A class for easy connection to the zarinpal port


Payment class with ZarinPal

A class to simplify payment operations and confirm payment of ZarrinPal payment gateway service ( به فارسی بخوانید )

Installation and use

Installation with Composer

composer require mhmmdq/zarinpal 

Easily add a class to your project using the command above


First, call the composer autoloader and call the class


include 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Mhmmdq\Zarinpal\Zarinpal;

Build an object and enter the required values

$merchant You will receive a code from ZarinPal

$amount Amount to be paid

$callback_url The place to return after the operation

$description Payment description

$metadata Get a presentation of everything you need after a successful payment

include  'vendor/autoload.php';

use Mhmmdq\Zarinpal\Zarinpal;

$merchant = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx';
$amount = 200000;
$callback_url = 'https://zarinpal.mhmmdq.ir/verify.php';
$description = 'توضیحات پرداخت';
$metadata = ['name' => 'mhmmdq'];

$zarinpal = new Zarinpal($merchant , $amount , $callback_url , $description , $metadata);


And at the end of the transfer to the payment gateway with method PayMentPortal()

$zarinpal = new Zarinpal($merchant , $amount , $callback_url , $description , $metadata);

If you do not want the transfer to be done automatically by the class, do the following

$zarinpal = new Zarinpal($merchant , $amount , $callback_url , $description , $metadata);
Payment confirmation

To confirm the payment, just do the following and then you will have a presentation of the result


include  'vendor/autoload.php';

use Mhmmdq\Zarinpal\Zarinpal;

$zarinpal = new Zarinpal('xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx' , 200000);


If the payment is successful, there will be a key return in the array as status with the value of success


You will receive all the errors before and after the payment operation as an array and the key name will be errors

Sample payment script

I will give a complete example soon

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