Locale-formatted strftime using IntlDateFormatter


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Locale-formatted strftime using IntlDateFormatter (PHP 8.1 compatible)

This provides a cross-platform alternative to strftime() for when it will be removed from PHP.

Note that output can be slightly different between libc sprintf and this function as it is using ICU.

Original code: https://gist.github.com/bohwaz/42fc223031e2b2dd2585aab159a20f30

Original autor: BohwaZ



Composer install

You can install this plugin into your application using composer:

  • Add php81_bc/strftime package to your project:

      composer require php81_bc/strftime
  • Load the function PHP81_BC\strftime in your project

      require 'vendor/autoload.php';
      use function PHP81_BC\strftime;

Manual install

  • Download php-8.1-strftime.php and save it to an accessible path of your project.
  • Load the function PHP81_BC\strftime in your project
      require 'php-8.1-strftime.php';
      use function PHP81_BC\strftime;


  use function PHP81_BC\strftime;
  echo strftime('%A %e %B %Y %X', new \DateTime('2021-09-28 00:00:00'), 'fr_FR');

Original use

  \setlocale(LC_TIME, 'fr_FR.UTF-8');
  echo \strftime('%A %e %B %Y %X', strtotime('2021-09-28 00:00:00'));
  • doesn't work with LC_TIME=nb_NO.UTF8 ?

    doesn't work with LC_TIME=nb_NO.UTF8 ?

    my LC_TIME is "nb_NO.UTF8", and $format is "%A %d. %B" and $timestamp is 1655935200 and strftime() gives me "torsdag 23. juni", but \PHP81_BC\strftime gives me "Thursday 23. June"

    .. any idea what went wrong here? reproduce script:

    if(false === setlocale(LC_TIME, "nb_NO.UTF8")){
     die("error: locale nb_NO.UTF8 is not installed");
    $stamp = 1655935200;
    $format = "%A %d. %B";
    var_dump(\PHP81_BC\strftime($format, $stamp));
    var_dump(strftime($format, $stamp));

    outputs on my system (PHP7.4.29):

    root@75cee9b6f638:/var/www# php test.php
    string(17) "Thursday 23. June"
    string(16) "torsdag 23. juni"

    what went wrong here?

    opened by divinity76 13
  • Fallback when intl is missing

    Fallback when intl is missing

    This implements a mechanism to replace the locale aware part of the function with differrent formatter classes.

    For now it simply implements a fallback to a non-locale aware formatting using DateTime->format() when the intl extension is missing. Future extension could implement making use of strftime() if it still exist or implement locale formatting in pure PHP.

    For testing a environment variable STRFTIME_NO_INTL can be set to force using the fallback.

    Currently the test for the gregorian calendar jump fails, but I don't understand the issue well enough to fix it.

    opened by splitbrain 4
  • PSR-12 compability?

    PSR-12 compability?

    I noticed the code is currently using a somewhat uncommon formatting (partly enforced via editor config). Would it make sense to adopt PSR-12? I'm happy to provide a pull request if wanted.

    opened by splitbrain 2
  • Minimum PHP version in composer.json is incorrect

    Minimum PHP version in composer.json is incorrect

    Currently, the composer.json lists a minimum PHP version of 5.6, but the actual code includes many features which require later versions, such as a type declaration of ?string, which is only valid since PHP 7.1

    Either the documented minimum version should be updated, or the code changed to run on older versions.

    opened by IMSoP 2
  • Account for different handling of historical dates by ICU and Posix

    Account for different handling of historical dates by ICU and Posix

    The Gregorian calendar was introduced in much of Europe in October 1582, with 4th October followed by the 15th October. ICU interprets historical dates based on this transition by default, but Posix and timelib do not.

    opened by IMSoP 1
  • Try to use LC_TIME locale if locale param is empty

    Try to use LC_TIME locale if locale param is empty

    Using LC_TIME locale if possible will make the function more compatible to the current behaviour.

    The Locale class also supports identifiers with dashes and may be more than 5 characters; see https://www.php.net/manual/en/class.locale.php

    opened by the-mars 1
  • Add support for modifiers to remove leading zeros or convert to spaces

    Add support for modifiers to remove leading zeros or convert to spaces

    The buildin strftime currently supports modifiers after the % sign. They are not documented at php.net/manual/en/function.strftime but they work on Linux and I have seen code which is using it.

    For example %-d will remove a leading zero if the day of month <10. While %_d will replace the leading zero by a space. I found in a comment that on Windows %#d is doing the same as %-d, so I added it too. This will make it platform-independent ;-)

    opened by the-mars 1
  • Removed never reachable if statement

    Removed never reachable if statement

    The class type check will never return false, as DateTime is always an instance of DateTimeInterface. If the passed $timestamp is invalid, then the DateTime constructor will throw an \Exception, therefore the check is not needed.

    opened by TiberiuD 0
  • "Stand-alone" versions of "month in year" and "day of week" formats more closely mimic strftime in German locale

    Currently this library uses EEE and MMM for %a and %b. However I noticed with my own project's test suite that in the German locale that the "stand-alone" formats ccc and LLL more closely mimic what strftime does for %a and %b.

    In particular EEE and MMM formats do not always truncate to 3 characters in the German locale (they sometimes generate 2 or 4 characters). They also add a period . after the truncated part which strftime does not do.

    Switching to ccc and LLL has no effect on the English and Spanish locales in my test suite.

    Looking at what "stand-alone" is for (https://unicode-org.github.io/icu/userguide/format_parse/datetime/#datetime-format-syntax) I think it is more correct to use the stand-alone formats in a strftime polyfill. While using EEE and MMM would potentially improve the output grammar when the format string combines multiple date parts, you'd have to look at the format string as a whole to know if you need to use the stand-alone versions or not. And at least my libc's strftime does not do this.

    opened by arkonan 1
  • Behaves differently from stock `strftime` for the Italian default year format

    Behaves differently from stock `strftime` for the Italian default year format

    Hi, it seems that \PHP81_BC\strftime behaves differently from stock strftime for the Italian default year format

    require_once "vendor/autoload.php";
    $dt = new \DateTime("2022-01-01 00:00:00");
    setlocale(LC_TIME, 'it_IT.utf8');
    var_dump(strftime("%x %X", $dt->getTimestamp()));
    var_dump(\PHP81_BC\strftime("%x %X", $dt->getTimestamp()));


    string(19) "01/01/2022 00:00:00"
    string(17) "01/01/22 00:00:00"
    opened by nu111 14
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