PHP TDEngine RESTful connector

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封装了 TDEngine 的 RESTful 接口,可以使用 PHP 轻松地操作 TDEngine 的数据插入和查询了。

此项目支持在 PHP >= 7.0 的项目中使用。

支持在 ThinkPHP、Laravel、Swooleimi 等项目中使用

在 Swoole 环境中支持协程化,不会阻塞!

技术支持 QQ 群: 17916227点击加群,如有问题可以及时解答和修复。


composer require yurunsoft/tdengine-restful-connector


$client = new \Yurun\TDEngine\Client(new \Yurun\TDEngine\ClientConfig([
    // 'host'            => '',
    // 'hostName'        => '',
    // 'port'            => 6041,
    // 'user'            => 'root',
    // 'password'        => 'taosdata',
    // 'ssl'             => false,
    // 'timestampFormat' => \Yurun\TDEngine\Constants\TimeStampFormat::LOCAL_STRING,
    // 'keepAlive'       => true,

// 通过 sql 方法执行 sql 语句
var_dump($client->sql('create database if not exists db_test'));
var_dump($client->sql('show databases'));
var_dump($client->sql('create table if not exists db_test.tb (ts timestamp, temperature int, humidity float)'));
var_dump($client->sql(sprintf('insert into db_test.tb values(%s,%s,%s)', time() * 1000, mt_rand(), mt_rand() / mt_rand())));

$result = $client->sql('select * from db_test.tb');

$result->getResponse(); // 获取接口原始返回数据

// 获取列数据
foreach ($result->getColumns() as $column)
    $column->getName(); // 列名
    $column->getType(); // 列类型值
    $column->getTypeName(); // 列类型名称
    $column->getLength(); // 类型长度

// 获取数据
foreach ($result->getData() as $row)
    echo $row['列名']; // 经过处理,可以直接使用列名获取指定列数据

$result->getStatus(); // 告知操作结果是成功还是失败;同接口返回格式

$result->getHead(); // 表的定义,如果不返回结果集,则仅有一列“affected_rows”。(从 2.0.17 版本开始,建议不要依赖 head 返回值来判断数据列类型,而推荐使用 column_meta。在未来版本中,有可能会从返回值中去掉 head 这一项。);同接口返回格式

$result->getRow(); // 表明总共多少行数据;同接口返回格式
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  • WARNING Channel::~Channel() (ERRNO 10003): channel is destroyed, 976 producers will be discarded

    WARNING Channel::~Channel() (ERRNO 10003): channel is destroyed, 976 producers will be discarded

    #0  Swoole\Coroutine\Channel->push() called at [/home/www/hyperf-skeleton/vendor/yurunsoft/yurun-http/src/YurunHttp/Handler/Swoole/SwooleHttpConnectionPool.php:97]
    #1  Yurun\Util\YurunHttp\Handler\Swoole\SwooleHttpConnectionPool->release() called at [/home/www/hyperf-skeleton/vendor/yurunsoft/yurun-http/src/YurunHttp/Handler/Swoole/SwooleHttpConnectionManager.php:100]
    #2  Yurun\Util\YurunHttp\Handler\Swoole\SwooleHttpConnectionManager->release() called at [/home/www/hyperf-skeleton/vendor/yurunsoft/yurun-http/src/YurunHttp/Handler/Swoole.php:404]
    #3  Yurun\Util\YurunHttp\Handler\Swoole->recvDefer() called at [/home/www/hyperf-skeleton/vendor/yurunsoft/yurun-http/src/YurunHttp/Handler/Swoole.php:227]
    #4  Yurun\Util\YurunHttp\Handler\Swoole->send() called at [/home/www/hyperf-skeleton/vendor/yurunsoft/yurun-http/src/YurunHttp.php:117]
    #5  Yurun\Util\YurunHttp::send() called at [/home/www/hyperf-skeleton/vendor/yurunsoft/yurun-http/src/HttpRequest.php:977]
    #6  Yurun\Util\HttpRequest->send() called at [/home/www/hyperf-skeleton/vendor/yurunsoft/yurun-http/src/HttpRequest.php:1036]
    #7  Yurun\Util\HttpRequest->post() called at [/home/www/hyperf-skeleton/vendor/yurunsoft/tdengine-restful-connector/src/Client.php:63]
    #8  Yurun\TDEngine\Client->request() called at [/home/www/hyperf-skeleton/vendor/yurunsoft/tdengine-restful-connector/src/Client.php:99]
    #9  Yurun\TDEngine\Client->sql() called at [/home/www/hyperf-skeleton/vendor/yurunsoft/tdengine-orm/src/ClientHandler/Restful/Handler.php:18]
    #10 Yurun\TDEngine\Orm\ClientHandler\Restful\Handler->query() called at [/home/www/hyperf-skeleton/app/Service/CreateAlert2.php:23]
    #11 App\Service\CreateAlert2->handle() called at [/home/www/hyperf-skeleton/app/Command/NodeCommand.php:57]
    #12 App\Command\NodeCommand->App\Command\{closure}() called at [/home/www/hyperf-skeleton/vendor/hyperf/utils/src/Functions.php:274]
    #13 call() called at [/home/www/hyperf-skeleton/vendor/hyperf/utils/src/Coroutine.php:62]
    use 0.94960713386536 s
    [2022-11-25 02:57:28 @5365.0]   WARNING Channel::~Channel() (ERRNO 10003): channel is destroyed, 976 producers will be discarded
    opened by onlyshow 7
  • WARNING Channel::~Channel() (ERRNO 10003): channel is destroyed, 976 producers will be discarded

    WARNING Channel::~Channel() (ERRNO 10003): channel is destroyed, 976 producers will be discarded

    #0  Swoole\Coroutine\Channel->push() called at [/home/www/hyperf-skeleton/vendor/yurunsoft/yurun-http/src/YurunHttp/Handler/Swoole/SwooleHttpConnectionPool.php:97]
    #1  Yurun\Util\YurunHttp\Handler\Swoole\SwooleHttpConnectionPool->release() called at [/home/www/hyperf-skeleton/vendor/yurunsoft/yurun-http/src/YurunHttp/Handler/Swoole/SwooleHttpConnectionManager.php:100]
    #2  Yurun\Util\YurunHttp\Handler\Swoole\SwooleHttpConnectionManager->release() called at [/home/www/hyperf-skeleton/vendor/yurunsoft/yurun-http/src/YurunHttp/Handler/Swoole.php:404]
    #3  Yurun\Util\YurunHttp\Handler\Swoole->recvDefer() called at [/home/www/hyperf-skeleton/vendor/yurunsoft/yurun-http/src/YurunHttp/Handler/Swoole.php:227]
    #4  Yurun\Util\YurunHttp\Handler\Swoole->send() called at [/home/www/hyperf-skeleton/vendor/yurunsoft/yurun-http/src/YurunHttp.php:117]
    #5  Yurun\Util\YurunHttp::send() called at [/home/www/hyperf-skeleton/vendor/yurunsoft/yurun-http/src/HttpRequest.php:977]
    #6  Yurun\Util\HttpRequest->send() called at [/home/www/hyperf-skeleton/vendor/yurunsoft/yurun-http/src/HttpRequest.php:1036]
    #7  Yurun\Util\HttpRequest->post() called at [/home/www/hyperf-skeleton/vendor/yurunsoft/tdengine-restful-connector/src/Client.php:63]
    #8  Yurun\TDEngine\Client->request() called at [/home/www/hyperf-skeleton/vendor/yurunsoft/tdengine-restful-connector/src/Client.php:99]
    #9  Yurun\TDEngine\Client->sql() called at [/home/www/hyperf-skeleton/vendor/yurunsoft/tdengine-orm/src/ClientHandler/Restful/Handler.php:18]
    #10 Yurun\TDEngine\Orm\ClientHandler\Restful\Handler->query() called at [/home/www/hyperf-skeleton/app/Service/CreateAlert2.php:23]
    #11 App\Service\CreateAlert2->handle() called at [/home/www/hyperf-skeleton/app/Command/NodeCommand.php:57]
    #12 App\Command\NodeCommand->App\Command\{closure}() called at [/home/www/hyperf-skeleton/vendor/hyperf/utils/src/Functions.php:274]
    #13 call() called at [/home/www/hyperf-skeleton/vendor/hyperf/utils/src/Coroutine.php:62]
    use 0.94960713386536 s
    [2022-11-25 02:57:28 @5365.0]   WARNING Channel::~Channel() (ERRNO 10003): channel is destroyed, 976 producers will be discarded
    opened by onlyshow 1
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