A PHP implementation of bower :bird:



An implementation of bower in PHP.


travis build Code Climate Scrutinizer Code Quality insight Join the chat at https://gitter.im/Bee-Lab/bowerphp


$ composer require beelab/bowerphp


Currently, you can configure your bower directory in .bowerrc file, just like the original Bower.

If you need many dependencies, you'll likely hit the Github API limit (currently 60 requests per hour). To increase your limit to 5000 requests per hour, you can use a token. See Github help. Once you created your token, just store it in the BOWERPHP_TOKEN environment variable.


This project is in stable version (no beta suffix), but still in 0 major version (BC not assured).

See currently open issues.


All contribution are welcome, just take a look at our issues tracker if you want to start somewhere.

If you make a PR make sure that it follow the PSR2 standard. To make sure that your code comply with the standard, you can use a git hook with php-cs-fixer. There is one here that you only need to copy to your .git/hooks folder under the name of pre-commit and you are set.

Building the phar

You can build the phar by simply running:

$ php bin/compile

Or you can use the box command line utility. If you add the following content in a box.json file, you only just need to run box build command to get a phar. Don't forget to give execution permission to your phar, using chmod +x bowerphp.phar.

    "directories": ["src"],
    "files": ["LICENSE"],
    "finder": [
            "name": "*.php",
            "exclude": ["Tests", "phpunit", "mockery"],
            "in": "vendor"
    "main": "bin/bowerphp",
    "output": "bowerphp.phar",
    "stub": true
  • Installer: package version is optional

    Installer: package version is optional

    I just installed package without version (which causes this bug) and I checked, that version is really optional: http://bower.io/docs/creating-packages/

    opened by TomasVotruba 24
  • [ErrorException] Undefined index: dependencies

    [ErrorException] Undefined index: dependencies

    My bower.json and .bowerrc:

        "name": "Username",
        "license": "MIT",
        "private": true,
        "dependencies": {
            "jquery": "~2",
            "bootstrap": "latest",
            "iCheck": "latest",
            "jquery.cookie": "~1.4",
            "jquery-timeago": "~1.5",
            "toastr": "latest",
            "tooltipster": "latest",
            "pace": "latest",
            "respond": "latest",
            "sweetalert": "~1"
      "directory": "public/assets/components",
      "analytics": false

    In console:

    $ php bower.phar update
    $ ls -l ./public/assets/components/
    total 36
    drwxr-xr-x 1 kot 197121 0 Mar 16 09:25 bootstrap
    drwxr-xr-x 1 kot 197121 0 Mar 16 09:27 iCheck
    drwxr-xr-x 1 kot 197121 0 Mar 16 09:22 jquery
    drwxr-xr-x 1 kot 197121 0 Mar 16 09:36 jquery-timeago
    drwxr-xr-x 1 kot 197121 0 Mar 16 09:29 jquery.cookie
    drwxr-xr-x 1 kot 197121 0 Mar 16 09:53 pace
    drwxr-xr-x 1 kot 197121 0 Mar 16 09:55 respond
    drwxr-xr-x 1 kot 197121 0 Mar 16 09:56 sweetalert
    drwxr-xr-x 1 kot 197121 0 Mar 16 09:38 toastr
    drwxr-xr-x 1 kot 197121 0 Mar 16 09:52 tooltipster
    $ php bower.phar list
      Undefined index: dependencies

    So.. Why this happens?

    opened by tarampampam 15
  • Installing jquery installs master instead of tag

    Installing jquery installs master instead of tag

    Trying to install jquery with bowerphp but I never get the dist folder. It seems that each time the master (https://codeload.github.com/jquery/jquery/legacy.zip/master) is downloaded instead of the tag. I've tried it with the following dependencies

    • "jquery": "~2.1.3"
    • "jquery": "v2.1.3"
    • "jquery": "git://github.com/jquery/jquery.git#v2.1.3"
    • "jquery": "git://github.com/jquery/jquery.git#~2.1.3"

    None of them actually downloaded the correct tag from github, but the master .


        "dependencies": {
            "jquery": "2.1.3"

    Verbose output:

    $ vendor/bin/bowerphp install -vvv
    Guzzle >>>>>>>>
    GET /packages/jquery HTTP/1.1
    Host: bower.herokuapp.com
    Accept: application/vnd.github.beta+json
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    HEAD /repos/jquery/jquery/contents/bower.json?ref=2.1.3 HTTP/1.1
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    Host: api.github.com
    Accept: application/vnd.github.beta+json
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    bower jquery#2.1.3         
    bower jquery#2.1.3             install
    Guzzle >>>>>>>>
    GET /repos/jquery/jquery/zipball?ref=2.1.3 HTTP/1.1
    Host: api.github.com
    Accept: application/vnd.github.beta+json
    User-Agent: php-github-api (http://github.com/KnpLabs/php-github-api)
    Authorization: token 937b74789a8af544d308dc469a4b7a011bec4765
    HTTP/1.1 302 Found
    Server: GitHub.com
    Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2015 09:55:50 GMT
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    Expires: Mon, 16 Feb 2015 09:55:50 GMT
    Location: **https://codeload.github.com/jquery/jquery/legacy.zip/master**
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    Guzzle (binary string)
    opened by jelte 11
  • Fix: Impossible to install package when there is no tags.

    Fix: Impossible to install package when there is no tags.

    The install would fail with an [ErrorException] Undefined index: name. This was because the correct tag was return by the findPackage function but it was not stored in the object. I have not been able to write a test case for it so I added a todo in the test were I think it belongs.

    opened by mikeSimonson 11
  • "Not found", the come back

    I got "Not found" message when i try to use bowerphp. I used bowerphp 1.0.*@dev.

    I tried like following : (not working with or without --working-dir option)

    > bin/bowerphp -vvvv --working-dir="/PATH/assets" install
    bower admin-lte.scss#^3.1.2
    bower admin-lte.scss#v3.1.2    install
    bower bootstrap-sass-official#~3.3.4
    bower bootstrap-sass-official#v3.3.6    install
    bower jquery#>= 1.9.0      
    bower jquery#2.2.3             install
    bower jquery-slimscroll#~1.3.6
    bower jquery-slimscroll#v1.3.7    install
    bower fastclick#~1.0.6     
    bower fastclick#v1.0.6         install
    Not Found 

    The BOWERPHP_TOKEN var is set in env.


    Here the package i try to install, the bower.json is in assets directory. Obviously it's working fine with npm and gulp.

    I saw #123 and #117 but seem not answer.

    opened by abenevaut 10
  • Fixed performance when search packages.

    Fixed performance when search packages.

    In old version bower getting all items from json and looked for fitting package. Now use api: http://bower.herokuapp.com/packages/search/<package>

    Profiler results: before: ./bowerphp search sizzle --profile Memory usage: 4.7MB (peak: 58.21MB), time: 29.41s

    after: ./bowerphp search sizzle --profile Memory usage: 4.67MB (peak: 4.77MB), time: 1.01s

    opened by piotrooo 10
  • Wrong sort versions

    Wrong sort versions

    bowerphp info jquery was produce wrong sorted versions.

    - 2.1.1-rc2
    - 2.1.1-rc1
    - 2.1.1-beta1
    - 2.1.1
    - 2.1.0-rc1
    - 2.1.0-beta3
    - 2.1.0-beta2
    - 2.1.0-beta1
    - 2.1.0

    should be replaced by

    - 2.1.1
    - 2.1.1-rc2
    - 2.1.1-rc1
    - 2.1.1-beta1
    - 2.1.0
    - 2.1.0-rc1
    - 2.1.0-beta3
    - 2.1.0-beta2
    - 2.1.0-beta1
    opened by piotrooo 10
  • getting closer to original bower by bugfixing use cases

    getting closer to original bower by bugfixing use cases

    Hello again, I'm working on a large project and I have few errors with some cases which work on original bower, so I've maked adaptations (explained in commit, but ask me if isn't so clear), so if you think you can integrate them without edge effects it'll be cool

    opened by devthejo 9
  • support latest version

    support latest version

    bower can already do that

        "name": "demo",
        "version": "1.0",
        "dependencies": {
            "jquery": "latest"
    opened by Shine-neko 9
  • API rate limit with GitHub

    API rate limit with GitHub

    Please consider using the KnpLabs GitHub API so you can authenticate, create a token and not hit the API rate limit.

    This is also done by Composer when the rate limit is hit.

    opened by sstok 8
  • Impossible to save a package if installed previously

    Impossible to save a package if installed previously

    If you want to save a package that you have already installed with bowerphp install jquery-address. It will fail because there is a check for that in bowerphp.php line 100.

    Not sure what the best approach is in this case ?

    opened by mikeSimonson 7
  • Update to knplabs/github-api version 2

    Update to knplabs/github-api version 2

    First of all, thanks for this awesome project!

    During install with Composer, it says:

    Package guzzle/guzzle is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use guzzlehttp/guzzle instead.

    The guzzle/guzzle package is required by knplabs/github-api:^1.7 but not by knplabs/github-api:2.*.

    Is there any intention of using the new knplabs/github-api library version?

    opened by MrPetovan 2
  • Trying to install cycle js

    Trying to install cycle js

    Hello there, I am trying to install the package cycle js and failing miserably. I keep getting the error message:

    Client error response
    [status code] 404
    [reason phrase] Not Found
    [url] https://github.com/staltz/cycle/master/package.json

    A little help would be greatly appreciated.

    opened by ace411 7
  • support

    support "hash" alias

    Bower is supporting definitions like this one:

    "Ionicons": "ionicons#^2.0.1"

    where the key is a sort of name alias, where the actuale package name is in the value, followed by an hash and finally the version. So, bowerphp should support this, checking for a possible hash, stripping everything before and assigning it to package name and keeping the rest (except the hash itsfelf) as version. So, the resulting of previous example should work as if it was:

    "ionicons": "^2.0.1"

    opened by garak 0
  • Private Repository

    Private Repository

    Hey we use a private Repository hostet on a local Server. (https://github.com/Hacklone/private-bower) With npm Bower Installation it works fine. In bowerphp the packges wont find. If we take a offical packge it works fine. Anyone knows bowerphp support private repository? Our repositorys are hostet in SVN! Can SVN be the problem?

    opened by itstueben 1
  • Update command incompatibility

    Update command incompatibility

    When you run original bower update it quietly installs all required components including those never installed before.

    bowerphp exits with error:

      Package adminlte is not installed.

    Usually package managers (bower, npm, composer, ...) do install when you run update.

    opened by hiqsol 1
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