Add Active Campaign API v3 to your Laravel application.


Laravel ActiveCampaign (WIP)

Latest Stable Version MIT Licensed Quality Score Total Downloads

This package provides a simple interface to the ActiveCampaign API v3.

Currently the packages only supports the endpoints Contacts, Custom Fields Values and Tags. Feel free to PR the remaining endpoints.


  • PHP 8.x
  • Laravel 9.x


1. Install the package via composer

composer require label84/laravel-active-campaign

2. Publish the config file

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Label84\ActiveCampaign\ActiveCampaignServiceProvider" --tag="config"

3. Add the base URL and API key to your .env




Retreive an existing contact by their id

use Label84\ActiveCampaign\ActiveCampaign;

$contact = resolve(ActiveCampaign::class)->contacts()->get(1);

List all contact, search contacts, or filter contacts by query defined criteria

use Label84\ActiveCampaign\ActiveCampaign;

$contacts = resolve(ActiveCampaign::class)->contacts()->list('');

Create a contact and get the contact id

use Label84\ActiveCampaign\ActiveCampaign;

$contactId = resolve(ActiveCampaign::class)->contacts()->create('', [
    'firstName' => 'John',
    'lastName' => 'Doe',
    'phone' => '+3112345678',

Update an existing contact

use Label84\ActiveCampaign\ActiveCampaign;
use Label84\ActiveCampaign\DataObjects\ActiveCampaignContact;

$contact = new ActiveCampaignContact(1, '', '+3112345678', 'John', 'Deer');

$contact = resolve(ActiveCampaign::class)->contacts()->update($contact);

Delete an existing contact by their id

use Label84\ActiveCampaign\ActiveCampaign;


Custom Field Values

Retreive an existing field value by their id

use Label84\ActiveCampaign\ActiveCampaign;

$fieldValue = resolve(ActiveCampaign::class)->fieldValues()->get(50);

Create a field value and get the id

use Label84\ActiveCampaign\ActiveCampaign;

$fieldValue = resolve(ActiveCampaign::class)->fieldValues()->create(1, 50, 'active');

Update an existing field value

use Label84\ActiveCampaign\ActiveCampaign;
use Label84\ActiveCampaign\DataObjects\ActiveCampaignFieldValue;

$fieldValue = new ActiveCampaignFieldValue(1, 50, 'inactive');

$fieldValue = resolve(ActiveCampaign::class)->fieldValues()->update($fieldValue);

Delete an existing field value by their id

use Label84\ActiveCampaign\ActiveCampaign;



Retreive an existing tag by their id

use Label84\ActiveCampaign\ActiveCampaign;

$tag = resolve(ActiveCampaign::class)->tags()->get(100);

List all tags filtered by name

use Label84\ActiveCampaign\ActiveCampaign;

$tags = resolve(ActiveCampaign::class)->tags()->list('abc');

Create a tag and get the id

use Label84\ActiveCampaign\ActiveCampaign;

$tag = resolve(ActiveCampaign::class)->tags()->create('test_tag', 'This is a new tag');

Update an existing tag

use Label84\ActiveCampaign\ActiveCampaign;
use Label84\ActiveCampaign\DataObjects\ActiveCampaignTag;

$tag = new ActiveCampaignTag(100, 'test_tag', 'Another description');

$tag = resolve(ActiveCampaign::class)->tags()->update($tag);

Delete an existing tag by their id

use Label84\ActiveCampaign\ActiveCampaign;



./vendor/bin/phpstan analyse



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  • Need to help understanding how this works

    Need to help understanding how this works


    I previously installed ActiveCampaign in another php framework with the AC php wrapper. But I need to install this in Laravel now and this package seems interesting. I do have a few questions:

    • From the document (and the code), it seems like settings a value to a custom field requires the id of the field. But why would I list my custom fields in the config file if we are not using those ids? (I am probably missing one step)
    • Can I only set values on custom fields 1 by 1? It doesn't seems like I can create the contact with the custom fields, nor can I send multiple values at the same time?

    Thanks for your help !


    opened by heyddi 1
  • Bump version number

    Bump version number

    Hello, after installing the package it's not possible to publish the config file because the version number wasn't updated after the last commits. Can you do that ? Thanks in advance.

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  • Update ActiveCampaignServiceProvider.php

    Update ActiveCampaignServiceProvider.php

    This makes to the publish config command works: php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Label84\ActiveCampaign\ActiveCampaignServiceProvider" --tag="config"

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