DEPRECATED - Please use the issue tracker


GitLab CI is an open-source continuous integration server

build status Code Climate Dependency Status Coverage Status

GitLab CI 8.0

GitLab CI is now integrated in GitLab. The last 'stand-alone' version of GitLab CI was version 7.14. The sole purpose of GitLab CI 8.0 is to help you migrate data from your existing (pre-8.0) CI server into GitLab 8.0.

The migration procedure is documented in GitLab.


Please see the GitLab CI page on the website for all information.

  • Enable deployment step for successful projects

    Enable deployment step for successful projects

    This change set provides support for deployment. You can provide a deployment script in the build settings.

    If the latest build for a commit is successful you can manually hit the deploy button and let one of the runners deploy your project. After successful deployment the status will change to deployed. If the deployment fails the status will be successful again.

    Here are some screenshots: deploysettings deploy_builds

    opened by MichaelSp 26
  • Add email notification.

    Add email notification.

    I've ported the email implementaion of GitlabHQ to this repo.

    Default only failing builds trigger an email notification, but this can be changed in application.yml

    # Email address used in the "From" field in mails sent by GitLab-CI
    email_from: gitlab-ci@localhost
    # Email address of your support contact (default: same as email_from)
    support_email: support@localhost
    # Only send emails for all failing builds
    # all_broken_builds: true
    # Add committer to recipients list
    # add_committer: true

    Updated instructions in how to setup smtp settings and I've added specs, but I had troubles running the project locally, so I couldn't test it on actual builds.

    The email settings can be managed in the project settings dialog.


    screen shot 2013-11-30 at 11 20 14 pm

    opened by JeroenKnoops 21
  • builds: Allow all visitors to see build detail page

    builds: Allow all visitors to see build detail page

    Also hide "run" and "edit project" as well as "cancel build" from this page if the user is not logged in.

    Signed-off-by: Dennis Rassmann

    opened by showp1984 19
  • List all users projects, not just the projects they own.

    List all users projects, not just the projects they own.

    Currently, the /projects/gitlab page only shows projects the user is the owner of. The following change makes it so all of the user's projects are listed.

    This seems to be a more sensible default perhaps, but I'm not super familiar with Ruby, so perhaps this isn't the right way to do it.

    opened by tom5760 17
  • Added Travis-CI compatibility layer

    Added Travis-CI compatibility layer

    WARNING: This is WIP, please do not merge. This is preliminary work which still requires significant changes: i.e. better handling build matrix in terms of database representation and views.

    This Pull Request adds Travis-CI support in GitLab CI. Most of the features already work: build matrices, languages, OSes. In order to test these changes at least this PR is required: It uses Travis-CI libraries: and to create build matrix and generate shell script. Travis images can be built using or using my script:

    • Use Travis::YAML to generate build matrices
    • Use Travis::Build to generate build scripts
    • Fetch .travis.yml from GitLab repository
    • Support for limiting runners with OS and Language support
    • Support for runners which can handle only build for project
    • Added 'Build Now' view which allows to force build
    • When using 'Deploy' in 'Build Now' try to fetch .release.yml first
    opened by ayufan 15
  • Move away from puma to unicorn

    Move away from puma to unicorn

    I took the init.d script and unicorn config from GitLab and modified them to fit GitLab CI.

    You can test this on the following Vagrant box: (Original code for the vagrant box was made by @tuminoid)

    This should fix #376

    opened by jvanbaarsen 15
  • Add sample CI build with notification script

    Add sample CI build with notification script

    This CI build script is invoked by GitLab CI on each build run and meant to be project specific. The script will run common build tasks (bundle install, rake db:setup and rake rspec) upon each invocation, but you may easily modify the build() function to add your own steps. When the build fails, and email is sent to configured recipients. Instructions are inside the script.

    This is a stab to address requests similar to issue #222

    opened by demisx 12
  • Docker Image mention

    Docker Image mention

    As per conversation with @dosire, I'l like to add the mention of the GitLab-CI Docker image I've build. I'm not exactly sure how you'd like to word it or section to place it within, so feel free to throw this away and use your own wording... Thanks GitLabHQ

    opened by anapsix 11
  • Extending API to manipulate Projects and Runners

    Extending API to manipulate Projects and Runners

    The purpose of this pull request is to aid in the automation of setting up a project in Gitlab CI using a background script instead of clicking on the UI.

    New API Methods for Projects

    GET /projects/:id - returns information about a Gitlab CI project
    GET /projects - returns list of all authorized Gitlab CI projects
    GET /projects/owned - returns list of all Gitlab CI projects owned
    POST /projects - create a Gitlab CI project
    PUT /projects/:id - updates Gitlab CI project information 
    DELETE /projects/:id - removes a Gitlab CI project
    POST /projects/:id/runners/:runner_id - links a project to a runner
    DELETE /projects/:id/runners/:runner_id - removes link between project and runner

    These are documented in the comments where they are defined, but I would be happy to write more documentation on the README if needed.

    Authentication via Token to API

    This is implemented in much the same way as it is done in gitlabhq. The linking of a service still needs to be solved on the gitlabhq side.

    Thanks and I look forward to your feedback!

    @randx @dosire

    opened by alakra 10
  • Change gravatar_icon helper to handle ssl

    Change gravatar_icon helper to handle ssl

    This commit refactors the gravatar_icon helper method to handle ssl. This is because when running gitlab-ci with ssl enabled, it gives a warning because portions of the page are not secure. In addition to refactoring this method, it also adds some configuration values to the application.yml.example file that are needed for the gravatar_icon helper method. And finally, this commit adds spec tests to cover the refactored method.

    opened by endoze 8
  • Improve CI output

    Improve CI output

    Fix: Close SPAN tag when using default text color. Improve: Erase line works fine (escape[2K) Improve: Cleanup other terminal control escape sequences

    opened by mongris 8
Your users do not always report errors, LaraBug does. LaraBug is a simple to use and implement error tracker built for the Laravel framework.

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