Silex Web Profiler


Silex Web Profiler

WARNING: Silex is in maintenance mode only. Ends of life is set to June 2018. Read more on Symfony's blog.

The Silex Web Profiler service provider allows you to use the wonderful Symfony web debug toolbar and the Symfony profiler in your Silex 2.x application.


If you are using the 1.x Silex version, read the specific documentation.

To install this library, run the command below and you will get the latest version:

composer require 'silex/web-profiler:^2.0'

And enable it in your application:

use Silex\Provider;

$app->register(new Provider\WebProfilerServiceProvider(), array(
    'profiler.cache_dir' => __DIR__.'/../cache/profiler',
    'profiler.mount_prefix' => '/_profiler', // this is the default

The provider depends on ServiceControllerServiceProvider, TwigServiceProvider, and HttpFragmentServiceProvider so you also need to enable those if that's not already the case:

$app->register(new Provider\HttpFragmentServiceProvider());
$app->register(new Provider\ServiceControllerServiceProvider());
$app->register(new Provider\TwigServiceProvider());

If you are using FormServiceProvider, the WebProfilerServiceProvider will detect that and enable the corresponding panels.

Make sure to register all other required or used service providers before WebProfilerServiceProvider.

If you are using MonologServiceProvider for logs, you must also add symfony/monolog-bridge as a Composer dependency to get the logs in the profiler.

If you are using VarDumperServiceProvider, add symfony/debug-bundle as a Composer dependency to display VarDumper dumps in the toolbar and the profiler.

If you are using symfony/security, add symfony/security-bundle as a Composer dependency to display Security related information in the toolbar and the profiler.

  • Calling Debug::enable() disables var-dumper support in WebProfiler.

    Calling Debug::enable() disables var-dumper support in WebProfiler.

    Calling Debug::enable() disables the var-dumper support in WebProfiler. This is due to the following code in WebProfileServiceProvider:

    $app['profiler.templates_path.debug'] = function () {
        foreach (spl_autoload_functions() as $autoloader) {
            if (!is_array($autoloader) || !method_exists($autoloader[0], 'findFile')) {
            if ($file = $autoloader[0]->findFile('Symfony\Bundle\DebugBundle\DebugBundle')) {
                return dirname($file).'/Resources/views';

    Calling Debug::enable() replaces the autoloader with DebugClassLoader which lacks a findFile() method, so the template is never found and the data collector never added, kind-of defeating the whole purpose!

    opened by jlayt 9
  • The function

    The function "render" does not exist

    @fabpot I get the follwing error, message, but there is no render call

    Twig_Error_Syntax in ExpressionParser.php line 568: The function "render" does not exist. Did you mean "knp_menu_render", "knp_pagination_render" in "@WebProfiler/Collector/config.html.twig" at line 1

    in ExpressionParser.php line 568
    at Twig_ExpressionParser->getFunctionNodeClass('render', '5') in ExpressionParser.php line 351
    at Twig_ExpressionParser->getFunctionNode('render', '5') in ExpressionParser.php line 144
    at Twig_ExpressionParser->parsePrimaryExpression() in ExpressionParser.php line 84
    at Twig_ExpressionParser->getPrimary() in ExpressionParser.php line 41
    at Twig_ExpressionParser->parseExpression() in Parser.php line 141
    at Twig_Parser->subparse(array(object(Twig_TokenParser_Block), 'decideBlockEnd'), true) in Block.php line 45
    at Twig_TokenParser_Block->parse(object(Twig_Token)) in Parser.php line 187
    at Twig_Parser->subparse(null, false) in Parser.php line 95
    at Twig_Parser->parse(object(Twig_TokenStream)) in Environment.php line 543
    at Twig_Environment->parse(object(Twig_TokenStream)) in Environment.php line 595
    at Twig_Environment->compileSource('{% extends '@WebProfiler/Profiler/base.html.twig' %} {% block body %} {{ render(path('_wdt', { 'token': token, 'position': 'normal' })) }} <div id="content"> {% include '@WebProfiler/Profiler/header.html.twig' only %} <div id="main"> <div class="clear-fix"> <div id="collector-wrapper"> {% if profile %} <div id="resume"> <a id="resume-view-all" href="{{ path('_profiler_search', {limit: 10}) }}">View last 10</a> <strong>Profile for:</strong> {{ profile.method|upper }} {% if profile.method|upper in ['GET', 'HEAD'] %} <a href="{{ profile.url }}" id="resume-url">{{ profile.url }}</a> {% else %} <span id="resume-url">{{ profile.url }}</span> {% endif %} <span class="date"> <em>by {{ profile.ip }}</em> at <em>{{ profile.time|date('r') }}</em> </span> </div> {% endif %} <div id="collector-content"> {% include '@WebProfiler/Profiler/base_js.html.twig' %} {% block panel '' %} </div> </div> <div id="navigation"> {% if templates is defined %} <ul id="menu-profiler"> {% for name, template in templates %} {% set menu %}{{ template.renderBlock('menu', { 'collector': profile.getcollector(name)}) }}{% endset %} {% if menu != '' %} <li class="{{ name }}{% if name == panel %} selected{% endif %}"> <a href="{{ path('_profiler', { 'token': token, 'panel': name }) }}">{{ menu|raw }}</a> </li> {% endif %} {% endfor %} <li class="minimize"> <a href="javascript:void(0);" title="Minimize toolbar" onclick="return toggleMenuPanels();"> <span class="label"> <span class="icon"><svg id="minimizePanelIcon" width="30" height="33" xmlns="" version="1.1" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 30 33" enable-background="new 0 0 30 33" xml:space="preserve"><path fill="#3F3F3F" d="M15 5C8.4 5 3 10.4 3 17c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12s12-5.4 12-12C27 10.4 21.6 5 15 5z M19.1 21.5l-1.8 1.8L10.9 17 l6.3-6.3l1.8 1.8L14.6 17L19.1 21.5z"/></svg></span> <strong>Minimize</strong> </span> </a> </li> </ul> {% endif %} {{ render(path('_profiler_search_bar')) }} {% include '@WebProfiler/Profiler/admin.html.twig' with { 'token': token } only %} </div> </div> </div> </div> <script>//<![CDATA[ function toggleMenuPanels(state, doSave) { var menu = document.getElementById('navigation'), savedState = Sfjs.getPreference('menu/displayState'), displayState, elem, className; if (null === savedState) { savedState = 'block'; } displayState = state || ('block' === savedState ? 'none' : 'block'); if ('undefined' === typeof doSave) { doSave = true; } document.getElementById('searchBar').style.display = displayState; document.getElementById('adminBar').style.display = displayState; if ('block' === displayState) { Sfjs.removeClass(menu, 'collapsed-menu'); Sfjs.removeClass(menu.parentNode.parentNode, 'collapsed-menu-parents'); } else { Sfjs.addClass(menu, 'collapsed-menu'); Sfjs.addClass(menu.parentNode.parentNode, 'collapsed-menu-parents'); } if (doSave) { Sfjs.setPreference('menu/displayState', displayState); } try { canvasAutoUpdateOnThresholdChange(null); } catch (err) { } return false; } window.setTimeout(function() { if (null === document.getElementById('menu-profiler')) { return; } var menuItems = document.getElementById('menu-profiler').getElementsByTagName('LI'), elem, value, child, displayState = Sfjs.getPreference('menu/displayState'); if (displayState == 'none') { toggleMenuPanels('none', false); } for (elem in menuItems) { if (typeof(menuItems[elem].children) !== 'undefined' && menuItems[elem].children.length > 0) { child = menuItems[elem].children[0]; if ('' === child.getAttribute('title') || null === child.getAttribute('title')) { value = child.text.replace(/^\s+/g, '').split('\n')[0].replace(/\s+$/g, ''); child.setAttribute('title', value); } } } }, 25); //]]></script> {% endblock %} ', '@WebProfiler/Profiler/layout.html.twig') in Environment.php line 335
    at Twig_Environment->loadTemplate('@WebProfiler/Profiler/layout.html.twig', null) in Template.php line 254
    at Twig_Template->loadTemplate('@WebProfiler/Profiler/layout.html.twig', '@WebProfiler/Collector/config.html.twig', '1') in cdef1a2e64cc069918f80a58ac470eb5540478725a412bbe013ed0f5c176.php line 11
    at __TwigTemplate_fbfbcdef1a2e64cc069918f80a58ac470eb5540478725a412bbe013ed0f5c176->__construct(object(Twig_Environment)) in Environment.php line 346
    at Twig_Environment->loadTemplate('@WebProfiler/Collector/config.html.twig') in TemplateManager.php line 76
    at TemplateManager->getTemplates(object(Profile)) in ProfilerController.php line 109
    at ProfilerController->panelAction(object(Request), '96bccf')
    at call_user_func_array(array(object(ProfilerController), 'panelAction'), array(object(Request), '96bccf')) in HttpKernel.php line 147
    at HttpKernel->handleRaw(object(Request), '1') in HttpKernel.php line 68
    at HttpKernel->handle(object(Request), '1', true) in Application.php line 581
    at Application->handle(object(Request)) in Application.php line 558
    at Application->run() in index_dev.php line 48
    opened by dominikzogg 9
  • Fix TwigProfiler for Silex 2 &  Symfony 2.7+

    Fix TwigProfiler for Silex 2 & Symfony 2.7+

    | Q | A | | --- | --- | | Bug fix? | yes | | New feature? | no | | BC breaks? | no | | Deprecations? | no | | Tests pass? | soon | | Fixed tickets | #59 | | License | MIT |

    1. PR #58 introduced the following error: "Indirect modification of overloaded element of Silex\Application has no effect"
    2. PR #55 used $app->share to declare services in Silex 1.x, but this method no longer exists in Silex 2 and this was not fixed when the branch 1.0 was merged into the master.
    opened by GromNaN 9
  • Time inaccuracies

    Time inaccuracies

    It seems like the total time in the toolbar is wrong. On a request, my browser shows a 263ms total request time and the toolbar shows 951ms. When using the HttpCacheServiceProvider the total time displays as n/a.

    Anyone else notice this?

    opened by lkorth 8
  • fix issue #37. web profiler bundle 2.4 breaks the profiler page without ...

    fix issue #37. web profiler bundle 2.4 breaks the profiler page without ...

    issue #37 caused by commit 03bd481db18f5c8d4f962625e542bb8bcc0fc4ca on line 242 of the web profiler bundle controller. This commit is included in version 2.4.4

    opened by yamiko-ninja 7
  • Allow symfony 3.1

    Allow symfony 3.1

    As I was updating my skeleton app, I found out the webprofiler did not support symfony 3.1 in composer.json. So I tried to update it.

    Everything works great, except for the web-profiler-bundle. This PR broke it:

    I don't know the best way to fix that. Maybe you have an idea? (I'm not that familiar with the silex and symfony development)

    opened by mvanbaak 6
  • Supply StopWatch to TimeDataCollector. Fixes #30

    Supply StopWatch to TimeDataCollector. Fixes #30

    Added the StopWatch as second argument to TimeDataCollector. The second paramter is new in symfony 2.4. For 2.3 it will be ignored.

    Also removed $app argument from RequestDataCollector, as it does not support any argument.

    opened by danez 6
  • Twig Template throwing 404 during rendering

    Twig Template throwing 404 during rendering


    I am attempting to run the profiler in my application, but after configuration I have the following error in my app.log:

    Twig_Error_Runtime: An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("Error when rendering "" (Status code is 404).") in "@WebProfiler/Profiler/layout.html.twig" at line 4. (uncaught exception) at /usr/local/turtle/lib/vendor/twig/twig/lib/Twig/Template.php line 148 {"exception":"[object](Twig_Error_Runtime: An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template %28"Error when rendering "" %28Status code is 404%29."%29 in "@WebProfiler/Profiler/layout.html.twig" at line 4. at /usr/local/turtle/lib/vendor/twig/twig/lib/Twig/Template.php:148, RuntimeException: Error when rendering "" %28Status code is 404%29. at /usr/local/turtle/lib/vendor/silex/silex/src/Silex/Provider/TwigCoreExtension.php:46)"}

    I assume that as the system is getting this far all the relevant components have been registered but for some reason this is not working.

    My initialisation code for the profiler is:

    $profiler_cache_path = sprintf("%s/profiler", $this -> config['cache']['path']);
    $this -> log(sprintf('Profiler Cache Path: %s', $profiler_cache_path), array(), \Monolog\Logger::DEBUG, true);
    $app -> register(new \Silex\Provider\ServiceControllerServiceProvider());
    $app -> register(new \Silex\Provider\WebProfilerServiceProvider(), array(
        'profiler.cache_dir' => $profiler_cache_path

    All the files that it wants to access seem to be in place. The following is the packages part of my composer.json file:

        "require": {
            "silex/silex": "~1.2",
            "silex/web-profiler": "1.0.*@dev",
            "easybib/silex-elastica": "0.1.1",
            "monolog/monolog": "1.9.1",
            "twig/twig": "1.15.1",
            "symfony/yaml": "~2.4",
            "symfony/console": "~2.4",
            "symfony/twig-bridge": "~2.4",
            "symfony/config": "~2.4",
            "symfony/monolog-bridge": "~2.4",
            "macedigital/silex-jms-serializer": "1.0.0",
            "mheap/silex-gravatar": "dev-master",
            "mheap/gravatar-php": "dev-master",
            "mheap/silex-assetic": "1.0.4",
            "knplabs/knp-menu": "2.0.*@dev"

    I am happy to provide more information if and when needed, just not sure what is required to help debug this problem.

    I am running this through Nginx if that makes any difference.

    Thanks, Russell

    opened by russellseymour 5
  • Support intercept_redirects

    Support intercept_redirects


    I am trying out the web profiler support for silex and noticed that I am missing the intercept_redirects feature. Giving as second argument true for WebDebugToolbarListener results for me in a

    Twig_Error_Loader: Template "TwigBundle::layout.html.twig" is not defined ().

    layout.html.twig is in this case my base template from which all other templates derives.

    opened by CSchulz 5
  • Twig_Error_Syntax: The function

    Twig_Error_Syntax: The function "asset" does not exist in "@WebProfiler/Collector/form.html.twig"

    Adding twig-bridge dependency to project, raise this error.

    Should we define assets function? (documented here : )

    opened by fzerorubigd 5
  • [Bug] Need to tag a new release

    [Bug] Need to tag a new release


    With 1.0.0 (silex and this repo), the code does not work. The line is missing.

    So it throw RouteNotFoundException: Unable to generate a URL for the named route "_wdt" as such route does not exist.

    Everything is good on master

    opened by lyrixx 5
  • upgrade to Symfony 4

    upgrade to Symfony 4

    See issue #131

    It allows to use web profiler with Symfony 4.

    It introduce breaking changes while upgrading to sf4, so I couldn't keep retro-compatibility to SF < 4 for this new version.

    opened by alcalyn 14
  • webprofiler support with symfony 4

    webprofiler support with symfony 4

    It appears Silex 2.3 has been upgraded to support symfony 4.0 Is Silex-WebProfiler no longer meant to be used with Silex 2.3 at all (e.g. there is another web profiler configuration), or is it just that Silex-WebProfiler has not been updated yet to work with Symfony 4.0 (and I understand it may never be updated)?

    I realize both repos are deprecated so my question may be just "move onto Symfony 4 already" :)

    Thank you very much for your time and service to open source projects.

    opened by 719media 1
  • Add cache panel to the web profiler

    Add cache panel to the web profiler

    This will enable the cache panel once silexphp/Silex#1524 gets merged and symfony 3.3 is released.

    I had to add @dev entries to composer.json so composer would run, I'll update the file when 3.3 is ready.

    I also had to check if symfony/web-profiler-bundle >= 3.3 was available:

    As profiler.templates_path was registered as a lazy/dynamic parameter and I didn't want to initialize anything lazy at this stage, I changed its definition and made it a regular parameter.

    If you don't like this I could change it back, but that means we'll have to do something like the following instead 😢 :

    if (isset($app['cache.pools']) && class_exists('Symfony\Component\Cache\DataCollector\CacheDataCollector')) {
        $app->extend('cache.pools', function ($pools) {
            if (is_file($app['profiler.templates_path'].'/Collector/cache.html.twig')) {
                // ...
            return $pools;
        $app->extend('data_collector.templates', function ($templates) {
            if (is_file($app['profiler.templates_path'].'/Collector/cache.html.twig')) {
                // ...
            return $templates;
        $app->extend('data_collectors', function ($collectors) {
            if (is_file($app['profiler.templates_path'].'/Collector/cache.html.twig')) {
                // ...
            return $collectors;
    opened by skalpa 0
  • security panel needs symfony/yaml

    security panel needs symfony/yaml

    the security panel does not work without the symfony/yaml package

    I don't think it can be added to composer.json dependencies (unless symfony/security-bundle is also added)

    maybe dump or var_dump can used when the Yaml class does not exists ?

    opened by mathroc 3
  • Silex 2.0 and  'Identifier

    Silex 2.0 and 'Identifier "dispatcher" does not contain an object definition.'

    Note: I'm using silex 2.0.x-dev#c207787 and WebProfiler 2.0.x-dev.

    Registering the WebProfilerServiceProvider with the following code:

        $app->register(new WebProfilerServiceProvider, [
            'profiler.cache_dir'    => __DIR__ .  $cacheDir,
            'profiler.mount_prefix' => $mountPrefix

    Throws the following exception:

    Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'InvalidArgumentException' with message 'Identifier "dispatcher" does not contain an object definition.' in /vagrant/vendor/pimple/pimple/src/Pimple/Container.php on line 232 ( ! ) InvalidArgumentException: Identifier "dispatcher" does not contain an object definition. in /vagrant/vendor/pimple/pimple/src/Pimple/Container.php on line 232

    It seems that Container::extend() is throwing the exception because the value "dispatcher" (the EventDispatcher object) doesn't contain the __invoke() method:

    screen shot 2015-09-05 at 18 36 28 screen shot 2015-09-05 at 18 37 10
    opened by J7mbo 6
  • countscreams method missing in logger.html.twig

    countscreams method missing in logger.html.twig

    I get a 500 error popup and then when i say take me to the profiler page it show the image below. I am using monolog but i have the bridge installed as well. screen shot 2014-09-29 at 12 59 32 am

    opened by l0c0luke 4
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