A class to help convert bytes into other units (kb, mb, etc).

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A class to help convert bytes into other units (kb, mb, etc).

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This package can be used to convert int|float values from bytes to KB, MB and GB as well as KiB, MiB and GiB.


You can install the package via Composer:

composer require ryangjchandler/bytes


You can instantiate a new Converter class via the new keyword or the static Converter::from constructor.

use RyanChandler\Bytes\Converter;

$converter = new Converter(1_000);

$converter = Converter::from(1_000);

You can then use the available methods to convert from bytes to KB, MB, GB, KiB, MiB or GiB.

$kb = $converter->toKb();
$kib = $converter->toKiB();
$mb = $converter->toMb();
$mib = $converter->toMiB();
$gb = $converter->toGb();
$gib = $converter->toGiB();


composer test:unit


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

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