PiAlert is system for automating the work of SAP PI/PO support team via aggregation of alerts (CBMA messages).
Language support:
- English
- Русский
Server requirements for PiAlert
- 1 CPU, 1 GB HDD, 1 GB RAM
- PHP 8.0
- PHP dependencies via composer.json:
- extension = curl
- extension = mbstring
- extension = pdo_mysql
- MySQL/MariaDB
- Nginx
Installation steps (EN)
- Download PiAlert
- Install Development Dependencies
composer install
- Go through the browser to http://host/ and follow the installer steps
- Log in to PiAlert with start user:
- Login: admin@company.address
- Password: welc0m3
- Enter system settings into /src/pages/settings.php
- Create the required users in /src/pages/users.php
- Grant new users rights via /src/pages/rights.php
- (optional) For the semi-automatic PiAlert upgrade system to work, need permissions to write into / (under php user)
Installation steps (RU)
- Скачать систему PiAlert
- Скачать необходимые библиотеки через
composer install
- Зайти через браузер на http://host/ и выполнить шаги установщика
- Зайти в PiAlert под стартовым пользователем:
- Логин: admin@company.address
- Пароль: welc0m3
- Вбить параметры системы в /src/pages/settings.php
- Завести необходимых пользователей в /src/pages/users.php
- Предоставить новым пользователям права через /src/pages/rights.php
- (необязательно) Для работы полуавтоматического обновления PiAlert, нужны права на запись в / (под пользователем php)
Requirements in SAP PI/PO
⚠️ Network access from SAP PI/PO to PiAlert (HTTP/HTTPS) - Alert Rule to generate alerts (CBMA): add all Communication Components and choose name of new Consumer.
- Create ICO to send json messages generated in CBMA as configured from above:
- JMS Sender (read queue for created Consumer) → Without mappings → REST Receiver
- End-point /src/api/cbma_alert_input.php
- (optional) Create ICO to check network problems between PiAlert and SAP PI/PO:
- REST polling (every 5 minutes) → Dynamic Receiver Determination (ignore option) → Any Receiver (never called)
- End-point /src/api/network_check.php?system=SAP_PI_system_name
- If there is no call, then PiAlert will notify the support team on Dashboard page.