A lightweight solution for running code concurrently in PHP


A lightweight solution for running PHP code concurrently

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This package makes it easy to run PHP concurrently. Behind the scenes, concurrency is achieved by forking the main PHP process to one or more child tasks.

In this example, where we are going to call an imaginary slow API, all three closures will run at the same time.

use Spatie\Fork\Fork;

$results = Fork::new()
        fn () => (new Api)->fetchData(userId: 1),
        fn () => (new Api)->fetchData(userId: 2),
        fn () => (new Api)->fetchData(userId: 3),

$results[0]; // fetched data of user 1
$results[1]; // fetched data of user 2
$results[2]; // fetched data of user 3

How it works under the hood

In this video on YouTube, we explain how the package works internally.

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This package requires PHP 8 and the pcntl extensions which is installed in many Unix and Mac systems by default.

❗️ pcntl only works in CLI processes, not in a web context.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require spatie/fork


You can pass as many closures as you want to run. They will be run concurrently. The run function will return an array with the return values of the executed closures.

use Spatie\Fork\Fork;

$results = Fork::new()
        function ()  {

            return 'result from task 1';
        function ()  {

            return 'result from task 2';
        function ()  {

            return 'result from task 3';

// this code will be reached this point after 1 second
$results[0]; // contains 'result from task 1'
$results[1]; // contains 'result from task 2'
$results[2]; // contains 'result from task 3'

Running code before and after each closure

If you need to execute some code before or after each callable passed to run, you can pass a callable to before or after methods. This callable passed will be executed in the child process right before or after the execution of the callable passed to run.

Using before and after in the child task

Here's an example where we are going to get a value from the database using a Laravel Eloquent model. In order to let the child task use the DB, it is necessary to reconnect to the DB. The closure passed to before will run in both child tasks that are created for the closures passed to run.

use App\Models\User;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
use Spatie\Fork\Fork;

    ->before(fn () => DB::connection('mysql')->reconnect())
        fn () => User::find(1)->someLongRunningFunction(),
        fn () => User::find(2)->someLongRunningFunction(),

If you need to perform some cleanup in the child task after the callable has run, you can use the after method on a Spatie\Fork\Fork instance.

Using before and after in the parent task.

If you need to let the callable passed to before or after run in the parent task, then you need to pass that callable to the parent argument.

use App\Models\User;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
use Spatie\Fork\Fork;

        parent: fn() => echo 'this runs in the parent task'
        fn () => User::find(1)->someLongRunningFunction(),
        fn () => User::find(2)->someLongRunningFunction(),

You can also pass different closures, to be run in the child and the parent task

use Spatie\Fork\Fork;

        child: fn() => echo 'this runs in the child task',
        parent: fn() => echo 'this runs in the parent task',
        fn () => User::find(1)->someLongRunningFunction(),
        fn () => User::find(2)->someLongRunningFunction(),

Returning data

All output data is gathered in an array and available as soon as all children are done. In this example, $results will contain three items:

$results = Fork::new()
        fn () => (new Api)->fetchData(userId: 1),
        fn () => (new Api)->fetchData(userId: 2),
        fn () => (new Api)->fetchData(userId: 3),

The output is also available in the after callbacks, which are called whenever a child is done and not at the very end:

$results = Fork::new()
        child: fn (int $i) => echo $i, // 1, 2 and 3
        parent: fn (int $i) => echo $i, // 1, 2 and 3
        fn () => 1,
        fn () => 2,
        fn () => 3,

Finally, return values from child tasks are serialized using PHP's built-in serialize method. This means that you can return anything you can normally serialize in PHP, including objects:

$result = Fork::new()
        fn () => new DateTime('2021-01-01'),
        fn () => new DateTime('2021-01-02'),

Configuring concurrency

By default, all callables will be run in parallel. You can however configure a maximum amount of concurrent processes:

$results = Fork::new()
        fn () => 1,
        fn () => 2,
        fn () => 3,

In this case, the first two functions will be run immediately and as soon as one of them finishes, the last one will start as well.


composer test


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Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

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Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

  • Endless loop outside of tests

    Endless loop outside of tests

    Sorry to bother you guys. I'm actively looking for a fix for this and trying a bunch of stuff but a problem shared...

    So, I'm using a MacBook Pro 2020 Intel variant. I run Laravel locally using Valet. My test suite is obviously using PHP to run as you'd expect. I'm on the latest version of valet and I'm using PHP 8.0.5.

    When I run my test suite, I get the expected result:

    $test = Fork::new()->run(fn() => 'Hello', fn() => 'World');
    Screenshot 2021-04-30 at 22 07 36

    So far, so breezy. However, if I switch to the browser and hit a route that calls this code, the dd never takes place.

    I've done some debugging (mainly by placing ray calls at various points in the Fork class), and the issue seems to stem from the call to pcntl_waitpid in Task on line 133. For whatever reason, in the browser, this always returns a status code of 0. The output on line 131 gets set correctly, but it still doesn't return the PID to say it has completed the closure.

    Thanks for all your hard work! I'll keep looking into this from my end.

    opened by lukeraymonddowning 7
  • Allow limiting the number of concurrent processes

    Allow limiting the number of concurrent processes

    Love this package. However, when testing it for speeding up some of our tooling, I noticed that with performance degraded quickly with a larger number of processes. This makes sense, since forking a process hundreds or thousands of times is an expensive operation.

    The feature allows limiting that concurrency, so fewer concurrent processes are forked. This drastically reduces CPU usage, since it doesn't have to manage so many processes and sockets.

    During my testing, running 1000 concurrent tasks (that simply returned foo), took ~20 seconds. Limiting it to 100 concurrent processes reduced that to 14 seconds.

    Possible Improvements

    As implemented, it waits until all tasks of a concurrent group are completed before it starts the next group. It may be better to kick off a group, and as each task completes, start the next task until all are complete. However, this complicates things, and I am not convinced it would be any faster. Though, that is a gut feeling, not backed by any tests.

    Open to suggestions.

    opened by dhrrgn 6
  • [ErrorException] unserialize(): Error at offset 219249 of 219250 bytes

    [ErrorException] unserialize(): Error at offset 219249 of 219250 bytes

    I'm trying to return an key-val array with UTF-8 characters. When running without, it outputs the array fine. Running with 2 files (0.556048 mb) it works fine.

    However, when running with 3+ files, 0.78592 mb, I get the unserialize error.

    Run Code
    // Get Files
    $files = Storage::files();
    // Returns a key-val array 
    $results = Fork::new()
             fn() => $this->filesToWordFreq(array_slice($files, 0, 3)),

    With the debug below.

      unserialize(): Error at offset 219249 of 219250 bytes
      at vendor/spatie/fork/src/Task.php:115
        111▕         $output = $this->output;
        113▕         if (str_starts_with($output, self::SERIALIZATION_TOKEN)) {
        114▕             $output = unserialize(
      ➜ 115▕                 substr($output, strlen(self::SERIALIZATION_TOKEN))
        116▕             );
        117▕         }
        119▕         return $output;

    I've already increased my php memory limit, with ini_set('memory_limit', '16384M'); earlier.

    Is there a hard limit to output size when using spatie/fork? As I was planning to run this with 27k files, not 3 just 3.


    When dumping the $output in output(), the value returned has been cut off. Does the output concatenation have some form of memory limit?

            foreach ($this->connection->read() as $output) {
                $this->output .= $output;

    Dumping the variable in execute() has the entire string, so something goes wrong after the execute() function.

    opened by MeikyuuTrader 4
  • fixes socket_select interrupted exception

    fixes socket_select interrupted exception

    As described in #31, when using pcntl_signal, socket_select may get interrupted which will cause an ErrorException being thrown.

    The message is: socket_select(): unable to select [4]: Interrupted system call.

    With this fix, the ErrorException is catched, and when the error number is 4 (the interrupted system call), the while loop is continued and the socket_select is run again.

    I have no tests, as this is very difficult to test as this appears to be occurring randomly. I have tested it manually however and the error seems to be gone. Also the existing unit tests still succeeds.

    opened by henzeb 1
  • improve README.md

    improve README.md

    This PR:

    • removes trailing and additional whitespaces
    • improves wording
    • fixes typo

    In special, the actual README says The closures to run shouldn't return objects, only primitives and arrays are allowed. However, it also says Finally, return values from child tasks are serialized using PHP's built-in serialize method. This means that you can return anything you can normally serialize in PHP, including objects.

    So I guess we can remove that first statement, right?

    opened by chapeupreto 1
  • Undefined array key 51266

    Undefined array key 51266

    Undefined array key 51266 vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Console/ServeCommand.php or this , Undefined array key 37790 at vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Console/ServeCommand.php : i get this errors when i try to excute from get api request but when i make a laravel consol command its works fine why is it ?

    opened by mahmoud-adel44 0
  • using fork with pcntl_signal/pcntl_alarm

    using fork with pcntl_signal/pcntl_alarm

    When using Fork together with pcntl calls like pcntl_signal (SIGTERM/SIGINT) or pcntl_alarm, I occasionally get the following error:

    socket_select(): Unable to select [4]: Interrupted system call

    This is a known issue and the common solution is to check for this error and retry again.

    opened by henzeb 0
  • Bug with unserialize big json from api with 200 items

    Bug with unserialize big json from api with 200 items

    I'm using the following code:

    use Curl\Curl;
    use Spatie\Fork\Fork;
    $output = Fork::new()->run(
        function () {
            $curl = new Curl();
            return $curl->get('https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos');

    When getting all the todo's from the api it will throw an exception: Notice: unserialize(): Error at offset 8178 of 8178 bytes .... /src/Task.php line 115

    I already have increased the buffer size(tried increasing until the max) but still got this problem/bug. When i slice the array of items to 60 instead of 200 that come from that response.

    Is there a solution for this problem/bug?

    opened by RemcoSmitsDev 0
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