Opauth strategy for Google authentication



Opauth strategy for Google authentication.

Implemented based on https://developers.google.com/accounts/docs/OAuth2 using OAuth 2.0.

Opauth is a multi-provider authentication framework for PHP.

Getting started

  1. Install Opauth-Google:

    cd path_to_opauth/Strategy
    git clone git://github.com/opauth/google.git Google


    composer require opauth/google
  2. Create a Google APIs project at https://code.google.com/apis/console/

    • You do not have to enable any services from the Services tab.
    • Make sure to go to API Access tab and Create an OAuth 2.0 client ID.
    • Choose Web application for Application type
    • Make sure that redirect URI is set to actual OAuth 2.0 callback URL, usually http://path_to_opauth/google/oauth2callback
  3. Configure Opauth-Google strategy.

  4. Direct user to http://path_to_opauth/google to authenticate

Strategy configuration

Required parameters:

'Google' => array(
	'client_id' => 'YOUR CLIENT ID',
	'client_secret' => 'YOUR CLIENT SECRET'

Optional parameters: scope, state, access_type, approval_prompt



Opauth-Google is MIT Licensed
Copyright © 2012 U-Zyn Chua (http://uzyn.com)

  • repository does not exist anymore

    repository does not exist anymore

    Looks like the README is not up to date :)

    $ git clone git://github.com/uzyn/opauth-google.git Google Cloning into 'Google'... fatal: remote error: Repository not found. $

    opened by bert2002 2
  • $_SESSION / $_GET / $_POST is empty on response

    $_SESSION / $_GET / $_POST is empty on response

    $this->auth_config = array(
                'host'               => "http" . (($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 443) ? "s://" : "://") . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'],
                'path'               => '/user/auth/',
                'debug'              => true,
                'callback_url'       => "{host}/user/auth/$strategy/oauth2callback",
                'security_salt'      => '...',
                'callback_transport' => 'session',
                'Strategy'           => array( respective configs here
                    'Facebook' => array(
                        'app_id'     => '...',
                        'app_secret' => '...',
                        'scope'      => 'email'
                    'Google'   => array(
                        'client_id'     => '...',
                        'client_secret' =>'...'
                    'Twitter'  => array(
                        'key'    => '...',
                        'secret' => '...',
                        'scope'  => 'email'

    i get this on the response

    Undefined index: opauth

    on the line

    $response = $_SESSION['opauth'];

    i checked the $_SESSION thing its all blank.. same goes if i choose get / post they all remain blank.

    the exact config etc works fine for both facebook and twitter.. am i missing something?

    opened by WilliamStam 1
  • Add

    Add "refresh_token" to credentials array

    If your application needs an offline access then after authorization Google will include "refresh_token" parameter in response.

    This fix just adds this "refresh_token" to credentials array so you can access it and store after opauth callback.

    opened by VladaPetrovic 1
  • Add state verification on callback

    Add state verification on callback

    The state paramater is currently neither validated nor passed to the application. This parameter is crucial in avoiding CSRF-attacks.

    This commit should compare the state parameter from the strategy configuration with the received state parameter from the Google endpoint.

    opened by beheh 0
  • How can we get list out all the used and unused projects in GCP

    How can we get list out all the used and unused projects in GCP

    How can we get list out all the used and unused projects in GCP with the help of gcloud or some alternative)

    i.e(How can we determine that the project is running or not?

    opened by sabhijeet779 0
  • id_token is missing

    id_token is missing

    id_token is missing in credentials and would be great to be included...

    credentials' => array( 'token' => $results->access_token, 'id_token' => $results->id_token, 'expires' => date('c', time() + $results->expires_in) )

    opened by am-adnbp 0
  • Opauth occasionally fails with unauthorized response

    Opauth occasionally fails with unauthorized response

    When I originally log into my website through Opauth, everything works perfectly. I have some pages that will import contacts or calendar events, and these pages work well too. The only issue is that after a while, I'll get an error when I go to these page, as if my request token has expired or I'm not authorized anymore.

    I checked my refresh token, but it says it's not supposed to expire for another day. Is there a way to automatically try and refresh my session on the backend without having to make the user log back into Google?

    Here is the error:

    'code' => 'userinfo_error',
    'message' => 'Failed when attempting to query for user information',
    'raw' => [
        'response' => false,
        'headers' => 'HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized
    Vary: Origin
    Vary: X-Origin
    WWW-Authenticate: Bearer realm="https://accounts.google.com/AuthSubRequest", error=invalid_token
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
    Date: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 02:55:13 GMT
    Expires: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 02:55:13 GMT
    Cache-Control: private, max-age=0
    X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
    X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
    X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
    Server: GSE
    Alternate-Protocol: 443:quic,p=0.02'
    opened by ghost 0
  • Added prompt parameter to request URL in GoogleStrategy.php

    Added prompt parameter to request URL in GoogleStrategy.php

    Added optional prompt parameter specified here: https://developers.google.com/accounts/docs/OAuth2Login#prompt

    Allows applications to force the account chooser or consent screen to show on all logins.

    opened by duncanbarnes 0
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