Monolog logging support for Slim Framework

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Logging Slim-Monolog

Monolog Logging for Slim Framework

This repository adds support for logging to Monolog to the Slim Framework.


MonologWriter takes an array of handlers, an array of processors and a logger name.

$logger = new \Flynsarmy\SlimMonolog\Log\MonologWriter(array(
    'handlers' => array(
        new \Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler('./logs/'.date('Y-m-d').'.log'),

$app = new \Slim\Slim(array(
    'log.writer' => $logger,

This example assumes you are autoloading dependencies using Composer. If you are not using Composer, you must manually require the log writer class before instantiating it.


The Slim-Monolog is released under the MIT public license.

  • Undefined class constants

    Undefined class constants


    I'm running Slim 2.2.0 and now encounter this error when declaring a new MonologWriter:

    Fatal error:  Undefined class constant 'Slim\Log::EMERGENCY'

    I get this error for all the new log levels added as part of: 00c4e3b872fbb2250c97bf7fefad326949902686

    If I revert the changes everything works again.

    opened by fenfe1 4
  • Monolog throws error because of constructor

    Monolog throws error because of constructor

    Monolog, as of 1.15.0, tries to create a dir on every log action and raises an exception:

    Slim-Monolog creates an unused monolog instance with an invalid log dir in its constructor:

    So applications with Monolog 1.15.0 and Slim-Monolog won't work now, I think.

    opened by bladi87 3
  • Hard coded path in library

    Hard coded path in library

    There is a hard-coded log location at line 110:

    new \Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler('./logs/'.date('y-m-d').'.log'),

    Since this hard coded location merges into the other locations array, it could easily cause a lot of problems in light-weight situations (like docker containers) which have virtually no disk space and do all their logging remotely. It also destroys one of the most valuable things about Monolog, that you have fine, granular control over where the logs go.

    It really should be 'handlers' => array(),

    Worse yet, because this merge is silent & undocumented, it took me about 3 hours to track this down as I didn't have a directory in "." called "logs".....

    opened by ckmaresca 2
  • adds get_resource method

    adds get_resource method

    adds a public method to retrieve the instanced \Monolog\Logger object, to access its methods.

    This is because, since Monolog#658, it's possible to configure the Logger instance to avoid using microsecond resolution timestamps, saving a few milliseconds on a middle sized PHP app.

    opened by ffflabs 1
  • Can you please create a tag for this repo

    Can you please create a tag for this repo

    So that I can atleast include a version number in my composer.json file rather then dev-master, because if a breaking change was to be made in dev-master, my code would be broken at that point.

    opened by silentworks 1
  • monolog 1.15.0 mkdir fix

    monolog 1.15.0 mkdir fix

    Monolog, as of 1.15.0, tries to create a dir on every log action and raises an exception. Slim-Monolog creates an unused monolog instance with an invalid log dir in its constructor.

    opened by bladi87 0
  • Installation and usage issues

    Installation and usage issues

    Are the installation instructions missing something or am I? Shouldn't the install be:

    composer require flynsarmy/slim-monolog

    The installation instructions in the README shows usage, not installing.

    I did the composer require as shown above, as I assume that this was assumed? But then I get the following error:

    Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'Slim\Log' not found in /var/www/server/public/index.php:10 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in /var/www/server/public/index.php on line 10

    I would think there should be clear install instructions and then clear usage instructions. Code that I could drop into a route and it would just work.

    opened by teckel12 0
  • Slim v3 support?

    Slim v3 support?

    Does this library support Slim v3?

    It doesn't mention any version requirement in and I'm getting an error that Slim\Log colud not be found.

    I looked in Slim's source, and v2 has a \Slim\Log, while 3v does not.

    opened by JoshWillik 5
  • log directory path concatenation is wrong

    log directory path concatenation is wrong

    The newest commit for monolog 1.15.0 breaks my logging:

    $config['app']['log.writer'] = new \Flynsarmy\SlimMonolog\Log\MonologWriter(array(
        'handlers' => array(
            new \Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler(
                realpath(__DIR__ . '/logs')
                    .'/'.$_ENV['SLIM_MODE'] . '_' .date('Y-m-d').'.log'

    I get this error:

    Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'UnexpectedValueException' with message 'There is no existing directory at "./logs" and its not buildable: Permission denied'

    When I output the $stream in StreamHandler->construct() i get:


    It seems like the path concatenation is somehow off.

    opened by elburro1887 7
  • Passing context information to Monolog

    Passing context information to Monolog

    Is it possible to pass context information to Monolog?

    Slim's logging overview mentions the ability to pass mixed information but I haven't been able to sort out any way to pass context information through slim-monolog to Monolog.

    opened by grantlucas 2
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