A PHP class to build executable with using fluent API.
I need to have a fluent way to call my executable. I did not found any other command builder providing such interface that was updated recently or provide a large test coverage.
- Use a fluent API to construct the string to be executed
- Class-based
- Support arguments, long/short options and flags
- Preserves order of elements
- Does not handle executing the command
Install the package using Composer:
composer require khalyomede/command-builder
- 1. Create a simple command
- 2. Add an argument
- 3. Add a flag
- 4. Add an option
- 5. Configure the standard
- 6. Get the number of arguments
- 7. Get the number of flags
- 8. Get the number of options
- 9. Check if a flag has been added
- 10. Check if an option has been added
1. Create a simple command
In this example, we will just pass a command name, without arguments/options/flags.
use Khalyomede\CommandBuilder\Command;
$command = new Command("composer");
echo $command; // composer
2. Add an argument
In this example, we will add an argument to our command.
use Khalyomede\CommandBuilder\Command;
$command = new Command("composer");
echo $command; // composer require
3. Add a flag
In this example, we will add a "long" flag to the command.
use Khalyomede\CommandBuilder\Command;
$command = new Command("composer");
echo $command; // composer require --ignore-platform-reqs
And this is how to add a "short" flag.
use Khalyomede\CommandBuilder\Command;
$command = new Command("composer");
echo $command; // composer require -i
4. Add an option
You can add options to your command.
use Khalyomede\CommandBuilder\Command;
$command = new Command("composer");
->longOption("prefer-install", "source");
echo $command; // composer require --prefer-install=source
If your option contains spaces, it will automatically be escaped using double quotes.
use Khalyomede\CommandBuilder\Command;
$command = new Command("composer");
->longOption("prefer-install", "auto source");
echo $command; // composer require --prefer-install="auto source"
And if your option contains spaces and doubles quotes, they will also be escaped.
use Khalyomede\CommandBuilder\Command;
$command = new Command("composer");
->longOption("prefer-install", 'auto "source"');
echo $command; // composer require --prefer-install="auto \"source\""
You can also use "short" option.
use Khalyomede\CommandBuilder\Command;
$command = new Command("composer");
->option("p", 'source');
echo $command; // composer require -p=source
5. Configure the standard
You can specify the standard used for the option. By default, it is set to "GNU".
use Khalyomede\CommandBuilder\Command;
$command = new Command("composer", "POSIX");
->option("p", 'source');
echo $command; // composer require -p source
$command = new Command("composer")
->option("p", 'source');
echo $command; // composer require -p=source
You can also use constants if you prefer
use Khalyomede\CommandBuilder\Command;
use Khalyomede\CommandBuilder\Standard;
$command = new Command("composer", Standard::POSIX);
6. Get the number of arguments
You can know how many arguments were added to the command.
use Khalyomede\CommandBuilder\Command;
$command = new Command("composer");
echo $command->argumentCount(); // 2
7. Get the number of flags
You can know the number of flags added to your command.
use Khalyomede\CommandBuilder\Command;
$command = new Command("composer");
echo $command->flagCount(); // 2
8. Get the number of options
You can know the number of options added to your command.
use Khalyomede\CommandBuilder\Command;
$command = new Command("composer");
$command->option("a", "source")
->longFlag("apcu-autoloader-prefix", "app");
echo $command->optionCount(); // 2
9. Check if a flag has been added
You can know if a flag has been added already.
use Khalyomede\CommandBuilder\Command;
$command = new Command("composer");
var_dump( $command->hasFlag("d", "dev") ); // bool(true)
var_dump( $command->hasFlag("o", "optimize-autoloader") ); // bool(false)
10. Check if an option has been added
You can know if an option has been added or not.
use Khalyomede\CommandBuilder\Command;
use Khalyomede\CommandBuilder\Style;
$command = new Command("composer");
$command->longOption("prefer-install", "source");
var_dump( $command->hasOption("p", "prefer-install") ); // bool(true)
var_dump( $command->hasOption("i", "ignore-platform-req") ); // bool(false)
Compatibility table
This is the compatibility for this version only. To check the compatibility with other version of this package, please browse the version of your choice.
PHP Version | Compatibility |
8.1.* |
8.0.* |
7.4.* |
composer run test
composer run mutate
composer run analyse
composer run lint
composer run install-security-checker
composer run check-security
composer run check-updates