Laravel Dumper - Improve the default output of dump() and dd() in Laravel projects


Laravel Dumper

Improve the default output of dump() and dd() in Laravel projects. Improves the default dump behavior for many core Laravel objects, including:

  • Models
  • Query Builders
  • Service Container
  • Database Connections
  • Carbon Instances
  • Requests and Responses


Install as a dev dependency:

# composer require glhd/laravel-dumper --dev


Just use dd() as you would normally, and enjoy the newly curated output!

  • Installation issue PHP < 8.0

    Installation issue PHP < 8.0


    When running composer require, if PHP is below 8.0, it will throw an error during @php artisan package:discover because of typed properties.

    I would recommand upgrading composer.json with the minimum php version or update classes to make it compatible as it should not be a breaking change


    opened by akawam 3
  • Laravel-data error

    Laravel-data error

    Describe the bug

    What version does this affect?

    • Laravel Version: 9.2.0
    • Package Version: 1.0.1

    To Reproduce Create a Laravel Data, then try SongData::from([...]);

    Expected behavior It works

    opened by sawirricardo 2
  • Allow usage of Lumen in Caster.php

    Allow usage of Lumen in Caster.php

    Remove type hint for Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application and also allowed \Laravel\Lumen\Application. Error handling could be implemented, but is not necessary in my opinion

    To use it in Lumen in bootstrap/app.php the following line should be added:


    Fixes #9

    opened by Cyb0rk 2
  • Generated SQL statement contains wrong bindings

    Generated SQL statement contains wrong bindings

    Describe the bug When dumping Query Builder, it generates incorrect SQL statement.

    What version does this affect?

    • Laravel Version: 9.0.0
    • Package Version: 1.0.0

    To Reproduce

    dd(User::where('name', 'test')->whereBetween('id', [1, 2]));

    It generates following SQL: select * from "users" where "name" = 'test' and "id" between 'test' and 'test'

    Expected behavior

    SQL: select * from "users" where "name" = 'test' and "id" between 1 and 2

    Additional context

    That lost me a few hours, trying to hunt down the bug in my app, then in Eloquent itself, then checking if it is affected by me being on PHP 8.1, etc.

    opened by laacz 2
  • Make ddf/dumpf more obvious in readme

    Make ddf/dumpf more obvious in readme

    I glossed over this a few times in the readme and only realised they were there after source diving and then checking the readme for the helpers I found. This update just makes them a bit more obvious.

    opened by hailwood 1
  • Add sample of each enhanced dumper vs original output

    Add sample of each enhanced dumper vs original output

    This package is pretty awesome! Great work.

    I think it would help the uptake if we could add some way to show the improvement of each dumper. Ideas are

    • Videos like on the readme
    • Screenshots of the top parts
    • Directory of e.g. query_builder_original.txt and query_builder_enhanced.txt
    opened by hailwood 1
  • Add diffs

    Add diffs

    This addresses #2 by adding sample diffs that are auto-generated from the test cases. It also updates test case names to improve the diff file output.

    opened by inxilpro 0
  • check for laravel version above v9.32.0

    check for laravel version above v9.32.0


    before v9.32.0 when dd( Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder ) show query, and it's very useful

    after update don't show query and just return Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder class attribute

    I guess something changed and affected this.

    opened by alissn 2
  • 1.0.1(Feb 10, 2022)

  • 1.0.0(Jan 24, 2022)

  • 0.5.0(Jan 23, 2022)


    • Removed the LaravelDumper facade in favor of registering custom casters directly


    If you were using the LaravelDumper::for() method, you need to replace it with a direct call to the CustomCaster class. The API is exactly the same—you simply need to import a different class name. See the README for more details.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.4.0(Jan 23, 2022)

  • 0.3.0(Jan 21, 2022)


    • Added support for dynamic custom casters
    • Added LaravelDumper facade
    • Added custom Properties collection for easier manipulation of dumped properties


    • Changed Caster interface to use Properties collection
    • Updated all casters to use new Properties collection
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.2.0(Jan 21, 2022)

  • 0.1.0(Jan 19, 2022)

  • 0.0.1(Jan 19, 2022)

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