GPT-2 article generator tool
GPT-2 AI article generator simple PHP script.
With GPT-2.COM fine-tuned model you can generate unique articles in many affiliate marketing niches, for SEO needs such as: PBN, Link Wheels, Doorways, etc ...
Setup GPT-2.COM account
- register on GPT-2.COM
- select plan and add API units to your account. You can get free coupon for testing in telegram channel
- get your User ID and API key in dashboard
Download ZIP file to any folder on machine with PHP, and extract Make folder 'out' writeable
chmod 777 out
Edit file gen.php replace YOUR _USER_ID and YOUR_API_KEY with values from your GPT-2 account.
Edit your php.ini
allow_url_fopen = On
max_execution_time = 0
Tasks are stored in file tasks.txt in the following format: title|prefix
Each line - one article task. Fill tasks.txt with your tasks. Prefix should be 50-250 symbols. The more relevant the better.
Run the script
php gen.php
Articles will be written to 'out' folder.