片

    opened by Zeng-QJ 19
  • Docker安装运行一段时间后上传图片失败


    编辑文档时上传本地图片或者附件失败。 页面提示undefined 日志显示: [ 2020-02-10T19:37:27+08:00 ] /server/index.php?s=/api/page/uploadImg&guid=1581334395406 ERR: Call to a member function assign() on null

    opened by grebl 18
  • 在编辑器上粘贴图片,报错


    {"error_code":999,"error_message":"HTTP 400 returned for "".\n\nCode: NotImplemented\nMessage: Aws MultiChunkedEncoding is not supported.\nType: \nDetail: \n \u3002\u9519\u8bef\u4f4d\u7f6e\uff1a/web/sites/showdoc/www/server/vendor/async-aws/core/src/Response.php 406"}


    opened by e3600 17
  • 提供一个页面上导航[TOC]的样式




    正常状态: 图片

    鼠标悬停右下角菜单状态: 图片

    使用方法: 1、在\showdoc\web目录新建float_toc.css文件,内容如下:

    .markdown-toc { position: fixed; bottom: 15px; right: 15px; z-index: 1; } .markdown-toc:before { content:"\e63f"; font-family: element-icons !important; color: #40a9ff; position: absolute; bottom: 0; right: 0; width: 32px; height: 32px; line-height: 32px; text-align: center; background: #fff; border: 1px solid #40a9ff; border-radius: 5px; box-shadow: 0 5px 5px #F2F6FC; } .markdown-toc > .markdown-toc-list { position: relative; z-index: 999; margin: 0; list-style: none;

    min-width: 150px;
    max-width: 230px;
    padding: 5px 0;
    background: #fff;
    border: 1px solid #DCDFE6;
    border-radius: 5px;
    box-shadow: 0 5px 5px #F2F6FC;
    max-height: 270px;
    overflow-y: auto;
    transform: scale(0);
    margin-right: -230px;
    opacity: 0;
    visibility: hidden;
    transform-origin: bottom right;
    transition: .25s ease 0s, margin-right 0s ease .25s;

    } .markdown-toc:hover .markdown-toc-list { margin-right: 0px; transform: scale(1); opacity: 1; visibility: visible; transition: .5s cubic-bezier(0.4,1.7,0.6,1), margin-right 0s; }

    .markdown-toc li { list-style: none !important; } .markdown-toc li a { display: block; padding: 3px 15px; color: #606266; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow:hidden; transition: .15s; } .markdown-toc li a:hover { background: #53a8ff; text-decoration: none; color: #fff; transition: 0s; }

    .markdown-toc li ul { padding: 0; }

    .markdown-toc li li a { padding-left: 30px; }




    opened by conanliuhuan 17
  • 目录跳转的一个小问题


    使用 [TOC] 生成目录后能在右侧正常显示,但是当 次级标题 同名的情况下点击目录跳转只会跳转到第一个。

    ## 部署xxx
    ### 数据库方面
    ### 初始化相关
    ## 部署yyy
    ### xxx
    ### 初始化相关

    此时存在两个 初始化相关,点击目录的第二个 初始化相关 不能正确跳转到 yyy 下的 初始化相关,只能跳转到第一个(也就是 xxx 下的)。

    个人比较习惯一个分类写一个界面,所以二级三级啥的标题用得比较多,也是方便后续直接点一下目录进行跳转回看,showdoc 自带的目录功能很棒,但是我更倾向于把他当作一个文件夹用来区分不同产品/类别的文档。


    opened by Small-tailqwq 2
  • 导出word后,直连图片url在word中显示,如果是这种AIP转换地址word是不显示图片的


    很老的版本,图片都是直连的,导出word后,图片是可以显示的。 并且可以在:信息→编辑指向文件的连接→将图片保存在文档中→断开连接。等一系列操作让图片文件化后,docx文件可以便于分发。

    但是现在由于上传图片是转换地址,导致word中图片都不能显示。 (确定图片上传的没问题,在页面中正常显示,图片url单独复制到浏览器也显示)

    1.导出word时,能否直接图片文件化,在docx中,而不是连接。 2.转换为直连地址 image

    opened by tw20510946 3
  • docker hub 版本问题

    docker hub 版本问题

    目前用了latest 版本如下:

      "Id": "sha256:40386ce344e9c6bc473e0777d301b6a86e1fbf0d792ad21ab741ae198704b035",
            "RepoTags": [
            "RepoDigests": [

    但是进入docker 后还是[v2.9.15] 这个正常吗 ?

    webserver-88:~$ docker exec -it showdoc cat /app/composer.json
        "name": "showdoc/showdoc",
        "type": "project",
        "description": "ShowDoc is a tool greatly applicable for an IT team to share documents online",
        "keywords": ["showdoc","documents","Api"],
        "homepage": "",
        "license": "Apache-2.0",
        "authors": [
                "name": "star7th",
                "email": "",
                "homepage": "",
                "role": "Developer"
        "require": {
            "php": ">=5.3.0",
            "qcloud/cos-sdk-v5": "1.*",
            "league/oauth2-client": "^2.6",
            "jasig/phpcas": "^1.3"
        "config": {
            "vendor-dir": "./server/vendor"
    opened by seqwait 4
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