Example of using TALL stack to select country phone code.

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Laravel select-tall

Select country phone code using TALL stack


Example of using TALL stack to select country phone code.

  • Each item represents a country.
  • Each item has a flag and a phone code.
  • Once you select a country, the phone code will be displayed.

GIF Example



A step by step list of commands / guide that informs how to install an instance of this project.

  • Clone this repository

$ git clone https://github.com/frndchagas/select-tall.git

  • Install composer dependencies

$ composer install

  • Create .env file and generate a new key

$ cp .env.example .env

$ php artisan key:generate

  • Install npm dependencies

$ npm install

  • Run npm

$ npm run watch

  • Run your application

$ php artisan serve

Framework and Plugins

Tailwindcss Plugins


  • Titillium Web

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