In-browser console for Laravel PHP framework.


Laravel 4 Console

In-browser console for Laravel 4 PHP framework.

This bundle executes your code within ConsoleController@postExecute context, and displays the produced output.

The purpose is to easily test your stuff without creating garbage routes and controllers just to run something, ... I'm sure you know what I'm talking about :)

This bundle is intended for a local testing, and shouldn't get nowhere near your production servers!


Index Output SQL


Laravel 4

Add this into require-dev in your composer.json file:

"require-dev" : {
	"darsain/laravel-console": "dev-master"

Run an update:

php composer.phar update

Register the console service provider in app/config/app.php:

'providers' => array(

Then publish the bundle assets:

php artisan asset:publish

And you are done! Open the console in:

Laravel 3

Laravel 3 version along with installation process can be found in the L3 branch.

  • Migration/Seeding PDO::quote() expects parameter 1 to be string

    Migration/Seeding PDO::quote() expects parameter 1 to be string

    I get this error when running php artisan migrate:refresh --seed

    {"error":{"type":"ErrorException","message":"PDO::quote() expects parameter 1 to be string, object given","file":"/home/dd/project/vendor/darsain/console/src/models/console.php","line":44}}
    opened by newtonianb 9
  • Support for Laravel 4

    Support for Laravel 4

    I haven't actually looked into L4 yet, and dunno when I will (no PHP projects on a horizon for me atm), so if someone can give me a quick write up of how to restructure this for L4, you'd be really helpful :)

    Also, some ideas on how to retain support for L3 without creating a new repo?

    opened by darsain 8
  • Undefined method Console::attach()

    Undefined method Console::attach()

    OSX 10.6.8 Apache 2.2.22 PHP 5.3.15

    When I direct my browser to /console I receive the following exception:

    Unhandled Exception
    Call to undefined method Console::attach()
    /Users/woodstreet/Sites/star-communities/bundles/console/start.php on line 42

    To work around this (for the time being), I just mapped the class by hand. So something is going on with Autoloading this class.

        'Console' => Bundle::path('console') . 'models/console.php',
    opened by rk 6
  • Ignore quotes when converting special characters to HTML entities

    Ignore quotes when converting special characters to HTML entities

    Otherwise when you execute this command:

    Role::create( array('name' => 'admin') );

    This unreadable SQL log appears:

    insert into "roles" ("name", "updated_at", "created_at") values ('admin', '2013-09-09 13:27:43', '2013-09-09 13:27:43') returning "id"
    opened by tortuetorche 5
  • Does not work with Sentry

    Does not work with Sentry

    The login process throws an error with Sentry and Console This error dissapears when you remove this line in your app.php 'Darsain\Console\ConsoleServiceProvider',

    "error":{"type":"ErrorException","message":"PDO::quote() expects parameter 1 to be string, object given","file":"vendor\\darsain\\console\\src\\models\\console.php","line":44}}
    opened by newtonianb 5
  • Bug about get_file_size

    Bug about get_file_size

    There is a bug about get_file_size(), the parameter can't be zero. So, if you use

    'output_size'  =>  get_file_size(strlen($output),

    to get the output size, it will throw error exception when there is no output. It should be changeed to

    'output_size'  => (strlen($output)) ? get_file_size(strlen($output)) : 0,

    I am not sure the bug only happened to me or everybody.

    My php is 5.3.10.


    opened by markwu 5
  • Reduce Font Size

    Reduce Font Size

    I would like to reduce the editor (and display) font size if possible. I am sure I can find out where to hack this stuff out (probably in a css somewhere) but just curious if there was an exposed method for doing this?

    If not, I can surely hack around and find out where to do it (heck, maybe even enhance to make this possible for others)

    opened by mikeerickson 4
  • Would it be possible to use filter instead of whitelist?

    Would it be possible to use filter instead of whitelist?

    I understand the reason to have whitelist location, however Scribe bundle for example use filter as an easy authentication middleware to authenticate everything that route to console.


    opened by crynobone 4
  • Standalone package based on this library

    Standalone package based on this library

    Hi I just wanted to notify that some time ago I forked this package and created standalone alternative (standalone means that can be used with any framework or with vanilla PHP). The general functionality and appearance of this application stayed the same, but I improved a lot and added some other functionality. I just released version 1.0.0.

    Link to repository:

    opened by jan-j 3
  • Error when executing code

    Error when executing code

    When I click execute after entering code, I get this error:

    {"error":{"type":"Symfony\\Component\\Debug\\Exception\\FatalErrorException","message":"syntax error, unexpected '\"', expecting T_STRING","file":"\/Users\/user\/www\/project\/vendor\/darsain\/laravel-console\/src\/Darsain\/Console\/Console.php(111) : eval()'d code","line":1}}

    After adding stripslashes() to the $code var method before eval(), the error goes away

    I'm running Laravel on MacOS Mavericks, PHP 5.3 on MAMP

    opened by arne-s 3
  • Fix problem when exception is thrown

    Fix problem when exception is thrown

    Currently, when an exception is thrown in the apllication, the current callback does not behave correctly. The issue comes from the Route::currentRouteName call. Changing the if condition fix the problem for me.

    opened by BigfootPlatform 3
  • Deprecate in favor of artisan tinker

    Deprecate in favor of artisan tinker

    When I created this, there was nothing better to use, but now (and apparently some time in L4 too), there is artisan tinker which is a core component of Laravel, and provides the same kind of functionality. You can run code from your app context with all files loaded, you have access to your models, you can run ORM queries...

    With that in mind, I think I'd rather deprecate this project in favor of tinker.

    But, I'm not using Laravel right now, and have no tinker experience, so if there is anyone in here that does, and has a valid reason why this shouldn't be deprecated, speak up :)

    opened by darsain 17
Hi, this is my old account. I'm @tomasklaen now.
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