An OpenTibia 10 (ForgottenServer + ORTS2) system for Raspberry Pi


Nova Secura

An OpenTibia 10.x server running under Docker on a Raspberry Pi.

Hardware & Operating System Setup


The following forks are used by this project via Git Submodules:


  • git clone --recurse-submodules [email protected]:silic0nalph4/nova-secura-10.git to get a copy of this repo.
  • ./ to unzip the ORTS2 map file. This is distributed as a zip because maps can be big!
  • cp config/config.lua.example config/config.lua to create your config file.
  • Edit the new config file you created - see the config.lua section below as there are some changes you must make before starting the server!
  • docker-compose up to start the cluster.
  • Once the server has started, it's time to configure MyACC.

My config.lua

Essential config changes before starting the server:

  • ip = "" (use the static IP address of your server)
  • mapName = "map" (this is the name of the map file to load)
  • mapAuthor = "ORTS"
  • mysqlHost = "db" (database server name from docker-compose.yaml)
  • mysqlUser = "forgottenserver" (database username from docker-compose.yaml)
  • mysqlPass = "aibit" (database password from docker-compose.yaml)
  • mysqlDatabase = "forgottenserver" (database name from docker-compose.yaml)

Some additional changes that I've made are:

  • worldType = "no-pvp"
  • motd = "Welcome to Nova Secura, a more perfect world."
  • serverName = "Nova Secura"
  • ownerName = "GM Silic0n Alph4"
  • ownerEmail = "[email protected]"
  • url = "" (you might need to set this for MyACC to load server status correctly - TODO double check)
  • location = "Earth"
  • housePriceEachSQM = 1 (cheapest rent you'll ever find!)
  • houseRentPeriod = "yearly" (house rent only charged annually)

Website Setup

  • If you've set your server's hostname to nova-secura.local and set up ZeroConf networking, you should get a response to ping nova-secura.local from your workstation. If you haven't set this up, use an IP address for the server that you can route to instead.
  • Navigate to http://nova-secura.local in a web browser - you should see the MyACC install page. It won't let you run the install wizard until you've told it what IP address you're connecting from.
  • Run docker exec -it nova-secura-10_web_1 /bin/bash
  • Run vi install/ip.txt and add the IP address of the computer you're connecting from to the end of the file.
  • Refresh the page, follow the install wizard. The path to your TFS install is /srv - once MyACC has loaded your config file everything else shouldbe straightforward.
  • You'll want to use client version 10.98 when prompted. I'm not sure how much of a difference it makes if the links on the website are wrong, but that's the latest protocol version that TFS supports.
  • When you reach the last page of the wizard, it's time to apply any custom MyACC config you want:
  • Run docker exec -it nova-secura-10_web_1 /bin/bash
  • vi config.local.php and append your personal config changes. I've included my preferences in config/config.local.php in this repo.
  • You can now access the MyACC website to create characters etc.


You'll need an OTClient to connect to the server. I'm using - you can download a binary from the "Actions" tab on GitHub. You'll also need appropriate .spr and .dat files for the game you're trying to play - but that's beyond the scope of this guide, sorry.


Starting & Stopping

  • Pause (but not delete) service: docker-compose stop
  • Resume paused service: docker-compose start
  • Stop service & delete containers (but not game state): docker-compose down
    • Note: if you run this you will need to re-setup MyAAC when you start the containers again.
  • Start service: docker-compose up -d
  • Follow logs: docker-compose logs -f

Updating Config/Data

The config file and datapack are mounted from local copies on the filesystem. This means that changes made to those copies are immediately reflected in the running Docker containers. config.lua changes will normally require you to restart the server (see the pause & resume commands above), but datapack changes can often be made live - especially Lua files.

To make it explicit:

  • config/config.lua is mounted into TheForgottenServer and MyAAC as the config file.
  • orts2/data/ is mounted into TheForgottenServer and MyAAC as the data directory.

These mounts are managed as volumes within docker-compose.yaml.

Working with Submodules

TODO document how to update the underlying submodules

Updating OpenTibia

TODO document how to update to new versions of TFS, MyAAC, and ORTS2.

Updating Generic Services

Some of the container images this repo uses are pre-packaged - namely adminer, mariadb, and database-backup. New versions of these are published fairly often - you should use the following procedure to update the cluster. Do this during scheduled downtime rather than when you have active players :)

  • docker-compose pull to get new versions of container images.
  • docker-compose up -d to recreate any updated container images.


This cluster is set up to automatically export the contents of the database to a .sql file on a daily schedule. This uses the jan-di/database-backup tool.

Backups are written to ./state/db-backups/.

It's worth noting that the backup service currently always overwrites the previous backup when it runs. The file name does not contain a timestamp, so you'll need to copy these backups to an external location and version them on a daily basis if you want to keep more than the most recent snapshot of your data.

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