I'm writing a python script to cut longer MP3 files (i.e. recordings of several songs) into the individual tracks called ReCut. So far there are two versions of the program: First, there is a compiled .exe program which should run on most devices. One tiny problem: The .exe is too big to upload it here. I'll see if I can fix this, but until then, I've uploaded it on Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tC1vkiggghDv7ikwv2t4MQYxMThKLKNg/view?usp=sharing There also is a python script version (.py) which you can use if you have a python interpreter installed, and, VERY IMPORTANT, ffmpeg added to your path (for windows, this is how you do it: https://windowsloop.com/install-ffmpeg-windows-10/). It's a rather simple program with a very non-polished GUI so far. Feel free to use it and report any problems that occur. I'm planning to rework the GUI a bit and, if I can do it in a useful way, implement the possibility to record system sound of the computer directly in the program. Until then, you'll have to use a program like audacity first to record the original, long MP3. The maximum length of the input MP3 is, to my knowledge, slightly above five hours. I suspect that RAM is the limiting factor, so if you have more than 8 GB of RAM, longer input files may work, too.
A python program to cut longer MP3 files (i.e. recordings of several songs) into the individual tracks.
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v1.2(Oct 11, 2022)
This is Version the first version of ReCut to be released. Improvements and changes are planned.
ReCut enables you to record audio and cut longer recordings into individual tracks. The distinguished tracks are then saved individually as MP3-files.
There are two ways of using ReCut: It can either use a pre-recorded MP3-File to cut or record audio on the spot inside the program and then slice it into individual tracks. It can i.e. be used to cut a one-take recording from a CD you own into the individual titles and save those individually, but it works with any sort of audio played on your PC.
How you use it, is up to you.
ReCut is open-source and written in Python. The ZIP-File includes both a standalone exe-application and the Python source code, which can be edited. If you want to do that, please take a look at the readme, as there are several things to consider when using the python code because it uses ffmpeg. If you have any improvements or tips for me, they are very much appreciated as I am not by any means a professional programmer and wrote this program mainly for fun and to use it myself.
Source code(tar.gz)
Source code(zip)
ReCut_V1.2.zip(382.12 MB)
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