Seamlessly integrate Wordpress with Laravel.


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What is this?

This is your standard Laravel install but with a few little extras 😉 . Koselig is your gateway to Wordpress from Laravel. When a user makes a request, Koselig will boot Wordpress and attempt to match the page Wordpress thinks its on with a Laravel route you define (Koselig provides route methods such as Template, Page Type, Post ID, etc). From that point on, you're in Laravel world but with full access to Wordpress and all the functions that Wordpress exposes.

But we know that's not good enough; Wordpress' API is straight up ugly and doesn't know which paradigm it's following. Koselig attempts to abstract Wordpress away from you, the developer, by providing a beautiful interface to call into Wordpress code. An auth guard has been defined for Wordpress, Eloquent models for Wordpress have been setup and we have proxies for everything that doesn't make sense to rewrite to make them PSR2 compliant.

If you've never used Laravel before you should definitely read over their docs, it'll make your life as a PHP developer so much better. While we're on the topic of docs, here's ours (they're not as good as Laravel's though sorry ☚ī¸ )

The Wordpress dashboard is available at /cms. There will be a full Wordpress install in your environment but it's managed via composer along with all your Wordpress plugins.

Security Vulnerabilities

If you discover a security vulnerability within Laravel, please send an e-mail to Taylor Otwell via

If you discover a security vulnerability within Koselig, please send an e-mail to Jordan Doyle via

If you discover a security vulnerability within Wordpress, please report it on Hackerone.

All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.


The Laravel framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.

Koselig is licensed under the WTFPL.

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  • Make it easier to get Koselig running outside of this isolated environment

    Make it easier to get Koselig running outside of this isolated environment

    Right now you pretty much have to use this "base" repository to get Koselig running, while it is possible to get Koselig running in an existing Laravel install (using this diff), the process could be much easier.

    • [x] Move all wp-config.php etc to koselig/library's published assets.
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    Once we've done this we can change the current "git clone our base repo" setup instructions to "how to get this working in your laravel install!"

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