PHP Regular expressions made easy


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VerbalExpressions is a PHP library that helps to construct hard regular expressions.


The project supports Composer so you have to install Composer first, before project setup.

$ composer require  verbalexpressions/php-verbal-expressions:dev-master


// some tests
require './vendor/autoload.php';
use VerbalExpressions\PHPVerbalExpressions\VerbalExpressions;

$regex = new VerbalExpressions();

      ->anythingBut(" ")

if ($regex->test("")) {
    echo "valid url". '<br>';
} else {
    echo "invalid url". '<br>';

if (preg_match($regex, '')) {
    echo 'valid url';
} else {
    echo 'invalid url';

echo "<pre>". $regex->getRegex() ."</pre>";

echo $regex->clean(array("modifiers" => "m", "replaceLimit" => 4))
           ->find(' ')
           ->replace("This is a small test and some more text.", "-");

More examples are available in the following files:

Business readable language expression definition

$definition = 'start, then "http", maybe "s", then "://", maybe "www.", anything but " ", end';
$regex = new VerbalExpressionsScenario($definition);

Methods list

Name Description Usage
add add values to the expression add('abc')
startOfLine mark expression with ^ startOfLine(false)
endOfLine mark the expression with $ endOfLine()
then add a string to the expression add('foo')
find alias for then find('foo')
maybe define a string that might appear once or not maybe('.com')
anything accept any string anything()
anythingBut accept any string but the specified char anythingBut(',')
something accept any non-empty string something()
somethingBut anything non-empty except for these chars somethingBut('a')
replace shorthand for preg_replace() replace($source, $val)
lineBreak match \r \n lineBreak()
br shorthand for lineBreak br()
tab match tabs \t tab()
word match \w+ word()
anyOf any of the listed chars anyOf('abc')
any shorthand for anyOf any('abc')
range adds a range to the expression range(a,z,0,9)
withAnyCase match case default case sensitive withAnyCase()
stopAtFirst toggles the g modifiers stopAtFirst()
addModifier add a modifier addModifier('g')
removeModifier remove a mofier removeModifier('g')
searchOneLine Toggles m modifier searchOneLine()
multiple adds the multiple modifier multiple('*')
_or wraps the expression in an or with the provided value _or('bar')
limit adds char limit limit(1,3)
test performs a preg_match test('[email protected]')

For all the above method (except test) you could use the VerbalExpressionsScenario.

Other Implementations

You can see an up to date list of all ports on

Building the project and running the tests

The project supports Composer so you have to install Composer first before project setup.

curl -sS | php
php composer.phar install --dev
ln -s vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit.php phpunit
  • Support for PHP 5.3-5.5

    Support for PHP 5.3-5.5

    I was wondering if support for 5.3 to 5.5 would be an option, if the slow func_get_args would be just a different implementation of the single method, provided in another class.

    A (new) abstract class would use: protected function range(array $args) The existing class would just call parent::range($args) A new class for older php would use parent::range(func_get_args())

    That would allow older versions to work without negatively impacting the performance of newer versions of php and the change would not break current code. Tests would need to be expanded to check that both range-implementations work the same if covering the single new line is desired.

    If desired I'll write the required code, I'd like to have a 5.3 compatible version in any case.

    opened by Idrinth 4
  • add VerbalExpressionScenario

    add VerbalExpressionScenario

    I have added the possibility to define the expression via a business readable language.

    $definition = 'start, then "http", maybe "s", then "://", maybe "www.", anything but " ", end';
    $regex = new VerbalExpressionsScenario($definition);

    I have also updated the README with a list of the VerbalExpressions methods.

    opened by niklongstone 4
  • Enabling continuous integration via Travis

    Enabling continuous integration via Travis

    I've swapped out the unit test for a travis test :D

    The image refers to your own repo, so you'll need to enable it on

    It works though (see mine): Build Status

    opened by SignpostMarv 3
  • Introducing Composer and PHPUnit support

    Introducing Composer and PHPUnit support

    In order to install this lib with Composer I have re-structured the project. Besides I added PHPUnit (installed by Composer) and wrote the very first testcase (yet to be extended) as showcase.

    If this PR is accepted I will add more testcases.

    In addition I fixed the return value of VerbalExpressions. Originally int was returned but it should be bool.

    opened by frastel 3
  • Providing a tagged version?

    Providing a tagged version?

    I'm wondering if the library is by now stable enough to be given a tag - likely 1.0.0 - so it's less risky to depend on this library. Having a version just makes it way easier to tie down a specific api.

    opened by Idrinth 1
  • Increased consistency

    Increased consistency


    I propose these changes to increase consistency:

    • Always use "@access public" if a method is public
    • Always start the additional description text of a method with an upper case letter
    opened by chriskonnertz 1
  • Example+Readme psr2 compliance & moving dependencies

    Example+Readme psr2 compliance & moving dependencies

    Moved squizlabs/php_codesniffer to require-dev, since there is zero need for it in a production enviroment.

    Adjusted the examples in Example.php and the to comply with PSR2, since the whole project has defined it as it's desired standard.

    opened by Idrinth 1
  • Tests and autoloading updates, use variadic parameters

    Tests and autoloading updates, use variadic parameters

    At first I wasn't be able to run tests, so I did some changes in that field, accordingly to best practices. I also switched from user_func_args() to variadic args, which is several times faster as there is no function call overhead. I have described all my actions in commit log.

    opened by xZero707 1
  • query regarding getRegex testing

    query regarding getRegex testing

    I've noticed that JSVerbalExpressions & PHPVerbalExpressions don't produce the same output for the same input; Which of the VerbalExpressions projects is considered the "master" to test against?

    example: input: regex->startOfLine()->range(0, 9, 'a', 'z', 'A', 'Z')->multiple('')

    $js = '/^[0-9a-zA-Z](?:)*/gm';
    $php = '/^[0-9a-zA-Z]+/m';

    (variables edited to clarify language)

    opened by SignpostMarv 1
  • PSR-2 + enhance phpdoc

    PSR-2 + enhance phpdoc

    | Q | A | | --- | --- | | Bug fix? | no | | Enhancement? | yes | | New feature? | no | | BC breaks? | no | | Deprecations? | no | | Tests pass? | yes |

    opened by ghost 1
  • Inform in composer.json the minimum PHP version

    Inform in composer.json the minimum PHP version

    Hi, it would be important to describe in composer.json which PHP versions is minimum for using this package (as described on


        // ...
        "require": {
            // ...
            "php": ">=5.2"
    opened by rogeriopradoj 1
  • anythingBut and a range doesn't work

    anythingBut and a range doesn't work


    It seems it's not possible to do something like:


    since the sanitize method add systematically a "\" behind the "-" which break the regex range expression. That giving us:

    (?:[^0\-9]*) instead of (?:[^0-9]*)

    Thanks a lot, Aurélien

    opened by AurelienMendes 1
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