Monitor for any changes in your php application and automatically restart it (suitable for async apps).



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PHP-watcher helps develop long-running PHP applications by automatically restarting them when file changes in the directory are detected.

Here's how it looks like:

watcher screenshot

PHP-watcher does not require any additional changes to your code or method of development. php-watcher is a replacement wrapper for php, to use PHP -watcher replace the word php in the command line when executing your script.

Table of contents


You can install this package globally like this:

composer global require seregazhuk/php-watcher

After that phpunit-watcher watch can be run in any directory on your system.

Alternatively, you can install the package locally as a dev dependency in your project:

composer require seregazhuk/php-watcher --dev

Locally installed you can run it with vendor/bin/php-watcher.


All the examples assume you've installed the package globally. If you opted for the local installation prepend vendor/bin/ everywhere where php-watcher is mentioned.

PHP-watcher wraps your application, so you can pass all the arguments you would normally pass to your app:

php-watcher [your php app]

Using PHP-Watcher is simple. If your application accepts a host and port as the arguments, I can start it using option --arguments:

php-watcher server.php --arguments localhost --arguments 8080

Any output from this script is prefixed with [php-watcher], otherwise all output from your application, errors included, will be echoed out as expected.

Config files

PHP-Watcher supports customization of its behavior with config files. The file for options may be named .php-watcher.yml, php-watcher.yml or php-watcher.yml.dist. The tool will look for a file in the current working directory in that order. An alternative local configuration file can be specified with the --config <file> option.

The specificity is as follows, so that a command line argument will always override the config file settings:

  • command line arguments
  • local config

A config file can take any of the command line arguments, for example:

  - src
  - config
  - php
  - yml
  - tests

Monitoring multiple directories

By default, PHP-Watcher monitors the current working directory. If you want to take control of that option, use the --watch option to add specific paths:

php-watcher --watch src --watch config server.php

Now PHP-Watcher will only restart if there are changes in the ./src or ./config directories. By default traverses sub-directories, so there's no need to explicitly include them.

Specifying extension watch list

By default, PHP-Watcher looks for files with the .php extension. If you use the --ext option and monitor app,yml PHP-Watcher will monitor files with the extension of .php and .yml:

php-watcher server.php --ext=php,yml

Now PHP-Watcher will restart on any changes to files in the directory (or subdirectories) with the extensions .php, .yml.

Ignoring files

By default, PHP-Watcher will only restart when a .php file changes. In some cases you may want to ignore some specific files, directories or file patterns, to prevent PHP-Watcher from prematurely restarting your application.

This can be done via the command line:

php-watcher server.php --ignore public/ --ignore tests/

Or specific files can be ignored:

php-watcher server.php --ignore src/config.php

Patterns can also be ignored (but be sure to quote the arguments):

php-watcher server.php --ignore 'src/config/*.php'

Note that by default, PHP-Watcher ignores all dot and VCS files.

Delaying restarting

In some situations, you may want to wait until a number of files have changed . The timeout before checking for new file changes is 1 second. If you're uploading a number of files and it's taking some number of seconds, this could cause your app to restart multiple times unnecessarily.

To add an extra throttle, or delay restarting, use the --delay option:

php-watcher server.php --delay 10 

For more precision, use a float:

php-watcher server.php --delay 2.5 

Default executable

By default, PHP-Watcher uses php bin executable to run your scripts. If you want to provide your own executable use --exec option or executable param in config file. This is particularly useful if you're working with several PHP versions.

executable: php

or using CLI:

php-watcher server.php --exec php7

Running non-php scripts

PHP-Watcher can also be used to execute and monitor other non-php programs. For example, you can use PHP-Watcher to listen to *.js files and use node executable to run them:

php-watcher server.js --exec node --watch app --ext=js

The command above uses NodeJS to start server.js and then listens to changes in app directory.

Gracefully reloading down your script

It is possible to have PHP-watcher send any signal that you specify to your application.

php-watcher --signal SIGTERM server.php

Your application can handle the signal as follows:

declare(ticks = 1);

pcntl_signal(SIGTERM, 'terminationHandler');

function terminationHandler()
    // ...        

By default PHP-watcher sends SIGINT signal.

Automatic restart

PHP-watcher was originally written to restart long-running processes such as web servers, but it also supports apps that cleanly exit. If your script exits cleanly, the watcher will continue to monitor the directory (or directories) and restart the script if there are any changes. If the script crashes PHP-watcher will notify you about that.

app exit


By default the watcher outputs a nice spinner which indicates that the process is running and watching your files. But if your system doesn't support ansi coded the watcher will try to detect it and disable the spinner. Or you can always disable the spinner manually with option '--no-spinner':

php-watcher server.php --no-spinner



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  • Option to prevent running process being wrapped into sh call

    Option to prevent running process being wrapped into sh call

    I run into small problem while trying to run watcher on daemonized app, that processes posix signals, including SIGTERM, which is used to restart process. Since process wrapped into sh call, it was unable to correctly shutdown, release tcp port, which lead to defunct sh process on restart (since new process was unable to bind socket) and internally process kept watching that defunct sh process with wrong pid. I was able to track down this behavior into reactphp/childprocess (and it's documented feature), and added new command-line option to avoid this: --unwrap

    Not sure if it's a feature you want to add, tho.)

    opened by gorbunov 7
  • Make it compatible with Symfony 5

    Make it compatible with Symfony 5

    Some required libraries are blocked to Symfony^4, blocking then all project requiring this watcher. We could make some push to them by adding some PRs, or just checking how to uncouple from them.

    opened by mmoreram 3
  • Implement custom spinner

    Implement custom spinner

    We need to decouple from alecrabbit/php-console-spinner. It has a lot of dependencies, for example under the hood it requires laravel container 6.0 and thus cannot be installed on the latest laravel version.

    The logic to render a spinner is pretty simple and can be easily implemented right here inside the library.

    opened by seregazhuk 3
  • Add php8 support in composer

    Add php8 support in composer

    Helo @seregazhuk thanks for your excellent work.

    I've tried to update PHPUnit and Psalm too, but both require a config change, I think it should be better to update in different PRs;- D.

    opened by kpicaza 2
  • Compatibility with Symfony5

    Compatibility with Symfony5

    Bug Report

    root@1b51a4eb9dd9:/app/symfony/app# php composer.phar require seregazhuk/php-watcher --dev
    Cannot load Xdebug - it was already loaded
    Using version ^0.5.2 for seregazhuk/php-watcher
    ./composer.json has been updated
    Loading composer repositories with package information
    Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
    Restricting packages listed in "symfony/symfony" to "5.0.*"
    Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.
      Problem 1
        - yosymfony/resource-watcher v2.0.0 requires symfony/finder ^2.7|^3.0|^4.0 -> no matching package found.
        - seregazhuk/php-watcher v0.5.2 requires yosymfony/resource-watcher ^2.0 -> satisfiable by yosymfony/resource-watcher[v2.0.0].
        - Installation request for seregazhuk/php-watcher ^0.5.2 -> satisfiable by seregazhuk/php-watcher[v0.5.2].
    Potential causes:
     - A typo in the package name
     - The package is not available in a stable-enough version according to your minimum-stability setting
       see <> for more details.
     - It's a private package and you forgot to add a custom repository to find it

    Input Code

    require seregazhuk/php-watcher --dev

    Expected behavior

    install the library

    Possible Solution

    get rid of yosymfony/resource-watcher dependency

    opened by sergey-telpuk 1
  • Improve spinner output

    Improve spinner output

    Work directly with a cursor instead of using "\r". When reloading a script we should hide the spinner, otherwise part of it stays in the terminal.

    opened by seregazhuk 1
  • [BUG] Send termination signal to the process

    [BUG] Send termination signal to the process

    If the underlying script listens to POSIX signals, for example, to correctly shutdown (release tcp ports and etc) we need to explicitly send SIGTERM when restarting. Relates to #21

    opened by seregazhuk 1
  • Increase dependency options

    Increase dependency options

    • Improves test document

      • PHP7.4
      • Lowest dependencies
      • Highest dependencies
    • Finder is required by some other libraries, and in lowest version of dependencies, the library goes to 2.7. We have forced the library to have a minimum dependency of ^4.3

    opened by mmoreram 0
  • Config building refactoring

    Config building refactoring

    Separate into two steps: file-config and command line arguments. In order to be able to build a configuration in another console command with its own options.

    opened by seregazhuk 0
  • High CPU usage

    High CPU usage

    It works, it does its job, it's not based on node so I can stick to PHP when developing with PHP.

    However, it seems to have a quite significant CPU (I/O?) usage.

    Is there something that could be done to reduce that?

    opened by xosofox 0
  • Laravel Octane appears to be restarted twice

    Laravel Octane appears to be restarted twice

    Hi, thanks for this project 👋

    I am trying to use this project as a lightweight alternative to chokidar for restarting Laravel Octane:

    When updating a watched file, it appears the process is restarted twice:

    www-data@nemo-api:~$ vendor/bin/php-watcher artisan --arguments=octane:start --watch=app
    [PHP-Watcher] 0.5.2
    [PHP-Watcher] watching: app
    [PHP-Watcher] starting `php artisan octane:start`
       INFO  Server runningLocal:
      Press Ctrl+C to stop the server
    [PHP-Watcher] restarting due to changes...
    [PHP-Watcher] starting `php artisan octane:start`
    [PHP-Watcher] starting `php artisan octane:start`
    In Process.php line 170:
      Process is already running  
    watch [-w|--watch [WATCH]] [-e|--ext [EXT]] [-i|--ignore [IGNORE]] [--exec [EXEC]] [--delay [DELAY]] [--signal [SIGNAL]] [--arguments [ARGUMENTS]] [--config [CONFIG]] [--no-spinner] [--] <script>

    If you need to reproduce this locally, a plain Laravel install with Octane should do:

    opened by spawnia 8
  • php-watcher has unmet requirements

    php-watcher has unmet requirements

    I'm trying to install php-watcher within latest composer docker with composer require seregazhuk/php-watcher command, but getting error:

    Package seregazhuk/php-watcher has a PHP requirement incompatible with your PHP version, PHP extensions and Composer version

    Docker container has Composer version 2.0.11 2021-02-24 14:57:23 and PHP 8.0.3 (cli) (built: Mar 6 2021 03:28:33) ( NTS ).

    I'm new to PHP and not sure what composer require --ignore-platform-reqs seregazhuk/php-watcher is doing, but after that ./vendor/bin/php-watcher app.php gives:

    Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Undefined constant "seregazhuk\PhpWatcher\Config\SIGINT" in /app/vendor/seregazhuk/php-watcher/src/Config/Config.php:40
    Stack trace:
    #0 /app/vendor/seregazhuk/php-watcher/src/Config/Builder.php(21): seregazhuk\PhpWatcher\Config\Config::fromArray(Array)
    #1 /app/vendor/seregazhuk/php-watcher/src/WatcherCommand.php(73): seregazhuk\PhpWatcher\Config\Builder->fromConfigFile('')
    #2 /app/vendor/seregazhuk/php-watcher/src/WatcherCommand.php(42): seregazhuk\PhpWatcher\WatcherCommand->buildConfig(Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput))
    #3 /app/vendor/symfony/console/Command/Command.php(256): seregazhuk\PhpWatcher\WatcherCommand->execute(Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput))
    #4 /app/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php(971): Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command->run(Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput))
    #5 /app/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php(290): Symfony\Component\Console\Application->doRunCommand(Object(seregazhuk\PhpWatcher\WatcherCommand), Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput))
    #6 /app/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php(166): Symfony\Component\Console\Application->doRun(Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput))
    #7 /app/vendor/seregazhuk/php-watcher/php-watcher(18): Symfony\Component\Console\Application->run()

    And now composer check-platform-reqs outputs:

    Checking platform requirements for packages in the vendor dir
    ext-curl      8.0.3                                                 success  
    ext-json      8.0.3                                                 success  
    ext-mbstring  8.0.3                                                 success  
    ext-pcntl     n/a    seregazhuk/php-watcher requires ext-pcntl (*)  missing  
    php           8.0.3  seregazhuk/php-watcher requires php (^7.2)     failed   

    Is there a way I could use php-watcher in such setup?

    opened by SlausB 1
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