CakePHP3: plugin that facilitates versioned database entities


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A CakePHP 4.x plugin that facilitates versioned database entities


Add the following lines to your application's composer.json:

"require": {
    "josegonzalez/cakephp-version": "dev-master"

followed by the command:

composer update

Or run the following command directly without changing your composer.json:

composer require josegonzalez/cakephp-version:dev-master


In your app's config/bootstrap.php add:

Plugin::load('Josegonzalez/Version', ['bootstrap' => true]);


Run the following schema migration:

CREATE TABLE `version` (
    `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
    `version_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
    `model` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
    `foreign_key` int(10) NOT NULL,
    `field` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
    `content` text NULL,
    `created` datetime NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

Note that the content field must be nullable if you want to be able to version any nullable fields in your application.

You may optionally add a version_id field of type integer to the table which is being versioned. This will store the latest version number of a given page.

If you wish to create the table using cakephp/migrations then you will need to use a migration that looks something like this:


use Phinx\Migration\AbstractMigration;

class CreateVersions extends AbstractMigration
    public function change()
             ->addColumn('version_id', 'integer', ['null' => true])
             ->addColumn('model', 'string')
             ->addColumn('foreign_key', 'integer')
             ->addColumn('field', 'string')
             ->addColumn('content', 'text', ['null' => true])
             ->addColumn('created', 'datetime')

Add the following line to your entities:

use \Josegonzalez\Version\Model\Behavior\Version\VersionTrait;

And then include the trait in the entity class:

class PostEntity extends Entity {
    use VersionTrait;

Attach the behavior in the models you want with:

public function initialize(array $config) {

Whenever an entity is persisted - whether via insert or update - that entity is also persisted to the version table. You can access a given revision by executing the following code:

// Will contain a generic `Entity` populated with data from the specified version.
$version = $entity->version(1);

You can optionally retrieve all the versions:

$versions = $entity->versions();

Storing Additional Meta Data

cakephp-version dispatches an event Model.Version.beforeSave which you can optionally handle to attach additional meta-data about the version.

Add the necessary additional fields to your migration, for example:

CREATE TABLE `version` (
    `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
    `version_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
    `model` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
    `foreign_key` int(10) NOT NULL,
    `field` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
    `content` text,
    `created` datetime NOT NULL,
    `custom_field1` varchar(255) NOT NULL, /* column to store our metadata */
    `custom_field2` varchar(255) NOT NULL, /* column to store our metadata */
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

Then define an event listener to handle the event and pass in additional metadata, for example:

use Cake\Event\Event;
use Cake\Event\EventListenerInterface;

class VersionListener implements EventListenerInterface {

    public function implementedEvents() {
        return array(
            'Model.Version.beforeSave' => 'insertAdditionalData',

    public function insertAdditionalData(Event $event) {
        return [
            'custom_field1' => 'foo',
            'custom_field2' => 'bar'

Your event listener can then be attached in your project, for example:

use App\Event\VersionListener;
use Cake\Event\EventManager;

$VersionListener = new VersionListener();

Note that handling this event also allows you to modify/overwrite values generated by the plugin. This can provide useful functionality, but ensure that if your event listener returns array keys called version_id, model, foreign_key, field, content or created that this is the intended behavior.

Storing user_id as Meta Data

To store the user_id as additional meta data is easiest in combination with Muffin/Footprint. The above insertAdditionalData() method could then look like this:

     * @param \Cake\Event\Event $event
     * @return array
    public function insertAdditionalData(Event $event)
        $data = [

        if ($event->data('_footprint')) {
            $user = $event->data('_footprint');
            $data += [
                'user_id' => $user->id,

        return $data;

Any controller with the FootprintAwareTrait used will then provide the _footprint data into the model layer for this event callback to use.

Bake Integration

If you load the plugin using 'bootstrap' => true, this plugin can be used to autodetect usage via the properly named database table. To do so, simply create a table with the version schema above named after the table you'd like to revision plus the suffix _versions. For instance, to version the following table:

CREATE TABLE `posts` (
    `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
    `category_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
    `user_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
    `status` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'published',
    `visibility` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'public',
    `title` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
    `route` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
    `content` text,
    `published_date` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
    `created` datetime NOT NULL,
    `modified` datetime NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

Create the following table:

CREATE TABLE `posts_versions` (
    `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
    `version_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
    `model` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
    `foreign_key` int(11) NOT NULL,
    `field` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
    `content` text,
    `created` datetime NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

You can create a migration for this with the following bake command:

bin/cake bake migration create_posts_versions version_id:integer model foreign_key:integer field content:text created

You'll also want to set the content field in this migration to nullable, otherwise you won't be able to version fields that can be nulled.

To track the current version in the posts table, you can create a migration to add the version_id field to the table:

bin/cake bake migration add_version_id_to_posts version_id:integer


There are five behavior configurations that may be used:

  • versionTable: (Default: version) The name of the table to be used to store versioned data. It may be useful to use a different table when versioning multiple types of entities.
  • versionField: (Default: version_id) The name of the field in the versioned table that will store the current version. If missing, the plugin will continue to work as normal.
  • additionalVersionFields: (Default ['created']) The additional or custom fields of the versioned table to be exposed as well. By default prefixed with version_, e.g. 'version_user_id' for 'user_id'.
  • referenceName: (Default: db table name) Discriminator used to identify records in the version table.
  • onlyDirty: (Default: false) Set to true to version only dirty properties.
  • Fix additional data coming from right table.

    Fix additional data coming from right table.

    We must read the created/user_id from the correct table, in this case the versions one.

    Now a versions dropdown can actually display the additional meta data:

    <option value="6">6 (3/19/17, 9:30 PM by uid 2)</option>
    opened by dereuromark 8
  • Versions get saved but can't retrieve them in my views

    Versions get saved but can't retrieve them in my views


    First of all, thanks a lot for your awesome work :-) I'm trying to implement your awesome plugin, but I'm having some troubles with it, and I think it may be a bug...

    The records (versions) do get saved correctly to the database, but whenever I try to show it in my view, I get nothing... :-(

    Am I missing something?

    Thanks in advance! Gonzalo


    //namespace App\Model\Entity;
    namespace SiteManager\Model\Entity;
    use Cake\ORM\Entity;
    use \Josegonzalez\Version\Model\Behavior\Version\VersionTrait;
     * Page Entity.
    class Page extends Entity
        use VersionTrait;
         * Fields that can be mass assigned using newEntity() or patchEntity().
         * @var array
        protected $_accessible = [
            'title' => true,
            'content' => true,
            'album_id' => true


    class PagesTable extends Table
        public function initialize(array $config)
            $this->belongsTo('Albums', [
                'foreignKey' => 'album_id',
                'className' => 'SiteManager.Albums'


        public function view($id = null)
            $page = $this->Pages->get($id, [
                'contain' => []
            $version_3 = $page->version(3);
            debug($version_3); // outputs: null
            $versions = $page->versions();
            debug($versions); // outputs: []
            $this->set('versions', $versions);
            $this->set('page', $page);
            $this->set('_serialize', ['page']);
            debug($page); // outputs: see next block 
    object(SiteManager\Model\Entity\Page) {
        'id' => (int) 21,
        'title' => 'Contact',
        'content' => '<p>Maecenas ullamcorper, dui et placerat feugiat, eros pede varius nisi, condimentum viverra felis nunc et lorem. Vivamus euismod mauris. Praesent nonummy mi in odio. Praesent venenatis metus at tortor pulvinar varius. Sed a libero.</p>',
        'image' => null,
        'slug' => 'contact',
        'album_id' => null,
        'version_id' => (int) 4,
        'created' => object(Cake\I18n\Time) {
            'time' => '2015-07-24T01:42:11+0000',
            'timezone' => 'UTC',
            'fixedNowTime' => false
        '_versions' => [],
        '[new]' => false,
        '[accessible]' => [
            'title' => true,
            'content' => true,
            'album_id' => true
        '[dirty]' => [
            '_versions' => true
        '[original]' => [],
        '[virtual]' => [],
        '[errors]' => [],
        '[repository]' => 'SiteManager.Pages'
    opened by chonz0 8
  • Enhance table/associations handling

    Enhance table/associations handling

    This PR provides several enhancements:

    • an ability to set referenceName (just like in the core ~Tree~ Translate behavior), table alias isn't always a good discriminator (it fails when a table is loaded several times using different aliases)
    • association handling overhaul: the idea behind versionTable config was rather unclear (sometimes used as a db table, sometimes as a TableRegistry key and sometimes as an associaciot name); now it's used to describe ORM table used to store versions.
    • public accessor for version associations: both "global" versions association and individual "per-field" associations
    • versions are hydrated using source table entityClass rather than the core Entity
    opened by robertpustulka 7
  • Cakephp 4.x

    Cakephp 4.x


    since I'm using this plugin in one of my 3.x cake-apps and I had to upgrade, I thought of upgrading this plugin also.

    As of my tests (manual website-tests) and your initial unit tests, this plugin is working pretty fine. Even with the footprint-plugin and the cakephp-authentication plugin. But regarding this, the README has to be updated since the syntax is slightly different. I forgot to update the README.

    I hope, everything is fine.

    opened by TheMiller2015 6
  • Seems dependency is only on cake orm

    Seems dependency is only on cake orm

    Hi @josegonzalez ,

    I am notified about this repo by lorenzo . Looking at the repo, I believe this have dependency on the cake/orm rather than on the cake framework itself.

    If you think so, I wished this could be a library which can be used by other people who are using cake as a standalone version.

    Thank you for considering.

    opened by harikt 6
  • [RFC] Added typing support

    [RFC] Added typing support

    Adds type support to versions. You can now save versions that have fields with non scalar types, and all version entities now respect the field's type.

    opened by jeremyharris 5
  • Expose preexistent logic in public function getVersionId

    Expose preexistent logic in public function getVersionId

    Need external access to this part inside beforeSave.

    class ConcurrentListener implements EventListenerInterface
        public function implementedEvents()
            return [
                'Model.beforeSave' => 'onModelBeforeChange',
                'Model.beforeDelete' => 'onModelBeforeChange',
        public function onModelBeforeChange(Event $event, Entity $entity)
            $table = $event->getSubject();
            if ($table->behaviors()->has('Version')) {
                $version_id = $table->getVersionId($entity);
                if ($version_id !== $entity->version_id) {
                    $entity->setError('version_id', 'This entity has changed since you get it.');
                    return false;
    opened by bouland 4
  • update composer removing the dependency on cakephp/cakephp and to dev…

    update composer removing the dependency on cakephp/cakephp and to dev…

    …. Current time cannot remove the cake dependency due to no tests in orm resides

    Fixes #8 partially.

    Once is fixed , can make the necessary adjustments.

    Thank you.

    opened by harikt 4
  • Finder should be moved in Table

    Finder should be moved in Table

    The SQL finder part of the VersionTrait (and therefore inside Entity scope) should be moved into table and then called via ->versions() to keep things DRY Some would like to rather pull that from the table then from the entity

        public function versions($reset = false)
            if ($reset === false && $this->has('_versions')) {
                return $this->get('_versions');
            $table = TableRegistry::get($this->source());
            # --------------- START (move to table)
            $primaryKey = (array)$table->primaryKey();
            $query = $table->find('versions');
            $pkValue = $this->extract($primaryKey);
            $conditions = [];
            foreach ($pkValue as $key => $value) {
                $field = current($query->aliasField($key));
                $conditions[$field] = $value;
            $entities = $query->where($conditions)->all();
            if (empty($entities)) {
                return new Collection();
           # --------------- END
            $entity = $entities->first();
            $this->set('_versions', $entity->get('_versions'));
            return $this->get('_versions');
    opened by dereuromark 3
  • feature suggestion: store the user who made the change in projects that use authentication

    feature suggestion: store the user who made the change in projects that use authentication

    Hi, I recently used this plugin in a project I was working on. We needed database version history, but there was an additional requirement - we needed to record which user made the change. I was able to solve this for my situation by adding a 'user' field to the 'version' table and extending your plugin roughly as shown in this gist:

    You will note that I've referenced $_SESSION directly here, which is not ideal. This is because:

    1. The AuthComponent::user() method has been removed in CakePHP3. There is further discussion of this here:
    2. The session object can not be used in a Model Behavior ( )
    3. We also can not access SessionHelper in a Model Behavior and it is now deprecated ( )

    so I think there is no abstraction for session that can be used in a Model Behavior.

    Nevertheless, I think this is probably a feature that other users would find useful - I can see that recording which user made a change would be a common requirement in this situation - so I've had a think about how to make this a bit more generic so it could be contributed back to the core plugin. In my case, the user info was stored in $_SESSION['Auth']['User']['name'] but if I rewrite the getUserDetails() function to something like:

    private function getUserDetails()
        if (isset($this->_config['user'])) {
            $keys = $this->_config['user'];
        } else {
            return null;
        $session = $_SESSION;
        foreach ($keys as $key) {
            if (isset($session[$key]) && !empty($session[$key])) {
                $session = $session[$key];
            } else {
                return null;
        $user = $session;
        return $user;

    then the user can add the behaviour using a call like:

    $this->addBehavior('MyVersion', [ 'user' => ['Auth', 'User', 'name'] ]);
    $this->addBehavior('MyVersion', [ 'user' => ['Auth', 'User', 'id'] ]);
    $this->addBehavior('MyVersion', [ 'user' => ['Auth', 'User', 'LDAP', 'fullName'] ]);

    ..and so on, depending on the implementation of the user's auth class. Simultaneously we can still call $this->addBehavior('MyVersion'); to avoid breaking backwards compatibility and accommodate projects where authentication is not used.

    This would cover the situation where the user's Auth implementation is using the session storage engine, but does not address the case where the memory storage engine is used. So, I guess my questions are:

    1. If I were to put a bit of time into generalising this feature and submit a pull request (including update to documentation, tests, ensuring backwards-compatibility, etc), would you be interested in adding this feature to the plugin?
    2. Can anyone suggest a more elegant way of accessing the user info?
    3. Can anyone think of a way that it would also be possible to also support the memory storage engine?
    4. If not, would it be acceptable for this feature to only support use of the session storage engine?


    opened by chris48s 3
  • Remove EntityTrait::unsetProperty deprecation

    Remove EntityTrait::unsetProperty deprecation

    Replace EntityTrait::unset with EntityTrait::unsetProperty

    Currently when executing the tests the following Log is written:

    Deprecated Error: EntityTrait::unsetProperty() is deprecated. Use unset() instead. - C:\code\xampp\htdocs\CRM_doxx\vendor\josegonzalez\cakephp-version\src\Model\Behavior\VersionBehavior.php, line: 236 You can disable all deprecation warnings by setting Error.errorLevel to E_ALL & ~E_USER_DEPRECATED, or add vendor/josegonzalez/cakephp-version/src/Model/Behavior/VersionBehavior.php to Error.ignoredDeprecationPaths in your config/app.php to mute deprecations from only this file. In [C:\code\xampp\htdocs\CRM_doxx\vendor\cakephp\cakephp\src\Core\functions.php, line 316]

    opened by androideo 2
  • Error when retrieving and unserialising null DateTime fields

    Error when retrieving and unserialising null DateTime fields

    Hi, I am using this functionality and I have encountered a bug when I try to retrieve a version of an entry that had a timestamp field with a NULL value.

    IE, I have this Model:

    namespace App\Model\Table;
    use Cake\ORM\Table;
    use Cake\Validation\Validator;
     * News Model
    class NewsTable extends Table
         * Initialize method
         * @param array $config The configuration for the Table.
         * @return void
        public function initialize(array $config): void
                    'versionTable' => 'news_versions',
         * Default validation rules.
         * @param Validator $validator
         * @return Validator
        public function validationDefault(Validator $validator): Validator
                ->allowEmptyString('id', 'create');
                ->requirePresence('title', 'create')
                ->maxLength('title', 200);
                ->maxLength('subtitle', 300);
    namespace App\Model\Entity;
    use Cake\ORM\Entity;
    use Josegonzalez\Version\Model\Behavior\Version\VersionTrait;
     * News Entity
     * @property int $id
     * @property string $title
     * @property string $subtitle
     * @property \Cake\I18n\Time $visible_from
     * @property \Cake\I18n\Time $visible_to
     * @property \App\Model\Entity\Version $version
     * @property array $sitemap
    class News extends Entity implements SearchEngineInterface
        use VersionTrait;
        protected $_accessible = [
            'id' => false

    When I save it, entries in the news_versions table are correctly created for each field, Since the visible_from and visible_to fields are set as nullable on my DB, they are correctly saved with a value of "N;". When I retrieve the versions for my News entity by calling $news->versions(), I get this error:

    2022-03-31 15:14:41 Error: [Exception] DateTimeImmutable::__construct(): Failed to parse time string (N;) at position 1 (;): Unexpected character in /var/www/repo/public/vendor/cakephp/chronos/src/Chronos.php on line 109

    I have found out that this caused by the convertFieldsToType method, called in the groupVersions method of VersionBehavior. This happens only for Datetime fields, (other nullable fields that are saved as "N;" are being unserialized correctly) and only after updating to CakePHP 4, with version 4.0.1 of this package. This was working fine with CakePHP 3.x, and version 2 of this package. I have found that commenting the call to convertFieldsToType solves the problem (and in fact, this call wasn't present in version 2 of the library), but I'm not sure that that's the most correct way to go, therefore I haven't submitted a pull request.


    opened by matteorebeschi 4
  • Get Error: Table class for alias `versions` could not be found.

    Get Error: Table class for alias `versions` could not be found.

    Hi, I installed the plugin:dev-master in an environment with cakephp 4.2.8 and php 7.4 and after update an entities receive this error: Table class for alias versions could not be found.

    I followed the readme for installation and configuration. Also I tried to create the table class using the cake bake model but I always get the same error. Did I do something wrong ?


    opened by sensei84 1
  • getVersionId returns incorrect value

    getVersionId returns incorrect value


    I'm using this functionality, but seems to have a little problem. In this method there is query which is getting the last version_id and increase it with 1, but it's ordering by "id desc" which in my case is not correct, because my id column is not integer - it's uuid. Is it possible to make it sort by vendor_id or to be able to pass the ordering column from the config?


    opened by GaTioo 0
  • Garbage collector

    Garbage collector

    Would it be useful to have a simple "max versions per entity" config? E.g. "only store the last 10 versions per posts".

    And making it simple for a project cronjob to weekly clean out older versions not needed anymore etc? Maybe providing a basic query or method in the behavior for this.

    opened by dereuromark 1
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