AnsibleBoy aims to use the Asnible `facts` as data, which can then be visualized in a table format


AnsibleBoy - Ansible Frontend Hub


AnsibleBoy aims to use the Ansible facts as data, which can then be visualized as a table


(note that this project is very fresh)

  • Ability to export in CSV or HTML
  • Extend the data
  • Add options to see each host separately
  • Add custom facts
  • Add docker-compose setup
  • Others

How to install

  • needs PHP installed (7.4 recommended)
  • needs ansible installed
  • assumes that your ansible setup utilizes ssh-keys to login to the hosts

This is a straight forward PHP setup, so clone the repo directly in a web folder. Setup .env file from the example .example.env one Create a Database with a user. Import the .db_users_init into the DB, which will create the users table, and add the initial admin user. TODO: this should be automated in the code, and not be a manual step. Login to /admin with user: admin and pass admin. Make sure to change these. Once in the Users menu, click the red button to Reset DB Table Servers, which recreates the table every time. So be careful with it.

In .env you would need to setup the absolute paths to yourinventry file, and ansible.cfg files, so the .cron can use both of these files to connect to your inventory and pull the facts.

You can also use real time environment variables like:

ANSIBLEBOY_INVENTORY=/path/to/hosts ANSIBLEBOY_CFG=/path/to/ansible.cfg  ./.cron

in case you need to do this multiple times.

Then set that cron to to run at the interval you want to gather new facts from your fleet.

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