How does the HRZ Duplicate Refiner work?
1- Compares two directories :
patternDir: the directory used as the pattern & does not change.
victimDir: A directory that is compared to patternDir directory and changes are applied to it.
2- victimDir directory files that are similar to patternDir directory files will be removed from the victimDir directory.
What do similar files mean?
- Their names are the same.
- Their contents are the same.
- Their internal paths are the same.
- Their Extensions and file types are the same.
3- Finally, after deleting similar files if a directory becomes empty, that directory will also be deleted in victimDir directory.
Directories that are empty from the beginning will not be deleted.
How to use HRZ Duplicate Refiner
1- In the first step, it is better to back up all your files.
2- Download the refiner.php file and place it next to the two directories you want to compare.
3- Open the refiner.php file and enter the names of the directories in the variables and save (In lines 8 and 9).
$patternDir = "original";
$victimDir = "check";
4- Run the file and enjoy it!