PSR HTTP Message implementations



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Diactoros (pronunciation: /dɪʌktɒrɒs/): an epithet for Hermes, meaning literally, "the messenger."

This package supercedes and replaces phly/http.

laminas-diactoros is a PHP package containing implementations of the PSR-7 HTTP message interfaces and PSR-17 HTTP message factory interfaces.


Documentation is available at:

Source files for documentation are in the docs/ tree.

  • Allow installation on PHP 8.

    Allow installation on PHP 8.

    | Q | A |-------------- | ------ | Documentation | no | Bugfix | no | BC Break | no | New Feature | no | RFC | yes | QA | no


    opened by ADmad 26
  • Add ImageResponse?

    Add ImageResponse?

    How about adding an Zend\Diactoros\Response\ImageResponse that supports the most common file types like JPG, GIF and PNG? How could this be archieved?

    Originally posted by @RalfEggert at

    Won't Fix 
    opened by weierophinney 12
  • Fix prefer lowest compatibility

    Fix prefer lowest compatibility

    Trying to fix

    1) IdeHelper\Test\TestCase\Annotator\ClassAnnotatorTask\TestClassAnnotatorTaskTest::testAnnotate
    TypeError: Return value of Zend\Diactoros\marshalUriFromSapi() must be an instance of Zend\Diactoros\Uri, instance of Laminas\Diactoros\Uri returned

    But I am not sure if this actually fixes things. Tests are still failing

    I would expect prefer-lowest to not have aliasing issues as this compromises those important travis checks.

    Won't Fix 
    opened by dereuromark 7
  • Fixed `UploadedFile::moveTo()` so it actually removes the original file when used in CLI context, and doesn't leave orphaned files

    Fixed `UploadedFile::moveTo()` so it actually removes the original file when used in CLI context, and doesn't leave orphaned files

    Signed-off-by: katsuren [email protected] UploadedFile::moveTo doesn't work in CLI. Original file leave it as is.

    | Q | A |-------------- | ------ | Documentation | no | Bugfix | yes | BC Break | no | New Feature | no | RFC | no | QA | no


    Calling UploadedFile::moveTo in CLI, it just copies the file to the targetPath. In addition to this, the stream grabs the original file, so it cannot delete the file, and I cannot access the stream so I couldn't release the file pointer. In a test for uploading file, I want to remove the uploaded file to keep clean the test folder.

    Bug Enhancement 
    opened by k2rn 5
  • Add `UriFactory::createFromSapi()`

    Add `UriFactory::createFromSapi()`

    | Q | A |-------------- | ------ | Documentation | yes | Bugfix | no | BC Break | no | New Feature | yes | RFC | yes | QA | no


    This method will provide a public API to create Uri instances from SERVER context. This helps libraries that depend on diactoros and have their own ServerRequest or Uri implementations use the logic in diactoros more efficiently.

    I wanted to get a rough draft of this up for feedback. If it is headed in the right direction, I have a few TODOs remaining:

    • [ ] Complete the tests (coverage isn't quite on par with the rest of the library).
    • [ ] Write documentation. I was thinking of putting it the factories section, but would appreciate any direction here.

    If there are other requirements that need to be met let me know :smile:

    Refs #122

    opened by markstory 4
  • Could ServerRequestFactory::marshallUriFromSapi() be made public?

    Could ServerRequestFactory::marshallUriFromSapi() be made public?

    Feature Request

    | Q | A |------------ | ------ | New Feature | yes | RFC | yes | BC Break | yes


    :wave: from your friends at the CakePHP project, we've been longtime users of diactoros :bow: We recently learned of the plans to deprecate and remove marshalUriFromSapi and eventually remove it.

    The other implementation (ServerRequestFactory::marshallUriFromSapi()) is currently private.

    Is there any appetite in making this method public so that we could use it in our RequestFactory?

    opened by markstory 4
  • Fix `symfony/error-handler` deprecations

    Fix `symfony/error-handler` deprecations

    | Q | A |-------------- | ------ | Documentation | no | Bugfix | yes (?) | BC Break | no | New Feature | no | RFC | no | QA | no


    symfony/error-handler triggers deprecation errors in case of not (explicitly) specified return types when implemented interface have them declared (in phpdoc). AFAIK they are triggered to make libraries migration to (possible) future declared return types more explicit.

    It can be annoying to update all of libraries with such of changes, but these deprecation messages are pretty hard to silence :(

    Here's log of there errors:

    PHP Deprecated: Method "Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface::getParsedBody()" might add "array|object|null" as a native return type declaration in the future. Do the same in implementation "Laminas\Diactoros\ServerRequest" now to avoid errors or add an explicit @return annotation to suppress this message. in .../vendor/symfony/error-handler/DebugClassLoader.php on line 330
    PHP Deprecated: Method "Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface::getAttribute()" might add "mixed" as a native return type declaration in the future. Do the same in implementation "Laminas\Diactoros\ServerRequest" now to avoid errors or add an explicit @return annotation to suppress this message. in .../vendor/symfony/error-handler/DebugClassLoader.php on line 330
    PHP Deprecated: Method "Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface::getMetadata()" might add "mixed" as a native return type declaration in the future. Do the same in implementation "Laminas\Diactoros\Stream" now to avoid errors or add an explicit @return annotation to suppress this message. in .../vendor/symfony/error-handler/DebugClassLoader.php on line 330
    opened by andrew-demb 4
  • Update to `laminas/laminas-coding-standard:2.3.x`, improved types and internal API

    Update to `laminas/laminas-coding-standard:2.3.x`, improved types and internal API

    | Q | A |-------------- | ------ | QA | yes


    Does the donkey work upgrading to LCS 2.3

    Changes to tests and src are in separate commits

    opened by gsteel 4
  • Ignore obviously malformed `host` headers when constructing a ServerRequest

    Ignore obviously malformed `host` headers when constructing a ServerRequest

    | Q | A |-------------- | ------ | Documentation | no | Bugfix | no | BC Break | no | New Feature | yes | RFC | no | QA | no


    The comment within the code should be self-explanatory. This adds some very basic checks to the host header as a hardening measure.

    opened by TimWolla 4
  • Normalize line-folded headers values to not contain newlines

    Normalize line-folded headers values to not contain newlines

    | Q | A |-------------- | ------ | Documentation | no | Bugfix | yes | BC Break | maybe? | New Feature | no | RFC | no | QA | no


    As per RFC 7230#3.2.4:

    A server that receives an obs-fold in a request message that is not within a message/http container MUST […] replace each received obs-fold with one or more SP octets prior to interpreting the field value or forwarding the message downstream. […] A user agent that receives an obs-fold in a response message that is not within a message/http container MUST replace each received obs-fold with one or more SP octets prior to interpreting the field value.

    Furthermore this change improves interoperability with PSR-7 implementations that reject line folding.

    The updated behavior matches the suggested behavior with regard to the handling of line-folding in the new php-fig/fig-standards#1274 erratum.

    Bug Enhancement 
    opened by TimWolla 4
  • Support for web servers that send HTTP2 request protocol as HTTP/2.0. Fixes #71

    Support for web servers that send HTTP2 request protocol as HTTP/2.0. Fixes #71

    | Q | A |-------------- | ------ | Documentation |no | Bugfix | yes | BC Break |no | New Feature |no | RFC |no | QA |no


    Fixes #71

    opened by JakeBooher 4
  • Add test to detect regression described in #111

    Add test to detect regression described in #111

    Signed-off-by: Denis Ponomarev [email protected]

    | Q | A |-------------- | ------ | Documentation | no | Bugfix | no | BC Break | no | New Feature |no | RFC | no | QA | yes


    FilterUsingXForwardedHeaders should accept host:port pair in X-FORWARDED-HOST header.

    Test added to detect it parsed incorrectly.

    Awaiting Maintainer Response Bug 
    opened by 3DFace 6
  • `FilterUsingXForwardedHeaders` should correctly deal with `<host>:<port>` pair in `X-FORWARDED-HOST` header

    `FilterUsingXForwardedHeaders` should correctly deal with `:` pair in `X-FORWARDED-HOST` header

    Hello contributors!

    I get from my web-server headers like:

    X-FORWARDED-HOST = host:port 

    I am using FilterUsingXForwardedHeaders filter and in result I get wierd URI from ServerRequestFactory::fromGlobals with port duplicated like https://host:port:port/path.

    I guessX-FORWARDED-HOST in FilterUsingXForwardedHeaders should be parsed in the same way like ServerRequestFactory::marshalHostAndPortFromHeader() did.

    In earlier versions (updated 2.9.2 -> 2.13.0) it was working fine. So it's a kind of little BC Break too :)

    I understand that I can implement FilterServerRequestInterface myself, but it would be more convenient to have such feature out of the box.

    Thank you!

    Bug Unit Test Needed 
    opened by 3DFace 4
  • Dependency Dashboard

    Dependency Dashboard

    This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.

    Awaiting Schedule

    These updates are awaiting their schedule. Click on a checkbox to get an update now.

    • [ ] Lock file maintenance

    Detected dependencies

    • php ~8.0.0 || ~8.1.0 || ~8.2.0
    • psr/http-factory ^1.0
    • psr/http-message ^1.0
    • http-interop/http-factory-tests ^0.9.0
    • laminas/laminas-coding-standard ^2.4.0
    • php-http/psr7-integration-tests ^1.2
    • phpunit/phpunit ^9.5.27
    • psalm/plugin-phpunit ^0.18.4
    • vimeo/psalm ^5.4

    • [ ] Check this box to trigger a request for Renovate to run again on this repository
    opened by renovate[bot] 0
  • Allow double slashes in the path according to the RFC3986

    Allow double slashes in the path according to the RFC3986

    | Q | A |-------------- | ------ | Documentation | no | Bugfix | yes | BC Break | maybe | New Feature | no | RFC | no | QA | no


    This resolves #74 maybe it could be a BC break, because the behavior of the getPath has changed. its since this commit:

    Awaiting Maintainer Response BC Break Enhancement 
    opened by marcelthole 7
  • Low performance of TextResponse and another related responses

    Low performance of TextResponse and another related responses

    Feature Request

    | Q | A |------------ | ------ | New Feature | no | RFC | no | BC Break | no


    Currently TextResponse always allocating new buffer for string output - This approach working really slow, my suggestion is to implement pure RAM string stream. Here is what I mean - (this approach is ~30% more performant)

    opened by codercms 11
  • Stream is not fully compatible with GD resource

    Stream is not fully compatible with GD resource

    Bug Report

    | Q | A |------------ | ------ | Version(s) | 2.4.0


    Using a GD resource works fine until there is interaction with the stream.

    Current behavior

    When working with GD Images, most of the methods of the Stream (with PHP 8.0 its GDImage) will result in errors.

    How to reproduce

        public function testIsReableWithGdResource()
            $resource = imagecreate(1, 1);
            $stream   = new Stream($resource);
        public function testCloseWithGdResource()
            $resource = imagecreate(1, 1);
            $stream   = new Stream($resource);

    result in

    1) LaminasTest\Diactoros\StreamTest::testIsReableWithGdResource
    stream_get_meta_data(): supplied resource is not a valid stream resource
    2) LaminasTest\Diactoros\StreamTest::testCloseWithGdResource
    fclose(): supplied resource is not a valid stream resource

    So the existing code is already broken and doesn't work with image resources.

    Expected behavior

    Using methods return proper informations such as the GD Image/Resource is not writable, seekable, e.g.

    Originally posted by @ADmad in

    Bug Question 
    opened by boesing 16
Laminas Project
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Laminas Project
PSR-7 HTTP Message implementation

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