CakePHP plugin to allow passing currently logged in user to model layer.



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This plugin allows you to pass the currently logged in user info to the model layer of a CakePHP application.

It comes bundled with the FootprintBehavior to allow you control over columns such as user_id, created_by, company_id similar to the core's TimestampBehavior.


Using Composer:

composer require muffin/footprint

You then need to load the plugin by running console command:

bin/cake plugin load Muffin/Footprint



First, you will need to include the Muffin\Footprint\Auth\FootprintAwareTrait to your AppController:

use Muffin\Footprint\Auth\FootprintAwareTrait;

class AppController extends Controller
    use FootprintAwareTrait;

    // Specify the user model if required. Defaults to "Users".
    $this->_userModel = 'YourPlugin.Members';

This will attach the Muffin\Footprint\Event\FootprintListener to models which will inject the currently logged in user's instance on Model.beforeSave and Model.beforeFind in the _footprint key of $options.

Your controller needs to have either cakephp/authentication plugin's AuthenticationComponent or CakePHP core's deprecated AuthComponent loaded so that the user identity can be fetched.


To use the included behavior to automatically update the created_by and modified_by fields of a record for example, add the following to your table's initialize() method:


You can customize that like so:

$this->addBehavior('Muffin/Footprint.Footprint', [
    'events' => [
        'Model.beforeSave' => [
        	'user_id' => 'new',
            'company_id' => 'new',
            'modified_by' => 'always'
    'propertiesMap' => [
        'company_id' => '',

This will insert the currently logged in user's primary key in user_id and modified_by fields when creating a record, on the modified_by field again when updating the record and it will use the associated user record's company id in the company_id field when creating a record.


If you have the FootprintBehavior attached to a model do not load the model inside Controller::initialize() method directly or indirectly. If you do so the footprint (user entity) won't be set for the model and the behavior won't work as expected. You can load your model in Controller::beforeFilter() if needed.

This is because the FootprintListener which sets the user entity to the models is attached after Controller::initialize() is run.

Patches & Features

  • Fork
  • Mod, fix
  • Test - this is important, so it's not unintentionally broken
  • Commit - do not mess with license, todo, version, etc. (if you do change any, bump them into commits of their own that I can ignore when I pull)
  • Pull request - bonus point for topic branches

Bugs & Feedback


Copyright (c) 2015-Present, Use Muffin and licensed under The MIT License.

  • FootprintBehavior's beforeSave doesn't seem to have the information it needs in it

    FootprintBehavior's beforeSave doesn't seem to have the information it needs in it

    Hi. This isn't really an 'issue' so much as a query. I have, I think, followed the instructions for getting this set up, and if I put breakpoints in the FootprintListener and FootprintAwareTrait I can see the User data being set where it seems to need to be, however when it then reaches the beforeSave in the FootprintBehavior, $options doesn't seem to contain any data pertaining to the user.

    My Table's initialise:

    $this->addBehavior('Muffin/Footprint.Footprint', [
        'events' => [
            'Model.beforeSave' => [
                'created_by' => 'new',
                'modified_by' => 'always',

    The $options variable in the FootprintBehavior's beforeSave():

       'atomic' => true,
       'associated' => 
      array (
        'characters' => 
        array (
        'createduser' => 
        array (
        'modifyuser' => 
        array (
       'checkRules' => true,
       'checkExisting' => true,
       '_primary' => true,

    My full AppController My full XpTable

    opened by Cylindric 28
  • $options['_footprint'] is multi entities when using JwtAuth plugin

    $options['_footprint'] is multi entities when using JwtAuth plugin

    In the case we are more than one authentication method (in my case : Form and ADmad/JwtAuth.Jwt ).

    then noticed that the $options['_footprint']['id'] is not accessible from and I have to use $options['_footprint'][0]['id']

      protected '_properties' => 
        array (size=2)
          0 => 
            array (size=14)
              'id' => string 'e666e197-74d3-4d6c-9ae1-2be9eab76349' (length=36)
              'full_name' => string 'aaa' (length=5)
              'username' => string 'aaa' (length=10)
              'email' => string '' (length=20)
              'email_token' => null
              'email_verified' => boolean true
              'email_token_expires' => null
              'active' => boolean true
              'password_token' => null
              'password_token_expires' => null
              'role' => string 'ADMIN' (length=5)
              'last_login' => null
              'created' => 
              'modified' => 
          1 => 
              protected '_token' => string 'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJlNjY2ZTE5Ny03NGQzLTRkNmMtOWFlMS0yYmU5ZWFiNzYzNDkiLCJleHAiOjE0NjM0ODY4NTl9.3OOTe8UHrLIjR-VzG8w8EI3CKoU1fMHXxC-nuwh5mi0' (length=165)
              protected '_payload' => 
              protected '_error' => null
              protected '_defaultConfig' => 
                array (size=6)
              protected '_registry' => 
              protected '_passwordHasher' => null
              protected '_needsPasswordRehash' => boolean false
              protected '_config' => 
                array (size=13)
              protected '_configInitialized' => boolean true
      protected '_original' => 
        array (size=0)
      protected '_hidden' => 
        array (size=0)
      protected '_virtual' => 
        array (size=0)
      protected '_className' => null
      protected '_dirty' => 
        array (size=2)
          0 => boolean true
          1 => boolean true
      protected '_new' => boolean true
      protected '_errors' => 
        array (size=0)
      protected '_invalid' => 
        array (size=0)
      protected '_accessible' => 
        array (size=2)
          '*' => boolean true
          'id' => boolean true
      protected '_registryAlias' => string 'Users' (length=5)
    opened by eymen-elkum 21
  • Breaks table association.

    Breaks table association.

    Following is in my composer.json for context:

     "require": {
       "php": ">=5.5.9",
       "cakephp/cakephp": "3.3.*",
       "mobiledetect/mobiledetectlib": "2.*",
       "cakephp/migrations": "~1.0",
       "cakephp/plugin-installer": "*",
       "friendsofcake/crud": "^4.3",
       "friendsofcake/search": "^2.3",
       "friendsofcake/crud-view": "^0.3.3",
       "friendsofcake/crud-users": "^0.2.0",
       "cakedc/users": "^3.2",
       "maiconpinto/cakephp-adminlte-theme": "^1.0",
       "muffin/footprint": "dev-master"
       "require-dev": {
       "psy/psysh": "@stable",
       "cakephp/debug_kit": "~3.2",
       "cakephp/bake": "~1.1"

    When I enable the footprint plugin in my posts model:

    $this->addBehavior('Muffin/Footprint.Footprint', [
      'events' => [
        'Model.beforeSave' => [
          'user_id' => 'new',
          'edit_user_id' => 'new',
          'username' => 'new',

    I have associations between PostsTable (belongsTo('Users')), UsersTable (hasMany('Posts')). When I enable this plugin it throws an error that posts is not associated with users. If I disable the plugin I am able to create a post with the logged in user. I have tried to identify the exact error but so far nothing specific has come up.

    Thoughts? Thanks again, great plugin so far, been using it for a while now on a few projects this is definitely new.

    opened by termlimit 17
  • Sets Model.initialize in trait __construct method

    Sets Model.initialize in trait __construct method

    A problem was occurring when models that have Footprint behaviour were initialised in component, before Footprint Model.initialize listener was getting set.

    opened by andrej-griniuk 13
  • Integration tests fail with cake 3.3.4

    Integration tests fail with cake 3.3.4

    With Cake 3.3.3 the following is included in our setUp() - and that puts content in the '_footprint' key in the table's $options array - but 3.3.4 and 3.3.5 this array is null :-/

    use Muffin\Footprint\Event\FootprintListener;
        public function setUp()
            // put the login logic here instead in each function
            // Set session data
                'Auth' => [
                    'User' => [ /**/ ],
                        'language' => [
                            'short_code' => 'en_US',
                            'currency_id' => '83e0e78d-115e-423f-82dc-cf3f9da37b3d',
            $this->listener = new FootprintListener();
    opened by Spriz 10
  • Use footprint across plugins

    Use footprint across plugins

    I have split my application into plugins .

    Im trying to use Footprint and I have the following setup:

    • I have FootprintAwareTrait called inside src/Controller/AppController
    • I have my Tables and Models in src and Controllers and Templates in plugins/Foo.

    The above setup didn't work.

    So I left FootprintAwareTrait; inside src/Controller/AppController and tried to move some stuff around:

    • Moved everything in src - WORKED
    • Moved everything in plugins/MyPluginName - WORKED

    But I still want to have Tables and Models in src and Controllers and Templates in plugins/Foo, so any ideas if it's possible to use the Footprintplugin in that case ?

    I have managed to reproduce that in a new project and made a repo.

    opened by kristiyandobrev 9
  • Configuration problem

    Configuration problem

    Using CakePHP4 Please, review the "Usage" readme secction. I'm unable to get it working correctly. Every fail (including Missing controller or action) end with: "You must have AuthenticationComponent or AuthComponent loaded to use Footprint"

    `use Muffin\Footprint\Auth\FootprintAwareTrait;

    class AppController extends Controller { use FootprintAwareTrait;

    // Specify the user model if required. Defaults to "Users".
    $this->_userModel = 'YourPlugin.Members';//<-- Cannot use $this out of function


    opened by jfalbel 6
  • Problem with foreign key constraint

    Problem with foreign key constraint

    Its working fine with cakephp 3.5 till user is login. but how to set NULL (not 0) for not login users.

    In simple words how to save fields (created_by, modified_by) with NULL not the 0.

    This is the case where user can fill form with or without login and system need to track user if it is login else it should enter NULL (not zero).

    opened by nakoda 6
  • Support Model.beforeRules

    Support Model.beforeRules

    Right now rules cannot make use of the information provided by the FootprintBehavior, as it is injected after the rules checking step.

    However rules might need to check on it. Usage example:

    Records can be locked for editing by a user. The rule ensures that the modifying user is the one holding the lock, if there is any (by comparing modifiedby in the entity with lockedby in the database).

    I don't know the design decision to use beforeSave, but I would assume beforeRules is the better place in general. As the rules check the consistency of the entity and the user data might play part in it.

    I volunteer to do a PR that enables Model.beforeRules next to Model.beforeSave.

    opened by ypnos 6
  • CakePHP 3.9.7 breaks muffin/footprint plugin #15377

    CakePHP 3.9.7 breaks muffin/footprint plugin #15377

    This is a (multiple allowed):

    • [x] bug

    • [ ] enhancement

    • [ ] feature-discussion (RFC)

    • CakePHP Version: 3.9.7

    • Platform and Target: nginx,mysql,debian buster

    What you did

    composer update cakephp updating to 3.9.7

    What happened

    after updating cakephp, the muffin/footprint (v1.2.2) throws a 500.

    What you expected to happen

    geting the user from the muffin/footprint plugin


    opened by reloxx13 5
  • Add Plugin Manifest

    Add Plugin Manifest

    This should enable the correct loading of the plugin, long term and to preempt the warning coming in 4.2. See discussion on CakePHP/CakePHP 4.1.2 bug fix in the long term. CakePHP #14891

    opened by JacobAGTyler 5
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