(Experimental) Neos / Flow via Roadrunner


Roadrunner distribution

This is an experimental distribution to run Neos / Flow via Roadrunner.

Note: The Neos / Flow code currently needs patches to

Getting up and running

Install dependencies

composer install

Patch Packages

patch -s -p0 < core-patches.patch
cp *Instance.php Packages/Framework/Neos.Flow/Classes/ObjectManagement/

Setup site

  • Configure database etc.
  • Migrate
  • Import site

Start Roadrunner

./rr serve

Go to http://localhost:8080/ - Magic!

Check Roadrunner workers

./rr workers

Loose ends

  • Provide configs for Development and Production context
  • Better exception handling
  • Optimized reset of object manager instances
    • This currently needs a patched version of Neos / Flow with ImmutableInstance and ResettableInstance (not yet commited to a fork)
  • Keep track of memory usage
  • Use Roadrunner features
  • Check usage of Now and how it can be re-injected
  • Support handling of objects managed by Flow but implemented outside of it (e.g. Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface), it should be possible to mark either as immutable or provide a custom reset function
  • Move psr-worker.php to Flowpack.Roadrunner Package (how to reference from top-level?)
  • Can rr be moved to bin/?
  • ExceptionHandler should be Psr compatible in Flow (and use a small adapter for "echo" in default setup)
  • Perspective: request scoped objects in Flow
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