Private Packagist API Client


Private Packagist API Client

Table of Contents



Via Composer:

$ composer require private-packagist/api-client php-http/guzzle6-adapter

Why do you need to require php-http/guzzle6-adapter? We are decoupled from any HTTP messaging client with help by HTTPlug, so you can pick an HTTP client of your choice, guzzle is merely a recommendation.

Basic usage of private-packagist/api-client client


// This file is generated by Composer
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$client = new \PrivatePackagist\ApiClient\Client();
$client->authenticate('api-token', 'api-secret');
$packages = $client->packages()->all();

From $client object, you can access the full Private Packagist API.


Full documentation can be found in the Private Packagist documentation.


Trigger a full synchronization

$jobs = $client->organization()->sync();

Returns an array of created jobs. One for every synchronization.


List an organization's teams

$teams = $client->teams()->all();

Returns an array of teams.

List all private packages a team has access to

$teamId = 1;
$packages = $client->teams()->packages($teamId);

Returns an array of packages.

Grant a team access to a list of private packages

$teamId = 1;
$packages = $client->teams()->addPackages($teamId, ['acme-website/package']);

Returns an array of packages.

Remove access for a package from a team

$teamId = 1;
$packages = $client->teams()->removePackage($teamId, 'acme-website/package');


List an organization's customers

$customers = $client->customers()->all();

Returns an array of customers.

Show a customer

$customerId = 42;
$customer = $client->customers()->show($customerId);
// or
$customerUrlName = 'customer-url-name';
$customer = $client->customers()->show($customerUrlName);

Returns a single customer.

Create a customer

$customer = $client->customers()->create('New customer name');
// or
$customer = $client->customers()->create('New customer name', false, 'customer-url-name', 'beta');

Returns the customer.

Edit a customer

$customerId = 42;
$customerData = [
    'name' => $name,
    'urlName' => 'customer',
    'accessToVersionControlSource' => false,
    'minimumAccessibleStability' => 'beta',
$customer = $client->customers()->edit($customerId, $customerData);

Returns the customer.

Delete a customer

$customerId = 42;

Enable a customer

$customerId = 42;
$customer = $client->customers()->enable($customerId);

Disable a customer

$customerId = 42;
$customer = $client->customers()->disable($customerId);

List a customer's packages

$customerId = 42;
$packages = $client->customers()->listPackages($customerId);

Returns an array of customer packages.

Grant a customer access to a package or edit the limitations

$customerId = 42;
$packages = [
        'name' => 'acme-website/package',
        'versionConstraint' => '^1.0 | ^2.0', // optional version constraint to limit updates the customer receives
        'expirationDate' => (new \DateTime())->add(new \DateInterval('P1Y'))->format('c'), // optional expiration date to limit updates the customer receives
        'minimumAccessibleStability' => 'beta', // optional stability to restrict customers to specific package version stabilities like alpha, beta, or RC
$packages = $client->customers()->addOrEditPackages($customerId, $packages);

Returns an array of all added or edited customer packages.

Revoke access to a package from a customer

$customerId = 42;
$packageName = 'acme-website/package';
$client->customers()->removePackage($customerId, $packageName);

Regenerate a customer's Composer repository token

$customerId = 42;
$confirmation = [
    'IConfirmOldTokenWillStopWorkingImmediately' => true,
$composerRepository = $client->customers()->regenerateToken($customerId, $confirmation);

Returns the edited Composer repository.


List an organization's subrepositories

$subrepositories = $client->subrepositories()->all();

Returns an array of subrepositories.

Show a subrepository

$subrepositoryName = 'subrepository';
$subrepository = $client->subrepositories()->show($subrepositoryName);

Returns a single subrepository.

Create a subrepository

$subrepository = $client->subrepositories()->create('New subrepository name');

Returns the subrepository.

Delete a subrepository

$subrepositoryName = 'subrepository';

List a subrepositories's teams

$subrepositoryName = 'subrepository';
$teams = $client->subrepositories()->listTeams($subrepositoryName);

Returns an array of subrepositories teams.

Add a team to a subrepository or edit the permission

$subrepositoryName = 'subrepository';
$teams = [
        'id' => 12,
        'permission' => 'owner',
$teams = $client->subrepositories()->addOrEditTeams($subrepositoryName, $teams);

Returns an array of added subrepository teams.

Remove a team from a subrepository

$subrepositoryName = 'subrepository';
$teamId = 12;
$client->subrepositories()->removeTeam($subrepositoryName, $teamId);

List a subrepositories's packages

$subrepositoryName = 'subrepository';
$packages = $client->subrepositories()->packages()->all($subrepositoryName);

Returns an array of subrepositories packages.

Show a subrepository package

$subrepositoryName = 'subrepository';
$package = $client->subrepositories()->packages()->show($subrepositoryName, 'acme-website/package');

Returns the package.

Create a vcs package in a subrepository

$subrepositoryName = 'subrepository';
$job = $client->subrepositories()->packages()->createVcsPackage($subrepositoryName, '');

Returns a new job.

Create a vcs package with credentials in a subrepository

$subrepositoryName = 'subrepository';
$credentialId = 42;
$job = $client->subrepositories()->packages()->createVcsPackage($subrepositoryName,'', $credentialId);

Returns a new job.

Create a custom package in a subrepository

$subrepositoryName = 'subrepository';
$packageDefinition = '{...}';
$job = $client->subrepositories()->packages()->createCustomPackage($subrepositoryName, $packageDefinition);

Returns a new job.

Create a custom package with credentials in a subrepository

$subrepositoryName = 'subrepository';
$packageDefinition = '{...}';
$credentialId = 42;
$job = $client->subrepositories()->packages()->createCustomPackage($subrepositoryName, $packageDefinition, $credentialId);

Returns a new job.

Edit a vcs package in a subrepository in a subrepository

$subrepositoryName = 'subrepository';
$job = $client->subrepositories()->packages()->editVcsPackage($subrepositoryName, 'acme-website/package', '');

Returns a new job.

Edit a custom package in a subrepository

$subrepositoryName = 'subrepository';
$packageDefinition = '{...}';
$job = $client->subrepositories()->packages()->editCustomPackage($subrepositoryName, 'acme-website/package', $packageDefinition);

Returns a new job.

Delete a package from a subrepository

$subrepositoryName = 'subrepository';
$client->subrepositories()->packages()->remove($subrepositoryName, 'acme-website/package');

List all dependents of a subrepository package

$subrepositoryName = 'subrepository';
$client->subrepositories()->packages()->listDependents($subrepositoryName, 'acme-website/package');

Returns a list of packages.

List a subrepositories's authentication tokens

$subrepositoryName = 'subrepository';
$tokens = $client->subrepositories()->listTokens($subrepositoryName);

Returns an array of authentication tokens.

Create a subrepository authentication token

$subrepositoryName = 'subrepository';
$data = [
  'description' => 'Subrepository Token',
  'access' => 'read',
$token = $client->subrepositories()->createToken($subrepositoryName, $data);

Returns the authentication token.

Delete a subrepository authentication token

$subrepositoryName = 'subrepository';
$tokenId = 33;
$client->subrepositories()->removeToken($subrepositoryName, $tokenId);

Regenerate a subrepository authentication token

$subrepositoryName = 'subrepository';
$tokenId = 33;
$confirmation = [
    'IConfirmOldTokenWillStopWorkingImmediately' => true,
$token = $client->subrepositories()->regenerateToken($subrepositoryName, $confirmation);

Returns the authentication token.

List a subrepositories's mirrored repositories

$subrepositoryName = 'subrepository';
$mirroredRepositories = $client->subrepositories()->mirroredRepositories()->all($subrepositoryName);

Returns an array of mirrored repositories.

Show a mirrored repository

$subrepositoryName = 'subrepository';
$mirroredRepositoryId = 42;
$mirroredRepository = $client->subrepositories()->mirroredRepositories()->show($subrepositoryName, $mirroredRepositoryId);

Returns the mirrored repository.

Add mirrored repositories to a subrepository

$subrepositoryName = 'subrepository';
$mirroredRepositoriesToAdd = [
    ['id' => 12, 'mirroringBehavior' => 'add_on_use'],
$mirroredRepository = $client->subrepositories()->mirroredRepositories()->add($subrepositoryName, $mirroredRepositoriesToAdd);

Returns a list of added mirrored repositories.

Edit the mirroring behaviour of mirrored repository in a subrepository

$subrepositoryName = 'subrepository';
$mirroredRepositoryId = 42;
$mirroredRepository = $client->subrepositories()->mirroredRepositories()->create($subrepositoryName, $mirroredRepositoryId, 'add_on_use');

Returns the edited mirrored repository.

Delete a mirrored repository from a subrepository

$subrepositoryName = 'subrepository';
$mirroredRepositoryId = 42;
$client->subrepositories()->mirroredRepositories()->remove($subrepositoryName, $mirroredRepositoryId);

List all mirrored packages from a mirrored repository in a subrepository

$subrepositoryName = 'subrepository';
$mirroredRepositoryId = 42;
$packages = $client->subrepositories()->mirroredRepositories()->listPackages($subrepositoryName, $mirroredRepositoryId);

Returns an array of packages.

Add mirrored packages from one mirrored repository to a subrepository

$subrepositoryName = 'subrepository';
$mirroredRepositoryId = 42;
$packages = [
$jobs = $client->subrepositories()->mirroredRepositories()->addPackages($subrepositoryName, $mirroredRepositoryId, $packages);

Returns an array of jobs.

Remove all mirrored packages from one mirrored repository in a subrepository

$subrepositoryName = 'subrepository';
$mirroredRepositoryId = 42;
$client->subrepositories()->mirroredRepositories()->removePackages($subrepositoryName, $mirroredRepositoryId);


List an organization's packages

$filters = [
    'origin' => \PrivatePackagist\ApiClient\Api\Packages::ORIGIN_PRIVATE, // optional filter to only receive packages that can be added to customers,
    'security-issue-state' => \PrivatePackagist\ApiClient\Api\SecurityIssues::STATE_OPEN, // optional filter to filter packages with open security issues,
$packages = $client->packages()->all($filters);

Returns an array of packages.

Show a package

$package = $client->packages()->show('acme-website/package');

Returns the package.

Create a vcs package

$job = $client->packages()->createVcsPackage('');

Returns a new job.

Create a vcs package with credentials

$credentialId = 42;
$job = $client->packages()->createVcsPackage('', $credentialId);

Returns a new job.

Create a vcs package with a specific type

$job = $client->packages()->createVcsPackage('', null, 'git');

Returns a new job.

Create a custom package

$packageDefinition = '{...}';
$job = $client->packages()->createCustomPackage($packageDefinition);

Returns a new job.

Create a custom package with credentials

$packageDefinition = '{...}';
$credentialId = 42;
$job = $client->packages()->createCustomPackage($packageDefinition, $credentialId);

Returns a new job.

Edit a vcs package

$job = $client->packages()->editVcsPackage('acme-website/package', '');

Returns a new job.

Edit a custom package

$packageDefinition = '{...}';
$job = $client->packages()->editCustomPackage('acme-website/package', $packageDefinition);

Returns a new job.

Delete a package


List all dependents of a package


Returns a list of packages.

List all customers with access to a package


Returns a list of customers with access to the package.

List all security issues of a package

$filters = [
    'security-issue-state' => \PrivatePackagist\ApiClient\Api\SecurityIssues::STATE_OPEN,
$client->packages()->listSecurityIssues('acme-website/package', $filters);

Returns a list of security issues.

Create an artifact package file

$fileName = ''; // your package archive artifact containing a valid composer.json in root directory
$file = file_get_contents($fileName);
$client->packages()->artifacts()->create($file, 'application/zip', $fileName);

Create an artifact package

$fileName = '';
$file = file_get_contents($fileName);
$response = $client->packages()->artifacts()->create($file, 'application/zip', $fileName);
$artifactId = $response['id'];

Add an artifact file to an existing package

$packageName = 'acme/artifact';
$fileName = '';
$file = file_get_contents($fileName);
$client->packages()->artifacts()->add($packageName, $file, 'application/zip', $fileName);

Update or replace artifact files of a package

// in case you want to replace the artifact file with a newly uploaded one
// 1. get current artifact ids
$result = $client->packages()->artifacts()->showPackageArtifacts('acme-website/package');
$artifactIds = array_column($result, 'id'); // [41, 42]

// 2. upload the new artifact file
$fileName = '';
$file = file_get_contents($fileName);
$response = $client->packages()->artifacts()->create($file, 'application/zip', $fileName);
$newArtifactId = $response['id'];

// 3. let's say we don't want to have the artifact file id = 41 and use the newly uploaded file instead
$artifactIds = array_shift($artifactIds);
$artifactIds[] = $newArtifactId;
$client->packages()->editArtifactPackage('acme-website/package', $artifactIds);


List an organization's credentials

$credentials = $client->credentials()->all();

Returns an array of credentials.

Show a credential

$credentialId = 42;
$credential = $client->credentials()->show($credentialId);

Returns the credential.

Create a credential

$type = \PrivatePackagist\ApiClient\Api\Credentials::TYPE_HTTP_BASIC;
$credential = $client->credentials()->create('ACME http auth', $type, '', 'username', 'password');

Returns the new credential.

Edit a credential

$credentialId = 42;
$type = \PrivatePackagist\ApiClient\Api\Credentials::TYPE_HTTP_BASIC;
$credential = $client->credentials()->edit($credentialId, $type, 'username', 'password');

Returns the edited credential.

Delete a credential

$credentialId = 42;

Mirrored Repository

List an organization's mirrored repositories

$mirroredRepositories = $client->mirroredRepositories()->all();

Returns an array of mirrored repositories.

Show a mirrored repository

$mirroredRepositoryId = 42;
$mirroredRepository = $client->mirroredRepositories()->show($mirroredRepositoryId);

Returns the mirrored repository.

Create a mirrored repository

$mirroredRepository = $client->mirroredRepositories()->create('Mirrored Repository', '', 'add_on_use', 543);

Returns the new mirrored repository.

Edit a mirrored repository

$mirroredRepositoryId = 42;
$mirroredRepository = $client->mirroredRepositories()->create($mirroredRepositoryId, 'Mirrored Repository', '', 'add_on_use', 543);

Returns the edited mirrored repository.

Delete a mirrored repository

$mirroredRepositoryId = 42;

List all mirrored packages from one repository

$mirroredRepositoryId = 42;
$packages = $client->mirroredRepositories()->listPackages($mirroredRepositoryId);

Returns an array of packages.

Add mirrored packages from one repository

$mirroredRepositoryId = 42;
$packages = [
$jobs = $client->mirroredRepositories()->addPackages($mirroredRepositoryId, $packages);

Returns an array of jobs.

Remove all mirrored packages from one repository

$mirroredRepositoryId = 42;


Show a job

$job = $client->jobs()->show($jobId);

Returns the job.

Wait for a job to finish

This will periodically poll the job status until the job either finished or the maximum wait time was reached

$numberOfSecondsToWait = 180;
$jobHelper = new \PrivatePackagist\ApiClient\JobHelper($client);
try {
    $job = $jobHelper->waitForJob($jobId, $numberOfSecondsToWait);
} catch (\PrivatePackagist\ApiClient\Exception\JobTimeoutException $e) {
    // Job didn't finish within the specified time
} catch (\PrivatePackagist\ApiClient\Exception\JobErrorException $e) {
    // Job finished with an error. See the message for more information
    echo $e->getMessage();

Returns the job.

Security Issue

List an organization's security issues

$filters = [
    'security-issue-state' => \PrivatePackagist\ApiClient\Api\SecurityIssues::STATE_OPEN, // optional filter to filter packages with open security issues,
$packages = $client->securityIssues()->all($filters);

Returns an array of security issues.

Magento legacy keys

List all legacy keys for a customer

$customerId = 42;
$legacyKeys = $client->customers()->magentoLegacyKeys()->all($customerId);

Returns a list of Magento legacy keys.

Create a new legacy keys for a customer

$legacyKey = $client->customers()->magentoLegacyKeys()->create($customerId, $publicKey, $privateKey);

Returns the new Magento legacy key.

Delete a legacy keys from a customer

$client->customers()->magentoLegacyKeys()->remove($customerId, $publicKey);

Validate incoming webhook payloads

When you create or update a webhook in Private Packagist an optional secret can be set. This secret gets used to create a signature which is sent with each request in the headers as Packagist-Signature. The secret and signature can then be used on your server to validate that the request was made by Private Packagist. If no secret is set then no signature is sent.

$request = /** any Psr7 request */;
$secret = 'webhook-secret';
$webhookSignature = new \PrivatePackagist\ApiClient\WebhookSignature($secret);
$requestSignature = $request->hasHeader('Packagist-Signature') ? $request->getHeader('Packagist-Signature')[0] : null; 
$webhookSignature->validate($requestSignature, (string) $request->getBody());


private-packagist/api-client is licensed under the MIT License

  • Using packageName in the API results in

    Using packageName in the API results in "Access Denied" error

    We have a fully operational private packagist running. Adding packages through composer or adding them manual works like a charm.

    We are using your package (packagist/private-packagist-api-client) to communicate with the private packagist's API.

    However, when using this API, we get an error when using specific API endpoints. More specifically, the GET /api/ackages/{packageName} and the POST /api/packages/{packageName}.

    Given this piece of example code:

    require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
    $privatePackagistUrl = '';
    $apiToken = '';
    $apiSecret = '';
    $client = new \PrivatePackagist\ApiClient\Client(null, $privatePackagistUrl);
    $client->authenticate($apiToken, $apiSecret);
    $packages = $client->packages()->all();
     * print_r($packages);
     * (
     *     [0] => Array
     *         (
     *             [name] => symfony/console
     *             [origin] => public-proxy
     *             [credentials] => 
     *             [links] => Array
     *                 (
     *                     [self] => /api/packages/symfony/console/
     *                 )
     *         )
     * )
    $client = new \PrivatePackagist\ApiClient\Client(null, $privatePackagistUrl);
    $client->authenticate($apiToken, $apiSecret);
    $package = $client->packages()->show('symfony/console');
    // Fatal error: Uncaught PrivatePackagist\ApiClient\Exception\RuntimeException: Access Denied.

    This results in a fatal error:

    PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught PrivatePackagist\ApiClient\Exception\RuntimeException: Access Denied. in /[dir]/vendor/private-packagist/api-client/src/HttpClient/Plugin/ExceptionThrower.php:41
    Stack trace:
    #0 /[dir]/vendor/php-http/httplug/src/Promise/HttpFulfilledPromise.php(34): PrivatePackagist\ApiClient\HttpClient\Plugin\ExceptionThrower->PrivatePackagist\ApiClient\HttpClient\Plugin\{closure}(Object(GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response))
    #1 /[dir]/vendor/private-packagist/api-client/src/HttpClient/Plugin/ExceptionThrower.php(42): Http\Client\Promise\HttpFulfilledPromise->then(Object(Closure))
    #2 /[dir]/vendor/php-http/client-common/src/Pl in /[dir]/vendor/private-packagist/api-client/src/HttpClient/Plugin/ExceptionThrower.php on line 41

    The response returned by the API is:

    string(109) "{"status":"error","message":"Access Denied.","documentationUrl":"[packagist-url]\/docs\/api"}"

    The API credentials I use are good, the first API call (and other API calls for that matter) give proper responses. It is the show() and editVcsPackage() methods that fail.

    I suspect it has something to do with the slash in the packageName, but escaping this did not help.

    Could you perhaps see what I am doing wrong, or confirm that this is a bug?

    opened by QassaDevelopers 3
  • Move from `php-http/client-implementation` to `psr/http-client-implementation`

    Move from `php-http/client-implementation` to `psr/http-client-implementation`

    As per

    New client implementations and consumers should use the PSR-18 interfaces directly. In the long term, we expect PSR-18 to completely replace the need for HTTPlug.

    For projects using guzzlehttp/guzzle in version 7 or higher this removes the need to also require php-http/guzzle7-adapter.

    opened by Kingdutch 2
  • Fix passing null to parameter of type string

    Fix passing null to parameter of type string

    Passing null to internal PHP functions, with argument type of string is deprecated in PHP 8.1.

    This can be easily fixed by supplying empty strings instead.

    Closes #47

    opened by janmartendeboer 1
  • Fully automate dev setup with Gitpod

    Fully automate dev setup with Gitpod

    This commit implements a fully-automated development setup using, an online IDE for GitHub and GitLab that enables Dev-Environments-As-Code. This makes it easy for anyone to get a ready-to-code workspace for any branch, issue or pull request almost instantly with a single click.

    opened by strausmann 1
  • PSR: replace php-http/client-implementation with psr/http-client-implementation

    PSR: replace php-http/client-implementation with psr/http-client-implementation


    ~Still need to confirm that this doesn't remove support for any of the most popular HTTP clients.~ Looks good

    opened by glaubinix 0
  • RequestSignature::normalizeParameters uses deprecated invocation

    RequestSignature::normalizeParameters uses deprecated invocation

    http_build_query(): Passing null to parameter #2 ($numeric_prefix) of type string is deprecated

    In src/HttpClient/Plugin/RequestSignature.php on line 87.

    Affected version: 1.25.0 PHP version: 8.1.0


    private function normalizeParameters(array $params)
        uksort($params, 'strcmp');
        return http_build_query($params, null, '&', PHP_QUERY_RFC3986);

    Suggested solution

    private function normalizeParameters(array $params)
        uksort($params, 'strcmp');
        return http_build_query($params, '', '&', PHP_QUERY_RFC3986);
    opened by janmartendeboer 0
  • Team: add endpoints to manage package access

    Team: add endpoints to manage package access

    Adds endpoints to:

    • list all private packages a team has access to
    • grant a team access to a list of private packages
    • revoke access to a package for a team
    opened by glaubinix 0
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