LogRegPHP is a simple authentication module coded in object-oriented PHP. It provides you with some helper classes to help you get on speed with your project.
Download or clone the repository
Edit and rename the .env.example file to .env
Run install.php (this will create the users and users_session table for you)
To check if a user is logged in, create a new user object
$user = new User();
and call the isLoggedIn method$user->isLoggedIn()
// Create a new user instance $user = new User(); // If user is not logged in if( !$user->isLoggedIn() ) { // Flash a message to the session Session::flash('status', 'Unauthorized.'); // Redirect to the login page Redirect::to('login.php'); }
The above code was taken from the dashboard.php file. For more examples, check the files in the root directory.
See it live at demo.nixx.dev/logregphp.
If you discover any bug, please kindly create a new issue.
If you need any help using the code, please send an email to hello@nixx.dev. I will respond as soon as I can.